
The World Walking Original Siphoner (SI, OC)

Guy dies wakes up in the vampire diaries universe as a child of Mikael and Esther but he's a Siphoner due to Dahlia's spell to allow Esther to conceive children (si) Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Possible Crossover, #Harem, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Dark Themes, #Murderer, #Killer, #R18 #Bad Smut, #Keeping it in the Family (Wink Wink Alabama style) #Porn without plot at times #Gore

Shane_Town · TV
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49 Chs


"Vidar, I'm perfectly fine living on my own!" Ayana pesters and protests as she and I exit her hut with my hands full of her things, "You will be living with Lagertha and I…stop arguing to the contrary." I tell Ayana firmly even as she glares at me with a tiny almost imperceptible smile on her lips. 

"Haa, my sweet child…sometimes I wish that I was more firm when handling you." Ayana lets out an exasperated sigh, making me smirk…"I believe you are and have been plenty firm mother." I reply snarkily with a bit of a naughty smirk on my face. 

"Vidar!" Ayana stage whispers like a young woman that is in love, embarrassed and exasperated with the man she loves all at once, as she firmly smacks my ass. 

"L-lady Ayana,  L-lord Vidar." A very familiar voice greets Ayana and I,the image of a recently bloomed young woman named Tatia…both Elena and Katerina Petrova's Doppelgänger, Tatia is practically drooling as she looks at me admiringly, fills my eyes.

'God are all of Amara's Doppelgänger descendants massive men manipulating thots? She's trying to get with me while toying with Elijah and Klaus…whilst she is betrothed to another…granted…it wouldn't take much more convincing for me to fuck her before she marries…Bjorn.' I express in my mind as I release a mental sigh. 

"Tatia, how is your mother?" Ayana asks though Tatia doesn't seem to register her question as she is still staring at me adoringly.  

"It is good to see you are well after the events of yesterday Tatia." I reply to her neutrally.  

"You…do not seem pleased to see me Lord Vidar…have I offended you in any way?  please tell me if so…so I can take proper actions to rectify such a mistake." Tatia expresses periodically biting her bottom lip and giving me bedroom eyes that Katherine and Elena definitely inherited from her. 

"Vidar is just tired today after the battle yesterday and the battle into the morning with his recent bride and wife. Vidar, why don't you hand me my things and accompany Tatia on a walk, you could use some time to relax." Ayana replies for me kindly while nabbing her things from my arms and pushing me towards Tatia who makes a happy sound and slinks her arms around my arm pulling it against her breasts that are a bit larger than Lagertha…in fact she's a lot softer than my warrior wife. 

I'm not sure why but I don't resist as Tatia starts leading me towards the wall, 'I hope Freya is alright she didn't come to me in my dreams last night…' I express my worry in my head various macabre scenarios playing in my mind at why Freya didn't visit me last night, though I feel the steady beat of her heart next to mine and feel reassured that wherever she and Dahlia are she's at least safe for now, I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Tatia when she makes an appreciative noise whilst leading me to the waterfall that Silas will throw a trapped Stefan Salvatore into.

Tatia led me down a bit of a treacherous animal path, to an area of smoothed out rock that dips into the water, Tatia releases my arm and moves to stand in front of me and slowly…demurely letting her thin brown dress slip off her shoulders and slide down her body.

Revealing her larger than handful breasts…her soft smooth belly, her hips that have just the right amount of wideness and curve to them to not make her look narrow waisted.

'Dammit…Ayana I know you shoed me off with her for this exact thing to happen and damn it all.' I curse in my head as my eyes take in Tatia in all of her nude glory, noticing that she also uses the hair treatment Lagertha and Ayana use to keep anything but the smallest and thin patch of hair growing between her thighs.

"Do I please you?, my Lord." Tatia asks me as she moves her hands around her body in a suggestive but shy manner.

I hear a snicker from behind me and instantly recognize who it belongs to, "L-lady Lagertha! M-my apologies…" Tatia's eyes widen in surprise, and she just about screams as she quickly tries to put her dress back on, only for an arrow to be shot between her legs making her stop and start to tremble in terror.

"Husband…how could you betray me so? Running off with a maiden like this after only recently wedding and bedding me." Lagertha teases in mock anguish and I realize immediately that I'd been played from the very beginning of all of this.

"P-p-please, Lady-" Tatia begins to whimper an apology.

