
The Woodsman's Son In Another World

“I’ll carve my own path! Whether it kills me or not!” Some say you should never stay in someone’s shadow for far too long or you’ll let yourself be lost on your own when said shadow suddenly disappears. A young man sets on a journey to find a sacred place that his Father had left for him as a task. That young man however doesn’t expect the sudden summoning to another world. Where his Father already had a history on it as a Legendary Hero. He left behind some clues to what the young man should do and a Goddess to help him guide along the way. How will he mark his name into the world where his Father came from? What trials, truths, lies, and turns could bring him either closer or farther from his own Father. “How far will your Father’s teachings bring you today or somewhere in the future.”

Sandwich_Author · Action
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19 Chs

Hunting Leads

Back on the roads with new leads on who could be possibly behind this operation. With a map in hand given by Vergil, this place should be just far enough from the village we visited yesterday.

Not that the village is completely out of the question for innocence right now. I have to investigate the people running the village. If they come out clean then I won't bat an eye out for the peacefulness of the village.

But if I ever see something that is up with it. I have to prune out the branches that might have been the source of these horrible crimes against innocent people.

I arrived in a somewhat remote place. Looks like a smaller village than the one we went to. There are certainly people walking around but they are careful of their movement and that already shows signs of something's up.

I hid Feros in the forest for now, and prepared my tools for this operation. Couple of hammers should work, a hatchet of course, and check if my shotgun is loaded and ready. Seems like it.

"I suggest that you wear something like a mask or so." Vergil appeared out of nowhere behind me.

"What are you on about?" I asked.

"I'm just saying if there's anyone that escapes you might get identified. Plus I'll be blessing you with my abilities. Also as a bonus anyone you kill won't be counted to your sins. That is if they are destined to be killed.

Which I sent my crows to that small remote village of theirs so the entire population of that village is basically free game for you to hunt down." Vergil twirls his finger.

"Alright I have a mask around here if I recall. Ah, here." I wore the mask I had on my bag.

"Here's the blessing… From the depths of the underworld, to the atonement of those who are fated to die. I give you the blessing of the Reaper's Eye!

There one of your eyes now can see who is fated to die and who are your targets to kill. Mind you this eye is just a suggestion you can change their fate if you want to and you can murder beyond the eye's control.

Just remember the consequences of killing someone who is not destined to die. Anyways good luck young Alan make your Father proud!" Vergil disappears into the void of the forest.

After that I snuck into their compound within the tall grass. I used as much of the background as possible to get close to their location. Seems like it's time.


As a guard passes by my position…

"Alright buddy… Time for you to take a nap." I pulled the guard by silently taking him down.

I stood up from the tall grass and began my operation from here on. Grabbed my hatchet and my shotgun and it's time for me to get down. I took a good look at the overview of the compound from a ladder nearby.

But up on the rooftop there was a guard. Quickly took him out just to see what was happening down there. Lot's of guards, seems like this is no ordinary village as it seems.

Soon after, Vergil once again appeared behind me…

"Hey, Alan. I just want you to know the guy you killed has a lot to tell. Before his eternal damnation, he executed a lot of children from that barn on the other street. Also there might be a person worth getting to know of." Vergil disappears as he gives me information.

I waited until the guards spread out and distanced themselves from one another. I climbed down the stairs to begin my objective of going to that execution barn that Vergil was talking about.

To think they're this fucked up to kill children for what? And why are they doing it in the first place? I guess this is why Vergil asked me to see it for myself in that barn.

A few minutes later…

As I walked into the barn I heard a young man crying. Before immediately stopping as the sound of a corpse dropped dead on the floor, this is where I snapped…

I kicked down the barn doors and started blasting the people inside.

*Bang* *Bang*

Taking out the biggest guys in the room with the shotgun and handling everyone else with the hatchets.

"Stop that Heretic!" Shouted the old man by the barn's altar.

At this point I have nowhere to look back but to do as God's will…

"Who in the hell are you!" Shouted the old man.

"Just a Messenger from God passing down judgment in this establishment." I replied as I raised my freshly loaded shotgun up his face.

"Tell your God that his message is rightfully ignored! Boys get this asshole!" The old man escaped the barn as a group of men surrounded me.

"Stand down you son of a bitch!" Shouted one of the men that entered the barn.

I saw Vergil appear in front of one of the windows nodding.

"Here's a message from God before I stand down. Thank you for your patronage." As I dropped down and shot the guy who cussed me.

A fight broke out with little to no effort whatsoever against these pathetic men of that old man. He's probably the head honcho of this place. Barrel's empty, and hatchets bloodied.

I began taking down as many as I could that entered the barn and quickly followed suit on the old man who escaped the barn. With tons of enemies going through my way getting pummeled and destroyed with each turn.

"You bastards aren't cut enough to be guards for that old goat. But God Wills it anyways, so I have to follow his words." Talked to myself as I snapped a man's neck without second thoughts.

With each kill passing by and giving me a lighter and more powerful each takedown I do… It is strange but I feel like this ability is powered by vengeance from the looks of it. With his goons dead and gone out of my way I managed to corner him in one of his houses in this walled compound.

"Just who the hell are you! You monster!" The old man shouted.

"Monster? You're telling me I'm the monster? When you were killing innocent children for a ritual of some sort and you have the balls to call me a monster?" I got pissed a bit and intimidated the bastard by digging my hatchet right next to his right ear.

"What do you want from us? Money? Kids? Magic?" The old man shriveled up in the corner afraid of me.

"I'm just doing God's work, and he told me your time is up for taking. And before I take it from you I want to know the background of this compound and you better start talking, God doesn't have any much patience for you fools down in the underworld." I removed the hatchet to intimidate him more.

After an hour or so of interrogation…

Looking through the paperwork they had in their main office and the old man was on point on the details he gave me. I stared at the face of the devastation I caused in this facility… The horrors of sacrificing the young to provide and extract magic to power something sinister.

I haven't found any clear details from it but I know it is something not good. Probably dangerous for the world to experience. Mind you I was still entranced by an eye opening gift by Vergil's influence.

Soon after he appeared again to give me more details about my next move…

"Hey there, Alan, great job you did there. The afterglow of seeing this whole mess might catch you on quick but trust me your work isn't done yet sadly. I received word that the people behind collecting those magic sphere's…

Will arrive here in a few hours, ready to collect today's harvest. I want you or if you want to collect their heads for me since they've been labeled as ready to be reaped. After this I'll be gone and you're gonna be on your own with the knowledge I'll be giving you at the end of the day after finishing this mission." Vergil sits down with a chair in front of me.

"How many are they?" I reluctantly asked.

"Just a handful but they have very good bodyguards so heads up. Make sure you make use of your Father's memory fragments. I'd say the Demon Lord is closer than you think so good luck." Vergil casually leaves in front of me than his usual vibrant exit.

While I rebound from the afterglow of my actions. I just realized that I have never heard from Lady Agata in a while. She's probably busy with Connie.

For now I have work to do in this to get some clues on who is really behind all of this mess. I grabbed one of the chairs from the office and sat down by the front porch where I have a good view of the entrance gate.

Sat there for a few hours…

Thank you for picking up this new chapter!

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