
The World Of Pokémon 3.0

Thrown into the world of Pokémon, Issac Augustine only has one dream and that is to become the best explorer the world has ever seen! And of course, that means getting into a lot of trouble. "What's this?! WHAT'S THAT?! Oh...I shouldn't have pressed that.." As unlikely as it is, Issac will uncover the secrets of Pokémon and the reason for his untimely arrival. "Aren't you supposed to be an explorer?!" "Yeah, but to explore you have to be strong!! And I plan to be the very best!"

RebornJayR · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Interruptions (2/2)

A/N: Third Chapter

Tell me if you see any mistakes.


Misty POV

'I think...I think I'm in love.'

I never thought about falling in love once as I was too busy focusing on my dream to become a Water Pokémon Master.

I came in to give that boy who stole my bike a piece of my mind, but when I noticed someone else standing beside him, I suddenly forgot how to breathe.

He was incredibly handsome, and the way he carried himself made me feel like I was dealing with someone incredibly special. His yellow eyes were so beautiful that I couldn't look away for even a second.

As I was admiring him, I quickly noticed I'd been quiet for far too long.

'I hope he doesn't find me weird.' I hoped as I gathered the courage to speak.

"H-hey, my name is Misty Williams." I managed to introduce myself despite my obvious stutter. I was more afraid than I was when I saw Gyarados for the first time...

"Issac Augustine, Nice to meet you." He said, flashing a brief smile.

I knew he wasn't trying to seduce me, but that silky smooth voice of his made me think otherwise.

'I think...I'm glad my bike was destroyed.'


Issac POV

So, this is strange and by strange I mean awkward.

The orange-haired girl wearing quite the provocative clothing was indeed the fiery Misty. I admit I do remember having a crush on her in the past, but now that she was in front of me?

She looked older just like Ash, but there were a lot more differences. She was a bit taller and curvier, and her pure white legs were downright stunning.

If I wasn't aware of her personality, I'd probably try to flirt..but I think I'm going to do what is called a pro gamer move.

"So, what were you going to say to Ash?"

"Huh?...Oh! It's nothing really. He destroyed my bike, but I can just wait for him to buy me another one." She said while twisting a strand of her hair.

Mission failed.


An hour later, the emergency room door suddenly opened, revealing an exhausted yet happy Nurse Joy. The nurse then wheeled out Ash's unconscious Pikachu on a hospital bed along with her Chansey helpers.

"Pikachu!" Ash immediately dashed over to his injured friend. "How is he, Nurse Joy?"

Nurse Joy smiled, "Your Pikachu is going to make a full recovery. He just needs a night of rest, and he'll be brand new."

Hearing this, Ash lets out a sigh of relief, but still, he felt guilty about letting Pikachu get injured.

"I don't want to be a drag or anything, but could I get registered?" Honestly, I wanted to start my journey and clingy Misty was getting a bit uncomfortable. She tried to talk to me the entire time we waited and if I stay any longer then she might have ideas of following me if she hasn't already.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll get on that right way." She said before giving one of the Chanseys instructions on what to do next.

"Ok, It should just take a minute to-"


Suddenly, the glass ceiling above was broken by exactly two Pokéballs.

'Oh no...I remember now." I frowned.

As soon as the Pokéballs touched the floor, the latch that held them closed opened, releasing two of the most well-known Poison Type Pokémon in the world.

One was poison gas given physical form; a purple sphere that expelled toxic gas by the second as it hovered in the air. The second Pokémon was quite literally a snake; a giant purple snake with creepy yellow eyes.



"What are those doing here?!"

Soon after Ash's question, a woman sporting a white uniform with a giant 'R' on the chest, leaped down from above. She was tall and confident, especially with the way she had her red hair up; grown and gelled to look like a tail belonging to a lizard.

No one would be able to forget her, but perhaps that is the entire point.

"Prepare for the trouble, we're here for a prize!" She smirked.