"Silence whore!...I will deal with you in due time." Lagertha shouts softly and I can hear the amusement in her voice as Lagertha stealthily comes up behind me.

"She's quite beautiful isn't she my husband…Ayana and I agreed last night after you slumbered off that you deserve a reward…for your prowess in battle…in returning life to Ayana…and then making each one of us know that you love us." Lagertha whispers seductively into my ear as her arms circle around me from behind her hands nimbly and in an experienced manner undoing my sword belt pulling it away from me instead of letting it fall to the smooth rock surface we are standing on, and set it down behind her before encircling me once more with her arms and undoing each of the buttons on my jacket.

"Tell me, does she please you my love?" Lagertha teasingly asks me in a whisper as Tatia on her knees in front of us with her head down whimpers submissively.

"Yes, but nowhere near as much as you, my lovely wife." I reply to Lagertha, making her let out a throaty pleased chuckle, as she finished unhooking the last button of my coat and started stripping me of it, once it is off she moves slightly and sets it down next to my sword.

"Mmm." Lagertha purrs against my back as she unties the silk belt around my waist and runs her hands over my torso, her fingers brushing over my new scar on the side of my abdomen.

"Whore, come here and undress my husband." Lagertha commands Tatia and I can tell she is struggling not to break her appearance of an offended wife.

"Ye-yes Lady Lagertha." Tatia jolts to her feet and replies in a soft voice her body trembling like she's being led to an executioner's box.

I release a soft groan at the touch of both women, Tatia's hands are even softer than Ayana's.

"You like the little whore's soft hands so much Husband? Maybe I shouldn't have trained to be your Shieldwife…and instead trained to be your mare." Lagertha huskily whispers in my ear making my cock twitch and Tatia gasps as my cock goes from semi-hard to full mast and slaps against her drooling slit, at the image of a pregnant Lagertha.

The meaty wet smack reverberating off of the rock, accompanied by the sound of my smacking Lagertha on the ass though it was much quieter than the sound of my cock slapping against Tatia's wet pussy lips.

"Words cannot express how much the fantasy of you constantly grown fat with child arouses me…however I much prefer having you close to me at all times on the battlefield, in bed…or having a relaxing lay in the meadow looking up, watching as the clouds roll by in the sky." I reply to Lagertha and feel her hands become still against my shoulders before she gently grabs my chin and jumps up onto my shoulders pulling me into a fierce passionate kiss.

Lagertha breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes her own half lidded in love and desire.

"I love you, Vidar…more than words can ever express…if you wish to see me fat with a child I will become so…but we both know my place is beside you in battle protecting you as you protect me…" Lagertha whispers huskily, making Tatia release a sound that bellied her wanting of what we have.

"I want to watch you breed this little Maiden whore." Lagertha says to me in her husky whisper making Tatia's hands come to a stop on my abdomen, her fingers gently inspect my newest battle scar.

"L-lady Lagertha…I can't be with Lord Vidar's child when I marry Bjorn." Tatia puts up a minor…facsimile of rebuke even as she gulps and looks at my face like it's the only one she wants to see.

'Dammit…the female Doppelgangers are all the same.' I curse in my mind even as I rest my hands possessively against Tatia's hips, my finger sinking into her soft flesh…

Lagertha scoffs, "Your wedding is within a few weeks time…just take Bjorn's weak seed inside and tell him he is a father in a few months, Lady Ayana will agree that it is his…wouldn't you rather have the child of a Jarl and a proven warrior?" Lagertha continues in a way that manages to sound both seductive and mocking.

"Yes…" Tatia replies breathlessly.

"Shit…shit…shit, I can't get her pregnant, what about Dahlia?' I curse in my mind even as Lagertha lets go of me and does something behind us.

"Husband bring your little whore over here…I know she didn't come prepared…" Lagertha jokes softly a hint of mockingness in her voice as I turn both Tatia and I around to reveal a large padded bedroll of furs laid out on the sun dried area of smooth rock.

"Y-you knew of my intentions…from the beginning, Lady Lagertha." Tatia accuses in a rather shocked and surprised tone of voice making me chuckle.

"Of course…I know all of the village girls that wish to lay with my husband…and I know the fewer…still, that would act on those…urges…given the implicated repercussions of doing so." Lagertha replies in amusement as she slowly slid out of her dress another one made of silk, reminding me again that in the future I'd like to visit China and get the finer quality silks.

