
246-The Reunion

Gloria and Persia looked each other right in the eyes. Persia was looking at her with a soothing and longing smile. After all, it had been a while since Persia left the world to handle the annoying invaders from a foreign world. Gloria, on the other hand, had numerous feelings passing through her head. Though, amongst all of the feelings plaguing her.

There was one amongst them that was strongest.

It was a relief of seeing her mother once again.

"I-Is it really you, mother?" Gloria slowly walked to Persia, a little bit hesitant, since she was somewhat confused and didn't know what feeling to choose. 

Hearing her, Persia did nothing more but smile and opened her pale arms. Seeing such a scene, Gloria didn't hesitate no more and immediately ran to Persia and hugged her tightly as possible. She didn't want to ever let go of her mother. Gloria wanted to be with her and not leave her side.