"And make it double like an order of fries!" A voice belonging to a man quickly followed, completing a rhyme that didn't quite make sense. The man had short purple hair and wore the same colored uniform as the woman, selling the fact that they were indeed a duo.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love "

"To extend our reach to the stars above! "

"Jessie!" The red-haired woman shouted.

"James!" The purple-haired man shouted.

"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!" Suddenly a third voice was added, and the person it belonged to was actually not even a person at all. Nurse Joy, Ash, and Misty all did a double-take as they swore they heard the voice from the Meowth that landed in front of the duo.

"Wha-who are you guys?!" Nurse Joy shouted, clearly angry that the Pokémon Center was broken into.

"They're Team Rocket," I answered with venom laced in my words. I think of myself as a pretty patient guy, but the constant interruptions are starting to get annoying.

"Oh, someone knows us, James," Jessie replied with a haughty laugh.

"We must be famous," James smirked while twirling the rose he had in his hand.

"Yeah, keep thinking that," I said, rolling my eyes. "Eevee let's go. Just like we practiced, standby for battle."


2 days ago.

After capturing Eevee, I decided to try my personal skill, Soul Dive.


Soul Dive Lvl 1: Allows the user to draw out the potential of Pokémon. The chance of success is 10%. If the attempt has failed then the user is unable to try again on the same Pokémon.


Of course, after looking at it again, it was probably best to level it up, however, the only way to level it is to use it...


Should I wait or should I go ahead and do it?

It's not like Eevee can't be strong without it, but with Soul Dive, I could have some sort of edge.

"What do you think Eevee?" I asked while looking at the little fox that was cuddled underneath my arm. She's been trying to sleep since an hour ago, but she hasn't been able to close her eyes.

"Eevee..." The fox tiredly answered as she turned away from me.

I wasn't sure what that meant, but probably 'leave me alone.' It was way past normal bedtime and here I was trying to keep her awake.

'Hmm...why do I feel so restless?...' I thought to myself as I stared at the ceiling of the inn room I booked for the night.

Eventually, whether I wanted it or not, sleep finally claimed me and I drifted off into a dream...or so I thought.

I found myself within a dense forest, one where people generally get lost in if they don't have a map. The trees were tall and majestic, each with its own colored leaves.








There was certainly a theme, but I certainly couldn't think of it. However, that wasn't important at the moment.

Soon after admiring the thousands of trees, I noticed that there was a path that lead deeper into the forest. And of course, with my explorer's heart, I had to find out where it lead.

The path zig-zagged through the forest almost as if the person who made it was unsure where to go, there were even times the path went in circles.

Several minutes later, I found the supposed person.


Yes, it was an Eevee, but not just any Eevee.

"What are you doing in my dream princess?" I asked.

"Eevee!" The little fox stomped its front paws in anger which still I find adorable. However, I'm sure if she wanted to hurt me then I'd be losing a finger or two.


Suddenly, after meeting Eevee, I hear the sound of a bell go off in my mind. Shortly after, a familiar transparent screen appeared in front of me, promptly ending the idea that this was a dream.


*Welcome to the Forest Of Potential(Eevee)*

*Each colored leaf represents a stat that a Pokémon can raise with the skill Soul Dive.*

Red = Strength/Attack

Blue = Intellect/Special Attack

Yellow = Agility/Speed

Purple = Vitality/Defense

Green = Vitality/Special Defense

Pink = Luck/Crit Chance

Black = ???

**Note: The amount of times a Pokémon can raise its potential is proportionate to its level.

**Note2: Soul Dive skill information has been updated.

**Note3: Forest Of Potential can be upgraded by successfully using Soul Dive on more owned Pokémon.

**Note4: Pokémon stats can only be seen in the Forest Of Potential.

⚠️ Warning⚠️ Each forest represents the current state of Pokémon and may be dangerous depending on circumstances.


"Well...this is questionable."


AN: Next Chapter should be within 2hrs and I will explain more about the forest. Basically, this is my idea of adding EV and IVs to the story without making it too complicated.

Anyways see you then! Also, I apologize for the slow start as I just want to get things fleshed out.