
The World With Different Realms

abbynores01 · Autres
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2 Chs

Chapter 2


All the fairies in the fairy realms lived in harmony until a dreadful day. A cloaked entity started visiting the dark fairy lord,then started to plant the seed of greed into the mind of the dark fairy lord. Then he said on the last day of his visit,"It is time for you to wage war against the snow fairies". "No,I can't". He's the king",replied the dark fairy lord. Then the mysterious entity slammed his fist on the table frightening the dark fairy lord. "You can't just be controlled like a puppet by your so-called king. And you can't bow down for your own kind, do you know how unfair that is? If you don't want to bow for your king you need power and I can give it to you",growled the entity. "What do I need to do",asked the dark fairy lord. "Good!",the entity remarked.prohibited from ever going there. Luckily for the snow fairies,they were able to catch a dark fairy which was the second in command. "Why did the dark fairies wage war against the snow fairies",asked the king. "It...it...it...was a cloaked...entity...that told his excellency...to wage war against you...your majesty",replied the dark fairy second in command while stammering. "What?!",exclaimed the king. "And the entity said that if we found a crystal called the Scarlet Stone we could dominate the entire realms that ever existed and also said we should exterminate the snow fairy species so you wouldn't be able to interfere with our plan because your specie is the strongest",said the second in command dark fairy. "Where is the crystal located?",asked the king. "The entity said it was located in the depths of the sea of monsters and it will take approximately two weeks for a water fairy to get close to it",replied the dark fairy second in command. "Get a water fairy prepared",commanded the king. And that was how the Scarlet Stone was taken from the sea of monsters and kept by the king in an unknown place. But the thought of who the entity,still bothered him.

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