I feel and hear Tatia gulp at Lagertha's toned and beautiful physique.

"My wife is beautiful…like the Valkyries or stories…isn't she Tatia?" I ask pointedly, leading Tatia to the answer I want to hear and the one I know will please Lagertha greatly.

"Ye-yes, Lord Vidar…Lady Lagertha is a true beauty…both in and out of battle…" Tatia replies softly making Lagertha smile naughtily as she saunters her way back to us.

Getting them to stand in front of one another I realize…how small and soft Tatia is compared to Lagertha…Tatia's almost a foot shorter than Lagertha and Tatia's body was in the physical shape to be a trophy housewife…whereas…Lagertha is built like…well…like an Amazonian.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Time skip a few years.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Haa…it's almost time." I sigh as I watch an almost 19 year old and beautiful Rebekah start training an 11 year Henrik to fight with a sword.

'Bekah…really would make a good mother.' I say in my head regretting giving into her bold persistent advances that has the end result with me now sharing my bed with another one of my sisters, a soft smile on my face as I watch her coach Henrik in a similar way I coached her years ago.

"Don't forget he's a boy Bekah…he'll have to fight differently when he's older…" I say to them both while leaning against the fence blocking the training grounds.

"I know brother, but Henrik still has years of growing before he can fight like you." Bekah snarks back to me with a smile on her face.

I hear a soft whimper and a nose press against my side, "Hey Garmr." I greet my wolf familiar that I found abandoned the same day I took Tatia's virginity with Lagertha and abandoned runt starving left out of it's den to die.

Reaching my hand down and scratching behind his ear, making Gar lean into my touch and make an appreciative sound.

"You know you'd make a nice fur hood right about now." I teased the red and white brindle wolf, who in response turns his head, makes a rolling yowling sound and gently takes my hand into his mouth without biting.

"Oh, knock it off you big furry baby…you know Mama Lagertha would skin me if I tried." I jokingly joke in a playful way to Gar, who releases my hand and nuzzles the top of his head against my hand.

'As if I would let anyone hurt my pup…a couple of villagers learned that the hard way…when they tried accusing him of breaking into one of the smokehouses…once I got him weaned off of goat milk.' I mutter in my head while thinking about the cunt that was actually the one who broke into the smokehouse and stole meat for winter…how I enjoyed flaying the flesh from his body and salting him…like a fish.

"Ouch." I complain playfully as Lagertha smacks my ass playfully…after sneaking up behind me.

"That's for teasing poor little Gar." Lagertha says very protectively, as Garmr let's out a little sound like I was abusing him.

"Hmm…" Lagertha makes a noise as she comes to stand beside me and I reach back and deliver a sharp slap to her firm ass.

"Mmm, you'll never guess who returned to the village today." Lagertha lets out a teasing moan, while making a statement filled with mock boredom…in a way that she only ever used for one person.

"Just by your voice…I'd assume it to be Tatia…Bjorn with her?" I reply to Lagertha who shakes her head no.

"Died…if she's to be believed…should have seen how eager she was to hear of you like a puppy expectantly waiting for its Master to come home." Lagertha replies to me with an exasperated lilt to her voice.

Making me break out into laughter as Gar let out a sound as well, and it might have just been my imagination but it almost sounded like he was mocking Tatia too.

"Elijah and Klaus can fight over the rotten whore, we had our fun with her…and we are done with her, unless you are of a different mind?" I finally say to Lagertha who I can tell agrees with the sentiment even though she doesn't verbally reply as she intently watches Bekah and Henrik.

"Bekah…looks beautiful…when she's teaching…." Lagertha says to me softly and I nod in agreement, as it is true though she always looks beautiful to me.

"Vidar…is everything alright…? you've been in your head since the passing of Henrik's 11th season day." Lagertha asks my as she rests her left hand on top of my right, squeezing it gently.

"Haa, just…I've been having dreams…of tragedy…and Henrik now looks around the age he is in the dreams…it is probably just my mind playing tricks on me…but I can't help but worry…especially for father losing Freya nearly killed the man I knew as father…he's just now starting to return to the way he was before Freya's absence from our lives." I sigh softly, and reply to Lagertha who surprisingly leans her head against my shoulder.

"Dreams are dreams Vidar…life is life…Mikael has you…and you've both always supported one another…now put those dreams aside and enjoy life." Lagertha gently chastises me as she holds my hand and starts to bodily lean against me.

