
The Woodsman's Son In Another World

“I’ll carve my own path! Whether it kills me or not!” Some say you should never stay in someone’s shadow for far too long or you’ll let yourself be lost on your own when said shadow suddenly disappears. A young man sets on a journey to find a sacred place that his Father had left for him as a task. That young man however doesn’t expect the sudden summoning to another world. Where his Father already had a history on it as a Legendary Hero. He left behind some clues to what the young man should do and a Goddess to help him guide along the way. How will he mark his name into the world where his Father came from? What trials, truths, lies, and turns could bring him either closer or farther from his own Father. “How far will your Father’s teachings bring you today or somewhere in the future.”

Sandwich_Author · Action
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19 Chs

Meeting The Man In Black

While I was riding Feros across the road I saw the surroundings getting darker and darker.

"Rain?" I asked myself as I tried to speed up before rain drops down.

But what I saw was something unusual… The trees are filled with crows all looking at me as I ride along the road.

I felt a presence in front of me so I immediately did an emergency stop and saw from a distance a murder of crows flying in every direction as a figure of a man started to appear in a sharply dressed suit and a cane in his hand and a sharp smile looking at me from a distance.

He soon stopped in the middle of the road with his cane in front of him. He raised his right hand and slowly snapped his fingers. I never realized what happened but he disappeared right in front of me.

I heard someone whistling from somewhere. Because I hear it in every direction wherever I look. My hand is on my holster with my shotgun ready, As a person taps my shoulder and I turn around to see that same man again.

"Oh, sorry for appearing out of nowhere. I had things planned for our meet up so let's get down to business." Suddenly this sharply dressed man appeared out of nowhere again right beside me.

"Now, now don't doubt this old man right here. Take a seat, we'll have a long time between us to talk about details." He snapped his fingers and I suddenly got transported into an office-esk building where he was in front of me.

Like a boss talking to his employee in his office. With so much happening I couldn't have enough time to process something for me to say.

"Go on now I know you have questions in your mind Mr. Alan." Somehow this person knows my name even.

"Where am I? And who are you?" I asked something that just popped out of my head.


"Ah, of course that's the first thing you'll ask. I never thought of that." He is making himself look like a fool all of the sudden.

He adjusts his chair and desk and begins looking serious.

"I know that this might be a surprise visit from me but this meeting is very much important for both of us." He kept talking to himself about this place and not about who he is.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked again.

"This is why I love both of you. Both of you tried to ask me that question. Who else knows about you. How your Father died. Ah, no questions about that for now. He requested that his cause of death must be hidden for you to answer. If you catch my drift young Mr. Alan." The man tried to stop my train of thought for some reason.

He knew Father died?

"You're a God right?" I replied.

I can't be too careful around him; he sounds like trouble to me.

"Correct! How did you know? Was there a name tag somewhere that told you I was a God?" He replied as he walked around me while giving a speech.

"More like a hunch to be honest." I answered back.

"I like you, young man. Quite an interesting person you are. My name is Vergil, and I am the God of Death and the Underworld. Go figure right?" Vergil sat down back on his chair soon after.

"I have a question." I raised my hand.

"Yes, Alan, me boy? Got something in your head?" Vergil asked.

"How do you know my Father? And how did you know he died?" I asked.

"To answer your first question, your Father and I had a long, long history between us. He was a representative of me. Surprised right? You thought only Agata has given powers to your Father that is now passed down to you.

Also… I owed him a lot of things for helping me take control of the underworld. Times are different now and I live casually and not cause chaos whenever I can. But since his son arrived here to once save the world again despite the world living at its most peaceful time raises a lot of eyebrows.

He did a lot of work for me in a nutshell, that's how I knew him. To answer your second question is redundant since I am the God of Death I knew when people come and go here. But he was an exception." Vergil quiets down as he said that

"Umm… Why did you stop? Also an exception?" I asked.

"Let me give you background on how things work here. You know people if they die their souls go to somewhere be heaven or hell. But those souls usually go to my domain first before being judged by their respective Gods.

Your Father, on the other hand, skipped this step. I was kinda pissed off that he skipped the line and went ahead already. Also he didn't even say hi to me." Vergil looked a bit grumpy from that.

"Why now? Why did you appear out of nowhere with no warning?" I asked.

"C'mon I've been following you since the day you've been transported here. You never realize the crows, following you?" Vergil summons one of his crows.

"Yes, but what is the significance of this meeting anyways?" It may sound as kinda rude for me to ask a God about this but I wanna know seeing how eccentric he is.

From the looks of it he became really serious and fixed his sitting position into a more intimidating one. Yet keeps his smug face from time to time.

"Down to more serious business now eh? I know you still have unfinished business with those bastards that hurt poor Connie. But I know time is important for you.

Things have changed since your Father passed away a few years ago. Of course not everyone knew he passed away. First and foremost the village he built was the only one who knew about this news at the moment.

And you know the news of death can spread really quick if it's from someone important to everyone. Thankfully it hasn't spread like wildfire just yet. The reason why I have to confront you right now from out of nowhere is rather alarming.

Your Father's work has been slowly being tarnished. I have no leads yet on who is behind this. But the alarming rate of murders that takes place in villages that your Father went through and helped are being taken advantage of by an unknown organization.

I know this may lead you astray from your original mission but it's best that you need to know it as quickly as possible. I'll be helping you since I owe your Father a lot, and I MEAN A LOT." Vergil shifts position.

"Why is the God of Death confronting me with this kind of information? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

I may have hit a good spot for a question to ask him.

"Interesting question, but my genuine answer is that I was shocked by how many innocent souls I have to cross to the afterlife at an alarming rate at one point. That I started to question the God of Fate, by the way he's responsible for who lives and dies and I'm just there to clean up his mess." Vergil replied.

"I guess so…" I reacted to his answer that only left me with more questions.

Who are these people? Are they demons? Monsters or other humans? Despite Vergil just doing his job, he's concerned by the rate of this.

Come Alan, think! Your Father had left the world with such a wonderful legacy and there are people out there willing to ruin such a beautiful and peaceful world he sacrificed just to be tainted by someone's bad intentions.

"Not to worry Alan. I'm not yet asking you to commit to saving the entire world just now. You're still new to this world. I'll be helping you along to where it's possibly be, telling you where their influence and you handle them.

No need to worry about getting cursed by their souls. I'll handle cleaning them up. But that will only happen when it's important or urgent. Otherwise we're basically done here meeting up."

Vergil is ready to finish up the meeting.

But I stopped him at the last second…

"I have one more question." I pulled his cuffs.

"Yes? Got something in mind?" Vergil sat down to hear the question.

"Can you tell me where and who are the bastards responsible for the torture that Connie endured?" I asked with a straight face.

"You two are really Father and Son huh. Always a Man on a Mission." Vergil looks impressed.

"Tell me…" I insisted.

"If I gave you a map will that be enough? If so, oh and by the way. The Guild of the South has been acting very much suspicious recently. Most of my recent victims on their record were associated with the Guild of the East and when I confronted them in the afterlife.

They barely bothered to respond to my questions and immediately wanted to go to the beyond. Most ended in hell anyways. That's what I caught on from my information at the moment. As you conduct your own investigations I'll send out information to you.

For now I'll see you around Alan." Vergil snaps his fingers again.

After that it seems like I returned back from that domain… Let's continue on for now.

Thank you for picking up this new chapter!

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