
Let's Go To School

As their plan to kick William, Jack and Daniel out failed they decided to just leave as soon as possible, probably through the already made hole as all the zombies had been cleared or at least that's what they thought. The guards started to look round the vault, apart from the crowd that tried to talk to them were now standing in the middle of the room, but a small group of maybe 15 were sitting in one of the corners and one of them had a cordless drill like William had told them to get, this most likely were the few people who still trusted William and his idea about the drill.

Seeing them, William along with the rest of the guards went over to them to plan their next move, however the closer they got to the group they started to notice the dark expressions on their faces.

"What's the matter with all of you, aren't you guys happy to see all of us or are you already regretting not siding with the rest. Dont act surprised, it isn't that hard to realise what happened while we were away. What did they say to try and get you to betray us?"

They're dark expressions quickly turn to surprise as they hear what William asked them as even though they looked gloomy, it shouldn't be that easy to figure out what had happened yet he just had. Out of the 15, 9 were female and 6 were male, probably 2 couples as some of them were holding children while 1 or 2 were not. The woman who was holding the drill started to tell them all what had happened, about how they managed to get almost everyone to turn against William by saying that he had lead them all to their deaths in the vault, how the plan wasn't to kill all the zombies and come back. That it was actually to leave them to die by going straight through all the zombies and run away, and how they used to have more people but a minute or 2 after they left zombie groans could be heard from outside the walls which lead more people to join the larger group. How they planned to get the guards on their side if William's plan failed and get them to kick him out, then use the guards as cannon fodder to escape.

The more William and the rest heard the darker their own expressions got, to the point that they looked like they wanted to kill everyone in that group...which is exactly what they wanted to do. But they decided that straight up killing them wasnt good enough...no they should have to suffer while they die, like being eaten alive by zombies which wouldn't be hard to make possible. The only problem would be how they would get out of it alive, going outside would be suicide at the moment and if they brought zombies inside they would obviously die. Which is where the drill came in, they couldn't drill through any walls as zombies could be heard at the other side of each and they couldn't go down, that would just lead to dirt however going up was still an option. They had a large ass staircase that reached the ceiling, a fully charged cordless drill and someone who knew how to use it. Enough guards to make a circle around the staircase and lots of time.

Oh yeah, it's all coming together. All they needed to do was keep the crowd away long enough to drill a hole in the ceiling, have everyone climb up through the hole, have the last person destroy the staircase and then somehow let the zombies in. What could possibly go wrong...yeah actually quite a lot now that they all think about it. How are they going to let the zombies in, and won't the group just rebuild the staircase and climb out with them? But of course none of that is going to happen, not because they actually have a good plan oh no...THEY HAVE THE POWER OF PLOT ARMOUR ON THEIR SIDE.

Small out of chapter talk, I hate plot armour. It literally uses because the author has no idea how to explain what's going on, even if its about magic or supernatural things there is still a way to sort of explain it. Although to be fair most of the big zombie apocalypse books dont have much it actually makes it worse when you do see plot armour as its soo out of place. If you do see any plot armour that you think is changable let me know and I will see if I can change it.

Ok back to the actual book.

Out of the 38 people in the plan, 37 are in the vault while the last is the lone guard outside, after they go through the entire plan Jack will go and tell him what to do. 2 people will be on the staircase, 1 doing the actual drilling and another to be lookout to make sure nothing goes wrong, the children aren't taking part in this so they will be sitting on the staircase waiting. The 28 people left will be making a circle around the staircase and making sure no one gets past, when the hole is made the 2 adults will go up first then the children, then the rest will slowly make their way up while making the circle smaller as they go and the last person will kick the top of the staircase so that the other group can't climb up. As soon as the last person is up the guard outside will open the door and let zombies in, if no zombies are nearby he will go get them. After that the massacre will begin but no one will be there to watch it, after they get out they will go their separate ways. William will head back to Annabel as this was another failed attempt to find his parents, Jack is thinking about tagging along but doesn't want to ask William, Daniel wants go to find his mother and little sister, the guards would do their own thing but a few decided to go with Daniel, and then the 'normal' people would just try to survive maybe finding the military and getting their protection.

