
The world of Dungeons

An assassin was betrayed by the ones he called friends and was reincarnated into a body of someone with no mana. Read how he overcomes his obstacles when his memories are unsealed, how he starts an adventure, makes a team and gains more power using his knowledge has a cheat as he travels through different worlds. Welcome to the world of dungeons

Kabir_Egube · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Entering The Boss Room

"So are you all coming at once or should I just kill you all where you stand"

Ethan told the goblins in a cold, deadly voice.

Both the goblins and the other two boys had a chill up their spine from the cold and deadly voice they heard.

"I can't let you nine waste my time so let me just kill you all where you stand"

Saying this he started running to the first goblin out of the nine.

The goblin didn't want to go out without a fight, so it tried to get out of the state which they were all put and at the last moment when the dagger was about to pierce it's heart he blocked it with a dagger of it's own.

When the goblins killed people they always took the loot of the people they killed, it was like an unspoken rule amongst them, whichever goblin killed a particular hunter it was that goblin which would take the loot of the hunter.

"So you don't want to die without putting a mark on me huh?"

Ethan had a crazed smile on his face when he said those words.

"Well before you lay a scratch on me, I'll send you to your maker"

Ethan then sidestepped taking the goblin off balance, then he stabbed the goblin at the back of it's neck.

"So you died without putting up a good fight at the end, tch useless"

Ethan then looked at the other goblins, they wanted to scream for help but it was like something kept their mouth from moving.

This was Amelia, she used a spell on the ten immediately the four of them got here, they couldn't call for reinforcements and other people could not go there.

They were in a domain of her making, but she still decided to seal their mouths shut as she never liked their cries for help.

She always did this when she fought alongside Ethan, she always knew that when he entered his battle crazed state he wouldn't stop fighting until the enemies felt despair.

"Well you're next"

He pointed to the next goblin who was shocked to find out it was next in line to join it's other brothers in arms.

It looked at the man who had come to kill it with hatred in it's eyes before it's head was cut off cleanly from it's neck, the remaining body of the goblin falling to the ground.

After that third kill, he didn't waste anymore time and just killed the other seven with relative ease.

He had now finished killing all the goblins now heading back to his group.

Amelia had brought them out of her domain immediately the last goblin died.

When Ethan reached the destination of his group he saw the looks his friends gave him, he saw the different emotions they showed in their eyes.

Fear, surprise, astonishment, they showed all the three.

They would never had thought Ethan had another side to him when it came to fighting, they also never thought he would actually be that strong.

They knew if he wanted to end the fight earlier he would have, but he decided to play with those monsters like a predator playing with it's prey"

"Why are you guys looking at me like that, did I do something wrong?"

Ethan had now returned to his normal self asking the both boys jokingly.

"What was that?" Leo was the first to ask the question.

"What was what?" Ethan played dumb acting like he didn't know what Leo talked about.

"Are you still the Ethan we know?, where is Ethan, and I mean our Ethan"

Matthew tried to understand what was going on, why Ethan behaved differently and also similar to the Ethan they knew.

"I'll explain it to you two when we get out of the dungeon, right now is not the best time"

Ethan said to the both of them, he figured out if he wanted to earn their trust he would have to tell them what they wanted to know.

The other fights were met with silence and then it was time for them to meet the boss of this dungeon.

They had reached the door to the boss room, so had a lot of the people who entered the dungeon before and after them.

"I hope we can all fight side by side to win against the boss, not letting greed control us to kill each other in the presence of the boss!"

At the front of all the group of people stood a man, he had the aura of a commander and used his mana to amplify his voice so everyone could hear his words.

"Why should we listen to you?, who knows maybe you and your team don't have plans to kill us all after we are done helping you to kill the boss as we would be exhausted at that time.

One of the guys in the crowd said which made sense as hunters were always greedy when it came to the boss loot.

"I shall not do such a thing as it will be unbecoming of me to kill people who have just gotten out of a fight with a boss"

While his words were being said Ethan examined the people around him but he focused on the man and his party more.

He then turned to his own party "Be careful of that man and his group, and also the other guy who spoke against him.

Amelia nodded seeing a side of him she hadn't seen since they left the world of memories.

She would have said it if he didn't because she was also doing the same thing he did, watching all the people around them.

"I understand the man and his party, but why are we to watch that other guy too? didn't he just tell the man he didn't trust him"

Matthew asked Ethan as it wouldn't have made sense to suspect two people from two different parties as if they were working together.

"It is all a ploy to get the parties to trust them, to tell you the truth the guy in the other party is just there to make this ploy possible for them"

Ethan explained to Matthew so he could understand better.

"So that's what their planning... what should we do then?" Leo asked

"Just watch your backs, any of them will attack you when they see the boss near you or when everyone else is concentrating on the boss so they wouldn't be suspected.

"Thanks" Both Matthew and Leo said together smiling at their friend.

"My pleasure" Ethan also smiled at his two friends.

"Okay, it's time to enter the boss room, let's fight the boss and win for us all!"


All the parties were riled up and had their hearts pumping a lot of adrenaline to their body ready for the fight ahead.

"Don't get fooled by his words, he is trying to make everyone ignore the fact that hunters who kill like his party are still here in this room"

Ethan told his group again making sure they stay on alert to what may come from behind.

With that said the boss had already shown itself to them.

It was relatively large, larger than all the goblins which had been killed, it also held a dagger in it's hands and they could all see a liquid substance which coated the blade.

"That's a dagger coated in the poison of the goblin!, be careful not to let that dagger touch you!"

The man said to them, he would have liked to let them all die without giving them this information, but he knew that some of the people already knew this.

It was better for him to say it as he wanted them to gain a deep impression of him so he could enjoy backstabbing them more.

After he had said his words they all readied their stances waiting to see who the goblin will attack first.

The goblin looked at them all, looking for the weak ones among them.

Then it saw one, moving to that direction with much speed it was ready to hack at one of the mages when it's thrust was blocked by an axe wielder.

It was the man with the commander's aura, he wielded a giant axe and used it to defend the mage.

"Attack the boss now!" he shouted, bringing the other hunters out of their stupor they rushed to the direction of the boss and attacked it.

Ethan told his party to stay behind as he watched what was happening to the others who didn't watch their backs.

The man had an assassin on his team, the assassin killed some hunters and got back to attacking the boss so he wouldn't be noticed.

'You've been doing this for a long time but it stops now' Ethan thought as him and the other three beside him watched people die but were stopped by Ethan from attacking the team of the man.

"It's time for me to kill the boss, Amelia be ready to cast illusions, It's time to stop this ploy once and for all"

Ethan said with a voice and eyes void of any emotion.

I'm sorry for not writing yesterday, was just really exhausted so I might write another chapter today

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