"You're right, when did my battle lusty wife become so worded and intellectual?" I tease slightly, drawing a tired scoff from Lagertha.

"Too many years living with two witches." Lagertha playfully replies back to me.

"Vidar…we haven't had a good fight in years now…and our raiding grounds…have become barren…I feel we should start searching for new grounds with fat harvests like there were when we were children." Lagertha whispers to me softly and I know it's both because she's tired from hunting and because she misses the thrill of bloody battles, something I have been feeling as well.

"I know…Father…has in passing suggested he and I go out scouting on our own…for new raiding grounds." I reply to Lagertha as I slip my hand from her hold and wrap it around her waist and pull her closer to me, while continuing to give attention to my pup with my other hand.

"You would not abandon your wife to tediously mull about here would you?" Lagertha asks me with a hint of something dangerous leaking into her voice.

"Tch, Why do you think I'm saying something now…of course I love my Father but being alone with him for months to a year without your body to hold at night…sounds like Hel." I make a sound to show how much I enjoyed that idea even if…spending some father son bonding time did sound good to me, and I manage to make Lagertha giggle, one of her cute girly giggles that pretty much disappeared during and after puberty.

"Hmm, I would have Ayana's soft warm body to hold at night…and sweet little sister Bekah…" Lagertha teases me as she uses her hips to push me back from the fence and quickly moves in front of me and starts to grind her ass against me. 

"Why don't we train for a bit?" I ask Lagertha and I know I surprise her deeply by asking instead of having hot public sex, making Lagertha ask. 

"Don't complain to Ayana when I kick your arse and leave you bruised and bloody." Lagertha jokes and I squeeze her right breast through her tunic, in retribution. 

"Ahhn." Lagertha moans softly and I slide away before she can continue to rile me up. 

Lagertha grabs a short sword and a shield, while I draw my own sword and forgo the shield. 

"No shield…you're being rather brazen today dear Husband…" Lagertha teases me and I shrug with a playful grin. 

"Wouldn't want it to end too quickly…" I tease back. 

"You are going to pay for that comment brother." I hear Finn chuckle and of all people joke making me look over at him, my feelings for Finn are complicated at best, he's the only person I can truly talk to about Freya…and even though he spends pretty much all of his time hiding behind Esther's skirt he does make an effort to treat me like an older brother…though most times I worry it's a plot by Esther to lower my guard so he could stab a knife in my back give a perfect opportunity. 

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Training with Lagertha at this point was pointless except for physical exercise and keeping the rust off or just to generally spend time together...not fucking, as we know each other's moves inside and out how we think, how we'll react.

Lagertha charges forward shield in front of her like she's going to try slamming it into me put she stops half a foot away from me and swings her swords at me but I reach forward grab her shield feeling the sharp bite of the blades placed around the shield's edge.

Pulling her to me and delivering a headbutt and pushing her away from me her swords cutting into my robe but not breaking my skin.

Lagertha looks up at me with a smile on her face as blood runs down from her nose, a smile splitting across her face matching my own.

"Now he has done it." I hear Klaus whisper to someone.

"Come on…my dear wife you're not going to pretend a little broken nose is going to do you in are you?" I tease while circling Lagertha, my smile turning into a cocky grin…that I knew would…drive her wild in more ways than one.

Lagertha gets to her feet and motions for me to attack but I take it slow knowing that she'll attack first again if I make her wait long enough.

"COME ON BROTHER, ATTACK!" I hear Kol shout and I roll my shoulders and move in, using a lunge which ends up with me colliding face first against Lagertha's shield and getting a knee to the face as I was going down. 

"Oh Husband…did I break your face?" Lagertha asks teasingly, and it was accompanied by a cacophony of laughs and giggles. 

"Maybe my pride…no…I take great pride in having you as my wife." I reply half serious and half in jest, as I spit out some blood and get back to my feet. 

Everything else becomes muffled as I concentrate a Lagertha our blows moving fast enough I doubt that anyone but truly experienced warriors could keep track of what was happening, soon enough Lagertha and I threw away our weapons and start grappling on the sandy ground, biting, kissing and cheap shooting one another until we were both half dressed sweaty, bruised and bloody messes on the ground. 

"I love you." Lagertha and I say to each other in unison as she lays on top of me.