
School Is Better Than I Remember

"Excuse me what? Jump where, we already know that none of the buildings are high enough and we cant jump up anywhere so you're not making sense."

William doesn't reply but instead walks over to one of the windows, looks back at Jack and says.


...And then jumps up and looks through the window...

"Nope not this window too many zombies to deal with, on to the next one I guess."

Jack still hasn't said a word, he is just staring at William while he jumps and looks in each window before moving onto the next one, over and over. After William jumps for the fifth time Jack finally walks past him and goes to the next window and starts jumping as well, they continue jumping until they get to one of the science classrooms. William jumps but doesn't move on like usual instead he jumps again before calling out to Jack who is a few rooms behind him.

"Hey Jack, come take a look at this one. It's the best so far might as well take it."

Jack runs over to the window and jumps up to see inside, he cant see any zombies so he jumps again this time he finds 3 zombies trying to walk through the door, but for some reason they can't. Jack nods at William who gets the hammer and nails and starts to hammer a straight line of nails in, making a small foot hold for them to stand on and not have to jump all the time. After the nails are in they both step onto their own foot hold and can now get a better look in the classroom, aside from the 3 zombies trying to get out there are another 5 dead zombies, all with their heads bashed in.

"Umm I don't think she's as defenseless as we first thought William, they look pretty dead to me well...more than the other zombies anyway."

"Thats better for us and her, better chance she's alive and if she joins us then she could help when we go out looking for more supplies. Although I don't know what she used to kill them, nothing I've used has left their heads looking like that. It looks like a blunt object but small and it had to be used multiple times for each zombie."

William then smashes the glass with his hammer and climbs in, with Jack following close behind him and they both jump onto the ground, as soon as they land the 3 zombies notice them and charge at them. William hits one with the hammer between its eyes, sinking into the skull and killing it instantly. Jack throws his axe hitting another in the neck also killing it and the last one tries to pounce on William but instead gets an axe to the shoulder which pushes it away from him. William then stomps on it killing it. Jack looks over in disgust at the sight of the smashed in skull.

"Couldn't you have done that in a cleaner way? That looks and smells disgusting, look at your boots! They are covered in blood and gore."

"It was quick, and you are going to see much worse anyway, things are going to be a lot different soon."

William slowly opens the door and peeks out before quickly shutting it again.

"Yeah no. We are not going that way, looks like the entire school and more are in that corridor. I don't think that they should all fit in there, but they are. So what are we going to do now? The ceiling isn't an option we don't have a drill and all we have are nails and rope."

"Hey I have an idea, but you are going to need to be able to roughly measure the width of the corridor to make sure it will work, as long as its slightly wider than a desk it will work."

William opens the door and sticks his head out again, this time waiting a few more seconds before shutting the door again. He then looks over at a desk and then thinks for a few seconds.

"3inches, thats all the room we are going to have between a desk and the walls, and that's not at each side. Your plan better be a good one, or we might be the ones who need rescuing."

"Don't worry I'm 100...90...OK I'm 65% sure this will work so don't worry have I ever let you down before."

"I haven't talked to you since high school and the first time we met you got me wrapped up in your problem with Daniel so yes. You have let me down, 100% of the time actually. But even with that, yes I do trust you and your plan, whatever it is."

"Well thanks, I guess. The plan is to use a table like a shield or ram, hammer nails into the underside of it so they skewer the zombies like with the ram. We push it down the corridor then run up the stairs before and zombies even manage to touch us. Boom fool proof."

William just looks at him for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"And what are we going to do when we get upstairs, are the zombies just going to Magically dissappear dumbass. We need to get upstairs, without meeting any zombies. Once one finds us the rest will hear and will soon follow...we need to get to the roof without leaving this room." He starts to walk round the room while muttering to himself and looking around him, to see if he could figure out what to do.

" Oh so I'M the dumbass am I? So Mr Genius, how are we meant to get out of here, without leaving the room, its not like we can just go through the roof again, we would get onto the roof yes. But the wrong part of the roof, not the part she is on, we would still be a floor lower than her."

William stops for a few moments before quickly spinning round to face Jack.

"Remember what we did for leavers day? With the bunch of bungee ropes, that nearly got us arrested until you managed to talk the principle down?"

"You mean when you called one of your dad's friend who had a crane to lift the principal's car onto the roof, and we used bungee ropes to hang it? Then yes I do remember, why? We almost dropped the car because we forgot about the wind, the principle wasn't very happy at that point although I dont blame him when a few bungee ropes snapped. I dont see how that's going to help us at all, the school was pretty quick to try and shut it down."

William jumps onto one of the desks and fidgets around the roof before one of the tiles pushes up.

"Well Jack, what you forgot to mention is that we stored all the bungee ropes in different classes around the school incase anyone found some of them so that we would have enough. If I remember correctly we hide a few of them in here in the roof, but Andrew, who was meant to get them got sick and couldn't make it. So hopefully they will still be here. Ahh! Found them!"

He pulls 6 bungee ropes from the ceiling and throws them at Jack before jumping back down. And opening the window before leaning out and looking up at the next floor.

"We have a chance if we can break the window im the classroom above us and one room to the left and throw the bunges ropes through, if they catch on a desk then we can use them to climb up onto the next floor and then use your plan to get to the rooftop. The main problem is that they need to catch onto a desk which might take a few attempts."

William then throws the hammer through the window smashing it and raining shards of glass down on him. He ties the ropes together to make an extra long one and starts swinging it before throwing it up through the window, he pulls it back but can't because it has caught on something which is strange because he didn't hear it hit a desk. He tugs it a few times before deciding it's safe enough to climb, as soon as he starts to climb whatever the rope caught on starts to be pulled towards the window but before it can fall out it gets stuck between two desks. William continues to climb but this time slower and carefully and after 30seconds he makes it up to the window, he looks through and realises why he didn't hear a desk moving when he climbed...The rope wasn't caught by a desk it was caught by a body.

He climbs through the window and looks at the body then the classroom, the body with the rope in it seems to be the teacher but it isn't one he remembers from his time in school. Throughout the room are lots of dead bodies, probably the students who had this class when everything went wrong, but the strange thing is that all of them died human, none of them turned into zombies. They have chunks of missing flesh so they were definitely bitten but none of them turned, William decides to leave this for now and goes back to the window to let Jack know its safe to come up.

After they are both up they take a better look around the room, from all the posters and books lying around they decide that it used to be a maths classroom, they decide to ignore the bodies for now and try to find a way up to the rooftop, now that they are a floor higher all they need to do is get to the staircase and get whoever is on the otherside to open it and let them through.

"Well why don't we just make a run for the door, most of the zombies should be downstairs meaning this floor should be relatively free so as long as we are quick we should be able to make it."

"That plan is better than your last one Jack, but what happens if the door is locked and the person can't or won't open it in time. While you are right about there being less zombies that doesn't mean they won't come here as soon as they hear us, however if we could round then all up outside the classroom downstairs we should be able to sneak our way to the door as long as one of us makes enough noise to attract all the zombies."

Sorry for the long wait. (Thought not many people probably cared) I've been busy with the whole school fiasco cause of the pandemic so haven't had the time to continue this but have decided to come back.

William_Alexander_creators' thoughts