
The World of Encantos’

I don't believe in aliens. I don't believe in magic. I don't believe in another dimension. I don't believe in people- not- like- us! I don't believe in Encantos'. Simply, because they don't exist! Wei Zhan, an ordinary human being proved his beliefs wrong when he got to ride the Encanto's yacht-like ship and meets Encantado Lan Wangji- the 2nd Prince of Lan Palace. Encanto- mythical creature; people not like us. They are believed to be malevolent (not all of them) and physically attractive and having light and dark black-colored hair. They love sex, music, good food, and wine. Encantado- is a male Encanto Encantada- is a female Encanto

Mofarose · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 4. Evenings in Yilling

Elysian Dialects and meanings...

Pirtahan/ Pirta [per-tahan]. in human language "door"

Sillid [si-llid]. in human language "room"

Toon [to-on]. in human language "study"

Lan Wangji immediately averted his eyes on the Pirta as he sensed someone was approaching on his Sillid toon. His senses are a million times sharper than anyone else in the Kingdom. These traits of him are not well- known throughout the whole Elysian; only King Quiren and his Paran brother know all of his abilities.

He smelled the scent of his brother and so he continued reading his book.

"Come in" Lan Wangji spoke from the inside without even giving his brother the chance to knock.

"Brother" he solemnly says; face impassive and ask him to sit.

Settled, his brother lovingly smiled at him "How are you Wangji?"

Lan Wangji gracefully set aside his book and focuses on his visitor

"Wangji, it's time" Lan XiChen speak again

"Must I really go with you, brother?"

The Paran look at him intently "Unfortunately yes"

Lan Wangji sighs. Lan XiChen was amused seeing that reaction from his brother, it's not every day that he's got the chance to see him sigh. Besides, Lan Wangji had been idle from outside for a long time now. He would seldom come to other Kingdom's gatherings if necessary, but most of the time he is still inside- here on his sillid toon.

"If that's Bathaluman's order, then I shall obey," he says sternly.

Lan XiChen studies his brother's feature; he is clearly forced, but no one dares Bathala's orders. "Prepare yourself, we will go to the human world the next day" he stands and bids his brother goodbye before he pawaya.

Wei Zuocheng is completely clueless about the entire situation as Zhan was constantly arriving home late at night and drunk. Unable to hold his curiosity anymore he asks him and studiously watches his face. The face of a broken and hurt man. Zhan blurted that he was unhappy because something that he hoped for did not happen. Zuocheng forced him to spill the tea and eventually Zhan did.

Seeing his brother suffering, Zuocheng called his sister. Wei Lu is more good at comforting Zhan than him. He tells his sister about Zhan's problem and the two agree to persuade him to go on a vacation, because Zuocheng blurted "he's slowly losing his sanity". Initially, Zhan should be the one to go home to their province but he doesn't want to if his siblings wouldn't tag along he even blurted at Zuocheng that they don't love him anymore that's why they decided to abandon him in Yilling Province. Of course that was a joke but it was effective.

The 5hr drive from the city to their province was exhausting yet magically lifted his mood. Zuocheng was the one driving their car. Thankfully, the peacock went on a business trip again and his sister was able to come and stay with them for only two days because Gelo, his nephew, is left to her in-laws care.

The siblings stayed at their father's side ancestral house. The house is located in the countryside and a bit far from the municipalities. It is also surrounded by fruit bearing trees. The house is said to be one of the oldest in their country that the local unit wanted it to be a tourist spot but they clearly remembered how their father opposed the idea. Strictly no outsiders, only caretakers can get inside.

The land was wide and all they could see was green. It is nice to inhale fresh air- nothing beats province life!

The trio all did was jog early in the morning, eat fresh veggies and fish, take care of the plants and stroll in the huge area at night. The last night of Wei Lu in the Yilling were full of laughters, the three jammed together; Zuocheng playing the guitar, Zhan singing and Lu dancing. They didn't know how they missed the old times. If they could only turn back the time, they definitely would. Zhan was so happy that he forgot his problem.

When Wei Lu went back to the city, he was left with Zuocheng. The two continued their daily routines and they already missed their jiejie. The duo chatted with the old caretakers and Zhan was entertained by their stories about people-not-like-ours-like Encantos. The house was preserved and it doesn't look like that old. The house had witnessed all the happenings from the past, if only it can talk Zhan would definitely ask if those Encantos' were true. But he is firm and sure, "those nonsense are not true, they don't exist!". The caretakers just shrugged and looked at him like "up to you".

That very night, he invited Zuocheng for a drink. He hesitated at first but eventually gave in. His brother is light headed, he can't stand too much alcohol hence was knocked out after a few bottles. Tipsy, he went outside for a walk, a tear escape from his eye when he remembered his job. He thought he didn't deserve this pain. He had been a good employee; a role model. He worked hard especially when the company was struggling, and because of his ambitious designs he was able to attract investors and clients for exports.

He didn't know how long he had walk but his walking stopped when he saw a river. A river?, he thought. He was confused because he couldn't remember seeing this river when he, Lu and Zuocheng strolled the other day. His eyes had caught something and was astonished to see a huge yacht-like ship in the river? Is that even possible? But what surprised him most is it is heavily lit with lights. He thought the designs are out of this world and he is sure it is not sold in the market yet. He was a famous designer and he is updated of course. "I wonder who designed that?" he murmured. Curiosity grows in him as he slowly approaches the yacht. His heart beat so fast when he saw the queuing people as they went inside of the yacht. He tried to talk to them saying what they were doing in this middle of the night in a private property but he was ignored! The nerve!

Annoyed he also que to get inside of the yacht. "Damn, the owner must be a bigtime" he is talking to himself.

He gasps in surprise when he stepped inside. No! surprise is an understatement! He was beyond shocked when everything went magical. He pinched his arms; checking if he was drunk dreaming but he winces, he felt the pain. He is not dreaming!, he convinces himself. The people outside were wearing normal clothing but once they stepped in, the clothes changed into an ancient clothing including him! He is now wearing a traditional chinese fitted black and red Hanfu; his hair had gotten long in a ponytail style. He felt goosebumps all over, his body was shaking. "Did Zuocheng put drugs on my drinks? Is this the effect? Am I hallucinating?" he internally asked himself. He wanted to shout but he couldn't. He looked at his surroundings, people were busy chatting, they didn't seem to mind them. It looks like there is a party inside the yacht as they were overflowing with food and drinks. He tried to talk and ask randomly but was responded with a raised eyebrow. And so he decided to go along with the flow and of course drink the alcohol served. He is sure that it is the best alcohol he has ever tasted! He read the bottle's name- Emperor's Smile. He never heard of this brand before! He will surely look for this tomorrow!