As soon as the Jack finished talking to the guard outside, he was all for the plan and was fine with staying behind has his arm was throbbing and it was slowly making its way up his body, the 2 started to climb the staircase the crowd were quick to notice this and started to walk over to see what was going on. Only to be stopped by a wall of guards who would not move, they tried to force their way through but a few gun shots in the ground put a stop to that. As the drill started some people in the group realized what was happening and started to tell everyone that it was ok and that the guards just didnt want anyone to get hurt as they make another exit for them...Which obviously wasnt correct but nobody decided to tell them what was actually going on as this settled them.

After a few minutes of drilling the hole was completed and the first 2 started to climb up, when the crowd saw this they got angry again, this time that they weren't the first ones to escape. But the guards told them that they went up first to make sure it's safe (they decided to stick with the, it's for everyone excuse). Then the children started to climb up which nobody got annoyed with, whoever would is just a bastard, however when the guards started to move up the staircase people started to get worried and try to break through again but like last time they could not. When the guards started to climb up the hole some people really started to get desperate and tried to bribe the guards but it didnt work, when it got to the last 5 guards things started to get harder as they had to protect a larger area so they had to speed up and have people pull the rest of the guards up. When the last guard tried to climb up some people actually grabbed onto him and tried to pull him down but thankfully the rest of the guards managed to pull him up and the people holding on fell of, making the staircase collapse. When the guard outside heard the staircase collapse he quickly opened the hole, and ran though, when everyone saw them they thought nothing of it. Maybe he didn't know that the rest were leaving and wanted to go with them, no one even wondered why he was outside or why he hadn't blocked the hole again, however when they heard the first groans and grunts that only a zombie could make, that's when they cared. When the first zombies burst through the hole was when things really went downhil, everyone tried to climb up the staircase but everyone kept pulling each other down so nobody actually got up it, the zombies quickly killed the people at the bottom and started to work their way up like it was a buffet. William was of course watching all this from the hole in the ceiling, the only thing that he thought would make it better would be some popcorn, cause you cant watch a horror movie without popcorn am I right? Everyone else who had climbed up the hole thought he was a sociopath which to be fair he might be...

Some people who had managed to make it close to the top of the staircase could see William and started pleading with him to save them but the only reply they got was.

"You get what you fucking deserve, try to have us killed? Them we will have you killed. That's a there is to it."

After 10 minutes everyone in the room had been killed and turnt, seeing this everyone decided to go their separate ways and the room they were in quickly became almost empty. Only Jack, Ban and William were left, after a few minutes of silence Jack finally worked up the courage to ask William.

"Would it be ok if I went with you, I dont really have anywhere else to go as from what I know most of the family I care about is already dead and exciting things seem to happen when you are around.'

"...that's what you wanted to ask me jesus. I thought you were going to confess your undying love to me! If that's it them sure uf you really want to, but I wont be the one to decide if you can come...that's up to Annabel, and Ban I guess but he doesn't seem to mind you. I genuinely thought that you were in love with me, that would have been tch." he doesn't get to finish his sentence before a piece of rubble hits him in the head.

"Alright you've had your fun, can we go now I want to have a comfy bed as soon as possible and surprisingly there isnt one here."

With this they both head out of the room and after a few minutes find the quad, they both get on and Ban jumps in the basket and they set off...

When they pass the school it is very different from when they last saw it, the entire school is surrounded with zombies and they can be seen throughout the halls, but the thing that surprises them the most is the person on the roof. When the quad gets near they stand up and start waving their arms at them trying to get their attention, but William and Jack were already looking. William groans when he realizes that this is his fault as he lead the zombies to the school, meaning he should technically be the one to fix it, especially when he has but a person in danger...

For those of you wondering, yes Ban was lifted through the hole by the guards, by this point he is basically a mascot for them. He was actually one of the first few who went through the hole.

William_Alexander_creators' thoughts