
Can this day get any worse...Oh wait

As soon as William hears the crunch he bolts across the room and jumps each staircase to get to the ground floor as fast as possible, to find Randolf and see if hes still alive.

When he gets to the lobby he can see the remains of the desk and a large splatter of what looks like blood and bone fragments, but no Randolf. Seeing this William slowly creeps out of the door and looks around him incase Randolf dragged himself away, but before he can get to the desk he hears a growl and then his face is pushed against the concrete as a heavy weight is suddenly on his back.

William, realizing that it must be Randolf quickly grabs onto him and throws him off onto the street, now he can get a good look at "Randolf" except it doesn't look at all like him. Its face has been completely crushed and wood and glass splinters are covering most of the exposed flesh, his left arm has been completely broken and the bone is sticking out quite far, his right leg is bent backwards, but Randolf is moving like hes perfectly healthy. The only problem is that Randolf is the only zombie in sight and there are no noticeable bite marks anywhere on him...

Unknown to almost everyone except for possibly the government, and the cult. The fanatic cult managed to make a diluted solution that can be added to water, but as its diluted it cant actively kill anyone. But if someone who has ingested the contaminanted water dies they will still turn into a zombie.

This is bad as with each passing day the contaminated water will be evaporated by the sun, forming clouds which will get pushed by the wind, making some of the solution mix with the air. Meaning that soon if you even breath air you will have the weaker virus, so anyone who dies will come back as a zombie, no matter how they die (unless the entire body is destroyed, obviously).

Randolf gets back up onto his feet and rushes at William, but this time he's ready and kicks him back while pulling out his trusty axe, which is 'slightly' redder than it usually would be. Instead of waiting for Randolf to attack again William throws the axe hitting him on the side of his head, sinking in a few cm before getting lodged in, Randolf staggeres for a bit before tripping, but he doesn't get back up a small pool of greyish blood forms around the body, likely some blood leftover from when he was alive.

If anyone saw William at that point they would see some tears in his eyes, granted they quickly disappear but as Annabel said he isnt one to show his emotions so him almost crying shows how much he hated having to kill Randolf, especially after he had just saved him. He steels himself because he knows that if he sits here and cries about Randolf he is never going to find his parents which is the whole reason he is still here in the city and not back with Annabel.

He slowly walks over to the body and grabs the axe pulling it out of Randolf's head. He cleans it to get rid of as much blood as he can before putting it back into his belt and head back into the office building again to go retrieve the recently purchased gun, as he left it when he ran due to its weight.

After he grabbed the gun he left the building and decided to head back to the quad and head back to Annabel, he could look for his parents tomorrow. All he wanted to do was go home and sleep after all that has happened. When he found the quad he tied the gun to the basket on the front of it, and headed back the way he came, but the closer he got to the house the more zombies he saw. Seeing this he changed the quad from low to high and sped up ramming any zombies that got to close...

When he got to the house it was swarmed by zombies but thankfully none of the doors had been broken and he could hear Ban barking from inside the house, that was probably what drew all the zombies to the house. If one zombie wandered to the house and Ban started barking than any nearby zombies would hear him and swarm the house, making him bark even louder drawing more zombies etc.

It took William almost two hours to clear all the zombies as he was already tired to behind with but by the end of it he was exhausted, he unlocked the door and stumbled through the house until he found the spare bed, but didn't make it before quickly falling unconscious from fatigue...

He woke up a few hours later to a scratching at the door and whining. Feeling refreshed he goes and opens the door and Ban quickly jumps up and knocks him to the ground, pinning him to the ground and starts slathering him in licks and doggy kisses, he can hear someone laughing and looks up to see Annabel leaning against the door frame smiling at the two of them before walking into the room and sitting on the bed.

"Come here Ban, come on!" she says to the energetic dog who happily compiles, sitting down beside her. She starts to scratch his ears then looks at William for a few seconds before

"What happened when you were out there, your eyes have lost some of their sparkle?" she asks while sliding off the bed and putting her head on his shoulder.

And she was right, if you had seen William yesterday and then today you would probably notice that his eyes have lost some of that sparkle that they have and don't seem just as colourful, almost like his natural blue colour has been sucked out. But can you really blame him with what happened with Randolf yesterday, having to kill him was especially hard but he needed to do it, more for Randolf than himself.

He sighs and tells her all about what happened yesterday, from when he first entered the city till when he left it a few hours later. The more she hears the more her eyes widen and when it's all over she tightly hugs him not letting him go for a few minutes even though he doesn't like hugs and tries to get out of it at the beginning, but after a few moments his vision blurs and when he tries to clear it with his hands he finds out that's is because he unconsciously started to cry without even knowing. When he was finally released from the embrace he quickly leaves the room and starts cooking breakfast, when he does this Annabel just smiles as she knows that he's just trying to ignore the fact that he just cried and in the 11 years they have known each other, even as a kid she only saw him cry a few times but the older he got the less often it happened so the fact that he trusted her enough to break down made her slightly happy in a sad way. After a few minutes she can smell eggs and bacon cooking and decides to go downstairs and help him in preparing breakfast before he burns the bacon (as it happens surprisingly often).

She tells him about how she decided it would be better for her if they stayed at his house instead of hers and spent the time while he was gone moving all the stuff back, which is why all the zombies had gathered around the house.

After breakfast William tells Annabel that he's going back into town to do what he wanted to yesterday and then they were leaving to go see if they can find any of their friends who live not too far away from her. When she hears that he's going back into town at first she tries to stop him as with what happened yesterday she doesn't know if he can handle it if/when he kills his own parents. But after hearing about how he can't leave them as zombies until someone else kills them she has to let him go as he was the one who killed her parents, and she wouldn't know what to do if someone she didn't know had killed them.

This time instead of the gun he puts Ban in the basket as he hasn't even used that type of gun before and shooting a gun that he has never used before during a zombie apocalypse in the city probably isn't a good idea and also he wants to save the ammo incase he runs into any super strong early infected zombies as he doubts the axe or even sledgehammer would be enough to kill one. So him and Ban set off into the distance of the city leaving Annabel back at the house again for probably the rest of the day, but what none of them has noticed is that one of the zombies William killed yesterday that was around the house actually survived an axe to the head, even though it's head was hit all it has is a small dent, but after he hit it William kick it back thinking it was dead so it is in a ditch, it's still moving trying to get out of the ditch. It was actually one of the original zombies so it has much stronger skin and it will take a lot more than an axe to kill it, even the military had trouble killing one of these zombies never mind a small wood chopping axe. It hears the quad starting up and leaving and its struggle to get out of the ditch gets even more frantic and erratic, the movements are almost making a slope up the side of the ditch allowing it to get a better grip and get farther up the ditch. At this rate it will only take an hour or two before it gets out...

All I want to know is do I keep Annabel alive or so I kill her off hmmmm.

At first I wanted to have her die from the hoard at the house but when writing it I just couldn't do it for some reason. And I feel that the touching moment in the bedroom made up for that...hopefully. I might still kill her later on but for now she lives, unless you want her to die now?

William_Alexander_creators' thoughts