
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Battle junkie wannabe;

After "listening" to some great ideas people around him had he decided to move.

Of course, he pretended that the took their idea into consideration, but most of them were refused straight away.

Some were as dumb as could be. Several students proposed to surrender, some more tried to plead the teachers so they would let them out...

Those people were pathetic, and Kerren wanted to kill them on the spot, as those weren't raiders, they were a bad parody.

Obviously, he couldn't do that, it didn't fit his persona he tried to build, so he simply ignored them and instructed people who in his eyes were at least somewhat capable.

Soon enough they were almost ready. Kerren chose a "fast guy" among those who told him that they run fast.

He had to believe in their words since, well, he couldn't inspect them using a skill or a spell of his.

After some more time the operation with an unknown code name started.

Kerren told everyone to hold their ground for as long as possible and ran off in the direction where the boss was at.

As he got closer to where he supposedly was he couldn't see him, there were lots of bushes and flora in general around this place.

He had to admit that it was a good hiding place, but destroying a couple of square meters of a fake forest wasn't a big deal.

Thus, he started destroying all around him, it was kinda had since he didn't have a weapon, but destroying the trunk of a tree even without it wasn't a problem at all.

As he was busy with that, the guy he took with him ran off in some direction Kerren didn't know, he lost him from sight as soon as he started his little rampage that would, supposedly, lure out the boss.

And guess what, it did work! After a minute or so in turned out that that giant bush that Kerren thought was a normal one... wasn't! In reality it was a boss orc in a ghillie suit!

Well, it could barely be one since that orc simply took lots of branches with leaves and roped them to his body, put them in his clothes etc... That is a ghillie suit, right?..

Anyway, as he stood up it turned out that this boss was slightly... off. He was somewhat small for an orc? Kerren, however, didn't drop his guard as he needed to act according to the situation.

He couldn't understand why this small orc was a boss, or was it just a random tall human or something like that... It didn't really matter since he wasn't planning on conversating with him!

He attacked after a slight pause, not giving that orc or whatever it was a chance to run off or cry for help! Of course, an orc boss wouldn't cry, but what if it wasn't?

Soon, the fight started. It wasn't what Kerren expected as this guy was abnormally strong for such a small orc... He could almost overpower Kerren!

Of course, Kerren used only a slight bit of mana to make it look like it's a work of some stregth-increasing skill or something like that, but nonetheless this small guy was stronger than he imagined!

He even dropped his act of struggling to fight him, as he really was! The fight itself wasn't anything you would want to see (?), it was basically a sight of two half-naked men rolling on the ground, trying to ovepower eachother...

There's literally nothing to describe here! If they were placed on a stage people would just think that it was a wrestling match!

However, that one wasn't faked or anything like that, they did try to kill eachother! From time to time one of them would use a weakness that they found to strike in some place you wouldn't want to get hit at!

That included, but was not limited to, private parts, eyes, liver and others. Kerren, of course, was immune to that, he didn't even have organs...

In the midst of the fight Kerren thought about a peculiar thing... How could he hear if he didn't really have any ears?... He didn't make eyes and vocal cords either... How could he do all that?..

Yes, he did have those on the outside, but in reality those were just empty shells! If one tried to "open" Kerren he would find that he was nothing but mana, so how was it possible?..

However, as he thought about it... he got distracted by that orc's punch! Because of that, Kerren got angry and started using even more mana to finally overpower this guy and starting acting as if it's hard for him...

As he continued thinking about that, he couldn't tie it to anything but his soul. Could it be that souls had an ability to see, hear and talk?... That's the only explanation he had in his mind.

Of course, it was not baseless as he knew that ghosts and others things that weren't exactly physical did exist, but... was he one of them now?... He did die, but... he was a human, right?..

As he fell further and further into his thinking process he started "losing" as he stopped focusing on the fight. The guy couldn't do his any damage at all, it's just that he couldn't do the same.

After a moment he finally snapped back and found himself lying on the ground while he was punched by the orc!

-* Oh, right...

That was his only thought before he decided to finally end this fight. He thought that "struggling" for such a period of time was enough for him to show that it wasn't really easy for him to beat the boss...

Thus, he made a "WAAAGH" face and started screaming, furiously punching back the orc.

If some students were given a choice to choose an opponent between those two?... At least half of them would choose to fight the orc. Kerren looked way scarier than he is...

He was covered in blood, his clothes were ripped and it felt like his body was all damaged, but he still could muster such strength!

Well, in reality it wasn't his blood, he didn't have any damage either, he faked some cuts and such to make it look natural, but overall he was as healthy as could be.

Even his total mana pool was at 98%/100%... He could fight a 100 of such orcs without a problem, much less just one...

Finally after "calming down" Kerren stopped beating the lifeless body of the orc... It's not like he was alive in the first place but whatever.

When he looked at the sky, all covered in blood, sitting on the corpse of his enemy... he screamed.

It was all an act thought, he was not damaged to that exctent to act like he was some battle junkie or whatever, but he wanted to look like once...

The only thing missing in this scene was rain, it's too bad whoever made this dungeon couldn't help Kerren look even better than he looked now!