
the world that changed me

25 year old mike gets to be the first experiment of the new world. is this good luck or bad luck for him. what will he find. will he be the savior or the end of the world?

mdh · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

chapter 3 the escape

after waking up this day seems different.

the lab guys did not wake me up to train my magic.

there was only some guards here and there.

hey guard what is happening in the lab.

the guard answered why do you care, garbage rat.

i said will you say anything or not.

the guard sigh and said i don't really care if you hear this or not.

they are coming with a leader of the lab guys.

to do something with you, not sure what.

the next morning they will arrive.

i asked why did you tell me.

the guard because i felt bad what they where doing to you, but this is the only thing i could do to help you.

and also where are you from.

i said japan.

the guard said hmmmm interesting well my shift is over.

if you are ganna do something do it now.

i said why are you telling me this.

the guard said just on a whim.

if you do manage to escape go deep in the forest.

that's where you are the safest, from humans.

as i stood there dumbfounded by this occurrence while he walked away.

i start to use my magic to heat up the bars enough to leave.

ok its heating up.

(its close.)

(there we go.)

i escaped the cell.

(do i go left or right?)

(i choose left.)

as i start to look around.

avoiding the little guard there where.

i see the massive gate with some guards there.

in a room to the left of the gate is control room for the gate.

i can't go from near the gate to the control room.

i have to go find the way to it.

so i decide to go look for a way to get for it.

as i was wandering around i find the room of all the caged animals.

i wonder where is oka.

i oka even in here?

as i walk all the way in the back.

i see oka in the biggest cage.

i bang on the cage.

oka wakes up with bloodlust in oka eyes.

getting ready to attack, but she quickly realize that it was me.

oka quickly realized that it was me.

while calming itself oka stares as of wanting to say something but could say nothing.

so i started to use fire magic to melt the cage.

after i did it seemed like oka did not want to leave.

so i started pushing oka.

oka refused to get out.

so i asked oka what do you want.

oka pointed at me.

i ok sure.

oka inhaled and exhaled then started to follow me.

wile we where searching i told oka that i was searching a control room.

so instead me leading the way oka grabbed me and put on its back.

and got me near it.

so it kind of weird that oka would know this giant layout so well.

but i held it to myself.

there was someone in there and i did not know what to do.

so i oka can you do something?

oka lifts it giant paws barely fits trough the door and pressure the man in there knoking him out.

after i enter the room i get ready to press the button and run for it.

so before i do i ask oka if ready.

and ask oka do you know that way to the gate.

oka nods.

i press the button and get on oka back.

oka run's at full speed to the door.

the guards near the door said why is the door opening.

hey rookie why are you opening the door.

shit something must have happened.

the guards gets ready for a fight.

as we get close to the gate some guard are waiting.

oka gets ready do fight.

the guard fire some fire balls oka dodges some of them, but some of them hits oka.

one of them shot it at me.

i blocked it both of my arm's.

one of them is burning and getting a bit charred, but the other one burn and not even a bit charred.

the one not charred is with the tattoo curse.

and oka notices, but i told oka im fine keep going.

so i blocked all the fire ball that was about to hit oka.

when we where close some ice guards came and used allot to pin oka down with ice magic.

just one leg.

since i knew if i dont do someting now i will never escape.

out of desperation i started to punch the ice and every hit made my hand more bloody.

the guard's start to laugh and said you think you could brake ice made out of magic.

i ignored them and continued with hitting it after they seem a crack.

they stopped laughing and started to panic.

cause ice mage's used all their magic to get one leg of the wolf.

ok shit fire the last your magic at hit quick said one of the guard's.

they aiming for me but i just moved and let most of them hit the ice and some i blocked with my curse

that's when oka got free and we booked as the door was closing.

we barely escaped out the gate, but outside waited a bunch of lab gays and girls.

is i started to panic cause i don't have a specific way to counter the curse.

i close my eyes and activated my magic and hoped that it would work.

the lab guys and girls said something.

oka seemed worried but heard me saying to the woods.

with the lab guys being confused why their commands is not working.

they started to fire different type of elements to us.

but we lost them in the woods at night.

after running for 3 hours on oka we decided to sleep.

i instantly slept on oka and oka right after.