Two temporal manipulators or Chronokinietics, one male aged 14 and the other female aged 15-200, attain the status of Supervillain as they try to find a way to live with each other through time.
I spare Fawn the hassle of looking at my face some more and sink into my shirt. I didn't mean to do any of that, in fact, I don't think I meant to do anything at all. I just…
A heavy sigh passes my lips, my head lightly bouncing off the car door. Done crying my eyes out in a marvelous display of exactly how powerful and terrifying I am, Fawn and I are now headed back to the Residence.
I'm not sure what to think of the place, not sure what picture to paint. A place where a Playboy, Pyrokinetic, Muscle freak, a gloomy lady no taller than I am and a kid named Symphony live together.
With their mixmatch of personalities it's hard to paint a single picture where they truly live together. I'd ask Fawn to explain the arrangements further but well...I'd rather not look at her right now.