
The World Of Pokémon 3.0

Thrown into the world of Pokémon, Issac Augustine only has one dream and that is to become the best explorer the world has ever seen! And of course, that means getting into a lot of trouble. "What's this?! WHAT'S THAT?! Oh...I shouldn't have pressed that.." As unlikely as it is, Issac will uncover the secrets of Pokémon and the reason for his untimely arrival. "Aren't you supposed to be an explorer?!" "Yeah, but to explore you have to be strong!! And I plan to be the very best!"

RebornJayR · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

The Forest Of Potential/Interrupted...Again

AN: Fourth Chapter is out!

Tell me if you see any mistakes.

Thanks for the 100 collections!

Also sorry I fell asleep. I am a little sick so I guess that got the best of me. Enjoy!


I'm not sure if I was showing a smile or not, but I know for a fact that was happy after reading the screen that appeared in front of me.

"Forest Of Potential..." I mouthed the words as I began to ponder the...well potential.

I wasn't sure how my personal skill would work, but it seems to have activated for Eevee.


Soul Dive Lvl 1(Updated): Allows the user to draw out the potential of Pokémon. The chance of success is 10%. If the attempt has failed then the user is unable to try again on the same Pokémon.

**Updated Information: Skill can only be activated when asleep and only on Pokémon that the user owns. After the skill is successfully used, user can enter their Forest Of Potential whenever asleep.


"So, that's how it works..." I muttered as I read the updated information on my skill. It certainly was an interesting way to increase the stats of my Pokémon, but couldn't help but worry about the warning.

"Is it possible for me to get hurt here?...and by what?" My head started to hurt a little as pondered more, but my curiosity about the unknown was getting the better of me.

"Hmm...now why-"

"Eevee!" The little fox snapped me out of the rut I was beginning to fall into and leaped onto my right shoulder.

"...You're right, I'll take it one step at a time for now." I smiled as scratched behind Eevee's ears which she wholeheartedly enjoys.

"I just need to focus on making you stronger!"


Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Current Mood: Happy

Ability: Anticipation (???)

Move Set: Growl, Tackle, Charm, Covet

State Window:

Attack -10

Special Attack - 11

Defense - 11

Special Defense -13

Speed - 15

(A/N: I decided to not show HP stat and just have it implied in the writing.)


"Huh...fast little one aren't you?" I said as Eevee puffed out its chest. "But that's all you got going for you."

"Eevee!" The little fox smacked my face with its paw in protest.

"Hahaha, I'm joking! But...hmm how should I raise you? According to the note. I can only increase your potential 5 times, but it didn't exactly tell me how much."

I started to think back to see if there was any viable way to grow an Eevee. Of course, I knew I could eventually evolve her, but something made me not want to do it. Although our time together has been short, Eevee somehow felt special to me and I didn't want her to evolve.

However, if it happens then I'll be fine with it, but I want to try my best to keep it from happening.

After I was done thinking, I decided to walk to one of the yellow trees which represented Agility/Speed, and what I saw made me feel conflicted.


Agile Tree (Grade D+)

Information: One leaf raises the potential of Agility/Speed stat by 1.5

Note: Can be used by the user but success is scaled by Soul Dive. (Current: 10℅)


Reading that information sent my mind into overdrive. Firstly, there are different grades of trees in the forest...but how does one get better trees?

Secondly, I can raise my own stats with these leaves, unfortunately, I only have a 10% percent chance of that happening.

"This skill is pretty much forcing me to catch more Pokémon. Do I really have to catch them all in the end?" I wryly smiled.

"Eevee...we have a lot of work to do."



Present Time

"Hahaha, an Eevee?" Jessie laughed as she saw the little fox step in front of me. She's heard of them before, and it's pretty rare to use one in battle in this region as people typically just used a stone to evolve it.

"That thing is smaller than me. I could probably beat it!" Meowth laughed, extending his claws.

"Eevee! Eeveeee!" The little fox started to growl, clearly angry by the comment. she may let her trainer joke slide, but for anyone else, it's a different story.

"Ohoo~ So feisty. What did it say Meowth?" James asked with a smirk on his face.

At this point, Meowth had already retreated behind the duo. His face was pale and his legs were shivering from fright. "I...I d-don't want to repeat what it said. Just don't it come near me!" He stuttered.

Seeing their fearless talking Pokémon afraid of Eevee caused the duo to become more vigilant. However, they still came here for a reason, and the Eevee was standing in their way.

"Ekans use Bite and take care of the little runt!" Jessie commanded with a scowl.

"Ekans!!" Hearing its trainer's command, the purple snake launched itself forward with a surprising amount of speed. Once close enough, it opened its mouth wide and although it had no visible teeth, it was still Pokémon.

