I, the suspiciously previously unnamed protagonist, have woken up to my normal everyday life after a strange 'dream' I had when everything is so different, even me. But even when the world and even people have changed, I kinda gotta keep on living, which is confusing when no one notices ANYTHING WRONG with the world.
It is I, Jess, awake again. Apparently I slept for two days. I wanted to see if the reporters were gone, but another problem about the technique I used is that, well, I can't see through it, so I have no idea if they are still there or not. Oh well, I've isolated the house from the real world long enough, and even if they are still there, I just give up at that point.
I take down the technique and... yep, they're gone. Finally, although once they learn that the house is accessible again, they will probably be back. That kinda sucks. Oh well, I'll take the win this time. To be fair, I wouldn't expect reporters to camp out a house for two days, they have jobs to do after all.
Just around three more days until classes start again then I'll have somewhere safe to go. Why not see how the construction is going? I haven't seen how they build things so fast yet. Looking around how all the buildings are in trees, it probably has to do with Plant magic.
I teleport near where the school used to be and float up to get a good view, and I see that most of the outside of the school has already been constructed. This world is ridiculous sometimes. How can an entire school be built in a week, that's crazy!
From what I observed, the way the school is built is that they use Plant magic to grow a ginormous tree, not as big as the Yggdrasil like tree, but still sizable enough to fit an entire school in it's trunk. Then they use the magic to form the inside of the trunk to the desired format of the school.
Also seems like they are taking this opportunity to renovate the school too. That's nice. It will be good to hopefully have better organized hallways. Not that the crowds affect me saying that I can float.
The school was in need for some renovations so it was nice to take the opportunity. My only problem is, in order for them to renovate, they needed THE SCHOOL TO BE DESTROYED! Seriously! They couldn't have thought of it before, the thing was falling apart! The ceiling leaked on rainy days! The state of the school didn't change after the Shift either.
Well, there really isn't much to do... I'll just go back to the city and see if there's anything to do there.
I float down to the city and right away see a couple people trying to install a new sign to their shop. Seems they can't reach the spot they are trying to put it, why don't I help them. I walk over to them (I'm still low on MP after setting up the barrier so I need to take breaks from floating sometimes) over to them and ask if they need help.
"Do you need help setting up the sign?" I ask, trying my hardest not to die of social anxiety. I need to talk to people in the real world so I might as well start now!
"Ah yes, this sign is too heavy for us to get up there." The lady of the shop, a sheep Beastman. I can tell because of the horns and wool that are around her arms and legs. Also her ears look like a sheep's. Her hair is white like the wool, and her eyes are a goldish yellow.
"I-I think I can help you..." I stutter, and grab the sign from her. I chant 'Weightless' on the signboard and float it up to where I think she wanted it.
"Is this w-where you wanted it?"
"Wow! Yeah that's just right, now let us hammer it in real quickly."
When I leave, the Sheep Beastman gives me some money for my troubles. In this world it is about equivalent to 50USD. They're called dollars still, but the print is a lot different. It is made of a fabric created from the leaves of that huge Yggdrasil tree, and are thus impossible to forge. That is unless you somehow manage to get Yggdrasil leaves which never fall to the ground and can only be collected with the permission of the government itself.
I thank her and go on my way, but now a bunch of random people are asking me to help them with their heavy lifting. Look, I don't really need the money, HOWEVER if I can do easy jobs for some cash, I don't see why I wouldn't, right? Don't worry I didn't charge ridiculous amounts, only like $20. But I still came out with an extra $300 by the end, so I'll take it.
And before you say $20 is a lot, I'll have you know if a professional did the same thing with gravity magic, it would be like ten times more, it not more, so I say it's a good deal. Although, I may do something like this again one day if, you know, I need cash or something.
Sorry for the smaller chapter, I just had to write 6 essays and a butt-ton of homework and studying. I really didn't have time to write something like the thousand word chapters I usually do.