
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Lost in thoughts;

Kerren simply stood there, looking straight in the eye. He didn't bother imagining the possibilities of such spell... If he had one, what would he be now?.. Well, whatever it wasn't it wouldn't be as great as he it is now!

- Good for you, then. Do i shine all the time though? -- he couldn't help but ask. -- Also, am i glowing in the dark or not?

He didn't stop at just that, he barraged her with many more questions, not even giving her time to reply.

She, however, reacted normally to it and just listened to whatever he had to say.

A few minutes later he stopped his barrage of questions that didn't even make sense. He asked about him glowing in the dark 5 times during that time, all other questions were like that as well.

- So, is that all? -- she asked with an annoyed expression.

- Pretty much, yeah.

He didn't walk away or said anything, he was reading an Insight book, then, he suddenly looked straight at Yusaya who was currently examining the leaf that teleported them to the room.

He couldn't see her face, but he could see something that looked as good as it did. He stared for a while, seemingly in a daze, and then said...

- When are you going to look for that vampire or whatever?

He didn't bother hiding that he was staring at her, thus as she turned around she saw his strange gaze.

- What are you looking at?

- I was looking at your ass, but now that u've turned i'm looking at your breasts and face at the same time. It's somewhat hard. -- he was as direct as one could be.

- Do you like it? -- she said coquettishly.

- Not really, you look somewhat strange if i were to be honest. Not in a bad way though, something just feels... weird?.. Do you not feels strange?

She did look strange, as Kerren said - not in a bad way, he just felt that she was not... natural? He had a similiar feeling to the one he had in the room, maybe it was just a lingering effect left on her?

He himself felt somewhat strange, so it didn't really matter if she was the same, but maybe probing her would reveal something? You never know...

- Hm? Nope, i feel fine. Great, even. What about you?

Kerren felt strange about the fact that she constantly talked about him well-being, as if she cared about him. It's not like he was a complete stranger to such feelings from others... It just felt weird after such a long time.

- Fine, i guess. Whatever that was it's no longer bothering me

He didn't know how to answer. Did he feel fine right now? Nope. The thing inside him was even bigger than the last time! What do you mean how i feel!?

- Why didn't you answer my question though? When are you going to look for that bloodsucker?

Kerren repeated his question, since the last time he didn't get an answer. He would understand if she didn't want to tell him, but at least tell him about that!

- I'll tell you. -- she looked at her arm right after she said it. -- Oh, looks like i have to go! See you soon!

As such, she ran away. She didn't give Kerren a chance to say his goodbyes. It felt strange to him as she didn't do anything herself until she got a message or whatever that was...

Was she just a pawn in someone's hands? Who's playing her, then? Maybe he heard about those people in his previous life...

Little did he know that his decision to steal whatever was inside this dungeon altered the world completely! Not only the principle and the whole university, were different, even Yusaya and whatever group was behind her changed!

It didn't bother Kerren a lot, he knew that it was unavoidable, but those changes were far above what he expected initially.

Well, it's not like he's always right, it's the opposite, he's wrong most of the time and whenever he's right it's just a coincidince or a stroke of luck.

He wasn't great, smart or unique in any way, he simply was somewhat lucky and knew how to persevere, that's all he was.

Even his spells, any mage from an old empire would shed his skin for making those! Not only they wasted several times more mana, they didn't even work properly!

Well, it's not like he cared as long as they helped him achieve his goals... He, of course, wanted to improve them as soon as he can but... How?

Current world didn't have ANY knowledge about magic, not even a single book could be found... Well, you'll find some, but Kerren had better chances at reincarnating once more than at getting them into his hands...

Thus, his current goal was improving his knowledge. He already had some books related to spellcasting and magic in general, but those were at the level of a begginer.

To get more useful books he would need to scout dungeons that had something related to it.

For example, in his preveious life a group of mages found a dungeon with a magic tower in it. They took everything they could from it, using tons of resources in the process as they had to freeze the boss and keep him alive.

However, not only it was worth it from the first glance, on the long run they became the biggest magical organization on the planet! Just 5 years after the dungeon they were far above everyone and everything else and were practically #1 force on the planet, seemingly unbeatable.

Of course, it was impossible for Kerren to do such a thing on his own.

First of all - such dungeons were one of a kind, it was insanely unlikely that it would appear any time soon. At best it would be some noble's house that had some books about magic.

Second - even if such a dungeon appeared, how could he take everything from it? There was no way, he wouldn't be able to beat it alone unless there was a scenario.

Yeah, generally scenario dungeons were easier, as one had option and only had to choose between them. If lucky and smart enough even an "F" rank would be able to conquer an S class scenario dungeon.

Of course, such things didn't happen normaly as Kerren doesn't even know if there were any scenarios that had magic knowledge, it's not like people would boast about it or anything...

As such, he didn't have any other choice but to wait for an opportunity. Obviously, he didn't waste his time for nothing.

This time he examined the thing inside if him, tried to control it as he did in the purgatory and generally worked on himself.

He examined his current state and whatever he could do to improve it, sadly, the only option he could get to was finally conquering the 1st floor of the dungeon and then buying lots of supplies and books.

Other than that he didn't know what to do. Hope that some random dungeon with magic knowledge inside of it will appear? Such things did happer from time to time, but he didn't know when and where, so relying on it was insanely dumb.


He soon got back to his apartment to prepare another plan, he didn't bother with cleaning his body or anything like that, he didn't even change his "clothes" that were technically a part of his body from time to time.

He simply walked towards the bed and started thinking about the future and his options.

After some time Kerren called the guildmaster and told him to look for any scenarios dungeons or those that were somehow related to magic, anythign would do as long as they had a chance to contain a book about magic.

However, when he was ready to end the call...

- Actually, we do have such a dungeon, but i'm afraid it'll be hard even for you... -- the guildmasters hesitant voice could be heard.

- Oh? What is it? An "S" class scenario or something? -- he chuckled at the end of the sentence.

- Yes.

As he heard hia answer, Kerren was shocked, to say the least. When he needed something... he just got it like that?

Something was definitely strange... Wait... Now that he thhougth about it even more...

-* When i need something, i almost immediately get it? How is that possible? When i needed to increase my mana capacity and sell armor i got a guy who fulfilled both! Now that i need to improve my spells i get an B rank dungeon that i can complete without any help? What the hell is going on?

Kerren simply couldn't believe his luck. It was hard to believe that luck was suddenly on his side. Even after he reincarnated he didn't get stuff for nothing and had to at least think about how to get it.

Now, however? He only needed to wish for it.

Of course, Kerren couldn't link his body of mana to what happened, he didn't know that it was the reason, as i explained earlier mana is fulfilling one's wishes...

- Hey, Kerren, are you here? -- the guildmasters voice interrupted his thinking

- Oh, yeah yeah, sorry, i suddenly thought about something... So, when will you pick me up so i can raid it?..