
The Woodsman's Son In Another World

“I’ll carve my own path! Whether it kills me or not!” Some say you should never stay in someone’s shadow for far too long or you’ll let yourself be lost on your own when said shadow suddenly disappears. A young man sets on a journey to find a sacred place that his Father had left for him as a task. That young man however doesn’t expect the sudden summoning to another world. Where his Father already had a history on it as a Legendary Hero. He left behind some clues to what the young man should do and a Goddess to help him guide along the way. How will he mark his name into the world where his Father came from? What trials, truths, lies, and turns could bring him either closer or farther from his own Father. “How far will your Father’s teachings bring you today or somewhere in the future.”

Sandwich_Author · Action
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19 Chs

The Woodsman's Son and The Village of Nature

Today's super surreal a lot of stuff has happened. I went on an adventure to follow the promise my Father made for me. Then suddenly I'm in another world where I killed a bear, the first thing I encountered in this new world.

For some reason my Father is an important figure of this world or something since they sound like giving praise for my Father from what I remember was a normal person. And now we're hiking towards her village from the looks of it.

So we decided to have a short chat.

"How come you became the Guest of Honor's son?" The girl asked a weird question

"Well he was the one who raised me as a kid. I never knew my mother since he said she passed away after I was brought to this world. Well our world." I replied.

"How'd you manage to acquire his old possessions after he passed away?" She asked again.

"I found this book in our house when I was cleaning the house when I came across it with a letter telling me that he left things for me to use and take in this adventure he left me to find. I didn't bring everything with me but I brought one of his guns I guess." I answered.

"The village is expecting the Guest of Honor to finally return after decades. So you will be answering a lot of questions when we get there." She shrugs the details to me while we walk.

"How did my Father come across this world anyways and become the hero of this forest?" I asked.

"I don't fully know the full story but I know from stories that he came from another world with that gun with you and some tools made to do work in the forest. He was called the Legendary Woodsman.

He protected the forest from being destroyed and apart from that he also became a legendary hero in everybody else's villages and countries. He was even blessed by the Goddess of Nature and prevented a war that could have ended the world.

But he left after he finally found a way back home never to be seen again until you entered here and fired that said shotgun. Were you fighting something out there?" She replied and asked.

"I was fighting this huge creature with rocks sticking out of its back. I don't really know what the name is but I managed to take it down with my gun." I replied.

"That weapon of his was one of the blessed weapons by the Goddess of Nature. The blood of the Legendary Hero runs in your veins then. Anyways, we're near the village. Let me do the talking." She gave me instructions so I followed.

She walked to the gate knocking. The guard asked.

"I brought bearing news. Open the gate!" She shouted.

The gate lowly opened as the villagers from the looks of it were waiting in the gate area with guards along the inside. They weren't expecting me. Sound of confusion and eyebrows being raised tells me that they never knew that I'm not my Father.

"Ria, I asked you where is the Guest of Honor? And who is this person?" The older woman asked.

"Mother, everyone. This might bring huge news for us and for everyone in the land. This person I brought here is the Woodsman's son. He came here on the behalf of his Father who passed away years ago." Seems like her name is Ria.

Everyone is distraught and devastated by the news. Some were glad and curious about the new kid.

"What is your name Son of the Woodsman?" The older woman asked.

"My name is Alan Brooke, Madam." I replied hesitantly.

"You even have his last name…" She is deep in thought from the rapid changing of news.

I guess I have to do something to prove that I'm their Hero's descendant and son.

"I have proof of my connection to my Father." I raised the shotgun and focused onto it as the disembodied voice reminded me back when I fought that bear.

The shotgun started to glow again fully this time to prove that the weapon is still connected to the will of the Goddess of Nature at least what Ria told me about that is.

Everyone was convinced immediately upon seeing it glow from the looks of it from what they remember. And a sigh of relief whenI managed to successfully prove myself.

"Alright you've convinced me but this doesn't mean we'll stop here, come to my domain we'll have a long discussion about your Father, Alan, escort him to my room. Ria you come too." The older woman walked towards her domain.

Seems like I'm gonna have a long discussion about this with her. The guards escorted me to the domain as well with Ria right by the guards. The village is huge from the size alone of the houses and space it has inside.

We arrived at her office from the looks of it. And she poured some drinks on her glass.

"Tell me what happened to your Father and how he passed away. I know it may be a bit of a heavy topic since you said he passed away a few years ago. You don't have to push yourself into telling us this. So take your time." The older woman started drinking a bit.

Ria takes a seat by the couch. I did the same too on the opposite side of hers.

"I know it is a heavy topic for me to talk about. But if you are serious that my Father was the Hero of this world then telling how he passed away is the least I could do as his son who witnessed his final hour.

He passed away peacefully on his bed smiling. He had no regrets from the look of his face. He was still pretty young when he passed away to be honest. I was his only child after all.

I never knew what my Mother looked like and he raised me and taught everything he knew about forestry. He even taught me how to shoot guns when I was young. I never knew anything he did previously.

When he's around the house nothing really unusual happens. I guess this is his best kept secret from his own son. Sorry if I went on a bit of a tangent." I gave some of the details I know about living with my Father.

"I'm sorry that I had to ask you about your private life." The older woman lowers her glass while taking in the news from the looks of it.

"Mother, are you okay?" Ria stepped forward a bit concerned.

"No, no, Ria, I'm fine. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Vert, and I'm the leader of this village. I was an associate to your Father to be honest this is the first village he came by when he transferred to this world.

That was a different time and now time has passed. His son is standing right in front of me. Something to remind myself of my own actions." Vert seems to be worried and glad at the same time.

After this we continue to tell stories about my life with my Father alone in a secluded forest. That was a different time indeed, where I had to walk for 10 minutes just to go down the mountain. But as I got used to walking up and down the forest.

I could walk from home to the nearest village within 20 minutes. With a bit of tears dropping down from the sad news that Father died of natural causes I was escorted by Ria to give me the rundown of this village soon after.

"Sorry that my Mother was filled with questions. It's just that your Father really meant to us and we owe him a lot for saving our lives multiple times. I also understand that you'll be carrying the burden of fame your Father had brought to this world.

I hope you don't overwork yourself to keep up with your Father." Ria is concerned for my health but as of right now I kept my head level along the way.

I want to take this seriously if Father had such a history within these forests. I wanna see it for myself and maybe I could surpass him in something.

"Oh, I requested the key to your Father's old cabin. It's outside the village but it's near to us that you can just walk along the path here. Don't worry it's a safe and guarded place. No monster would dare to step into his domain." Ria hands me the keys and points to where the cabin is.

She had something to do first so she left after she gave me the keys. I guess I have somewhere to settle down that's good at least.

I went to the place she pointed at and saw the cabin. It's surprisingly quaint but the place is still in one piece from the looks of it. The wood hasn't degraded or anything seems like it's still brand new.

By how it looks it feels like the house was perfectly engineered. All the way down to the grain structure. Okay, I'm just going full craftsmanship appreciation here. It's impressive Father has this kind of house out here.

I guess there are really more than the plain old man I used to live with, well then show me your secrets.

Thank you for picking up this new chapter!

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