"Dodge and use Quick Attack on Koffing!" I commanded in haste.


After my command, Eevee simply ducked down with its small body, allowing Ekans to harmlessly fly over her. She then dug her back feet into the ground, pushing off with enough power to send it forward, disappearing with a flash of white light.


Seconds later, Eevee reappeared in front of Koffing, slamming her head with such speed and force that it sent Koffing flying into a nearby wall with a loud thud.


"Yeah, that's the way!" I shouted. By no means does it show that using an Eevee would be viable, but with enough work, I could probably make it happen.

Ash and Misty were stunned at how fast and destructive a little Eevee could be, however, they were unaware that the one in front of them was abnormal.

"Y-you! That's not fair!" Seeing his Pokémon seriously injured, James started to get angry which was strange for someone apart of Team Rocket.

"This battle was unfair from the start. Don't start crying now. Eevee don't let up! Use Quick Attack again!"

"Koffing quick use Poison Gas!"

Although injured Koffing obeyed its trainer and started to expel its poisonous gas.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long.


Eevee slammed into the purple sphere once again, throwing all of her weight into it. The little thing weighed only 14 lbs, but just about anything moving faster than 50mph could cause massive amounts of damage, especially when all the force is focused on one spot.

"Ahh! Jessie! Help me!" James screamed as tears threatened to leave his eyes. Despite their jobs as Team Rocket grunts, the two weren't exactly good at battling.

'.. Plus they're underestimating my Eevee.' I smirked.


1 day ago

Forest Of Potential (Eevee)

After learning about the different grades of trees, I decided not to use the D+ ones. However, that means I need to find out how to increase the grade so Eevee's stats could be raised higher.

I looked back at the information given to me and it said that I could upgrade the Forest Of Potential by using Soul Dive more. Knowing this, I prepared myself to catch more Pokémon

Several minutes later, I made my way to Viridian Forest to see what I could find, but nothing had caught my eye. Unfortunately, as I searched, I ran into a couple of battles with the wild Pokémon in the area.

Eevee seemed to be a natural at battling and fast on her feet, probably because of the time on the street.

A total of 10 battles, and Eevee had won every single one of them.

Sadly, after all the searching and battles, it was time to return to the city and as we fell asleep at the inn, I decided to return to the Forest Of Potential.

I didn't want to use leaves on Eevee, but perhaps I'll try to increase my own instead?

Once I was in the familiar forest, I quickly made my way to the yellow tree to attempt to raise my Agi stat...but...


Agile Tree (Grade B+)

Information: One leaf raises the potential of Agility/Speed stat by 3

Note: Can be used by the user but success is scaled by Soul Dive. (Current: 10℅)


The grade of the tree increased!

However, I wasn't happy about it as I had realized.

This shit was RNG!?


I had lost count of how many times I left and re-entered the Forest of Potential to have a better tree to use to increase Eevee's stats.

And in doing so, I learned a couple of things.

First, the grade of the tree is dependent on chance. However, that doesn't mean all trees would be the same grade at the same time as I learned that pretty quickly. Second, entering the Forest Of Potential does have a cost in the form of stamina.

The 7th time I entered the F.O.P, I found myself becoming lethargic; I couldn't even see right most of the time. Luckily, I was satisfied with the result after the 7th try, otherwise, I'm sure something bad would happen to me.

But...it was all worth it.


Name: Eevee

Level: 10

Current Mood: Happy

Ability: Anticipation (???)

Move Set: Growl, Tackle, Charm, Covet, Quick Attack

State Window:

Attack -44

Special Attack - 30

Defense - 35

Special Defense -43

Speed - 60


(A/N: BTW don't go using real Pokémon logic on this or you're head will hurt. Haha)

However, now I'm curious...what does upgrading the F.O.P do?


Present Time

"Ekans catch the little runt! Use Poison Sting!" Jessie commanded with a shout. She was starting to lose her cool as her partner's Pokémon was put out of commission, a one-sided defeat.

"Eevee! Dodge it!"

"Ekans!!" Obeying its trainer, Ekans opens its mouth and rapid fires hundreds of glowing needles infused with poison at Eevee.


Suddenly, the sound of a very familiar motorcycle was heard as Eevee dodged the barrage of poisonous needles and immediately the situation changed.

"Give it up Team Rocket! You're thieving days are over!!" A certain teal-haired policewoman shouted.

"Oh crap, it's the fuzz! Let's get out of here."

'Now...I'm sure this never happened?...' I immediately frowned. I was simply dumbfounded that once again...I had been interrupted.

(A/N: I did this early on to simply show that Issac can't completely rely on his past information. I won't go crazy and change everything but it will change to make it more interesting.