
The Woodsman's Son In Another World

“I’ll carve my own path! Whether it kills me or not!” Some say you should never stay in someone’s shadow for far too long or you’ll let yourself be lost on your own when said shadow suddenly disappears. A young man sets on a journey to find a sacred place that his Father had left for him as a task. That young man however doesn’t expect the sudden summoning to another world. Where his Father already had a history on it as a Legendary Hero. He left behind some clues to what the young man should do and a Goddess to help him guide along the way. How will he mark his name into the world where his Father came from? What trials, truths, lies, and turns could bring him either closer or farther from his own Father. “How far will your Father’s teachings bring you today or somewhere in the future.”

Sandwich_Author · Action
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19 Chs

A Village Invasion

As I was running towards the village's location.

Something was burning and screaming villagers were everywhere. I immediately loaded up my shotgun and my hatchet on standby and saw monsters attacking villagers as the soldiers were getting overwhelmed.

"You there! Get down!" I shouted at one of the guards fighting a large monster.

The guard immediately steps back and gets down as I used the shotgun to obliterate the monster kicking back across the street killing it immediately. The guard was startled by the loud gunshot from the looks of it.

After that I quickly tended to his aid. And he asked me some questions. On what the hell happened here

"What was that? Are you here to help? If so, we don't have much time. There's still a lot of monsters out there, it's dangerous." The guard tried to stand up after I tended his injuries.

"No, you can't fight anymore." I replied and pushed him down as I tend his wounds

"I have to fight for the people who need us." The guard insisted.

"If you want to help people in your position right now you should save those who got stuck in the fire. Focus on that first, I'll handle the monsters. I'm a Hero after all." I patted the shoulder of the guard.

"Are you sure you can handle all of those demons yourself? What are you, mad?!" The guard shouted.

"I'm just doing my job kind sir. A hero wouldn't be settling down and letting innocent people get killed." I reassured the guard on what I'll be doing.

Now if you're wondering how I became combat capable. The Goddess helped me learn what my Father gained from fighting for so long. That he left behind some Memory Fragments of his fighting styles across the world.

A few days ago…

"I've been meaning to ask what are these rocks for? I've been collecting them without thinking, are they dangerous or what not?" I asked the Goddess.

"Oh, I've waited for you to ask that. Those are your Father's Memory Fragments." The Goddess replied.

"The, what now?" I shockingly replied.

"Yes, those are one of many Memory Fragments he sent out through the world when he left to return to your world." The Goddess explained.

"Why would he leave behind this though?" I asked.

"He sent out all of his knowledge throughout the world in case his son or daughter managed to come to this world.

And he wanted you to pick up and collect these Fragments so you could learn his techniques and knowledge he left behind for you to learn.

Basically those are capsules of knowledge that can be learned by someone who is worthy and by worthy I mean his son, who is you by the way.

He left behind these things so you can pick up the pieces and learn the ways of how he survived this world." The Goddess continued to explain.

At least that's what I was informed of since the Goddess of Nature knows this from the other Gods that helped my Father along the way. So far I've collected 6 of them and most of them were hand to hand combat techniques and gun disciplines.

Fought monsters out while I was traveling towards this village to test out the fighting styles I've learned. But now I've learned what he left for me to piece up, I can focus more on the monsters terrorizing the village.

More than anything at first. These demons from the look of it are well-trained in combat. But a well placed 12 gauge up in their face is enough to make a fight one sided. Not gonna lie, Father learned some action movie style gun techniques.

Everything feels natural after learning those fragments. Even with the hatchet I could handle the smaller demon soldiers. Keeping distance close their hand-to-hand combat skills are severely lacking.

A few days earlier again…

"Surprising you picked up one of his favorite techniques." The Goddess was happy for some reason.

"What? Why are you happy about it?" I asked.

"Well he liked that technique since he always looked happy using it and it's a genuinely fun technique when using it based on how he thought about it. Don't blame me, that's all on your Father." The Goddess replied.

I could unarm them without effort but then again these are more on normal regular grunts than their more higher ranking fighters. Which they had but they weren't scary when they're up against my double barrel.

Horses galloping and running all over the place is a safety hazard. I dodged as much as I can from the panicked group.

The guards along the way I helped, patched up and told them to tend to the other villagers that are trapped in the flame engulfed houses.

"I wanna know, when did they attack?" I asked while patching up one of the guards that seems to be one of the higher ranked officers.

"We've been under attack by demon troops for 2-3 days now. Thank the Gods you're here." The officer looked at my equipment and took a good look at me after he finished talking.

"Are you the legendary hero?" The officer asked.

"If you're talking about that I'd say I'm not but let's just say I'm his son. You round up your soldiers, I'm gonna clean out the remaining demon troops from the looks of it. They retreated from the losses they caught up with.

I'll check the other houses too for the remaining survivors." The officer nodded and we went our separate ways.

My observation of these demon soldiers is that they have a bad perception of distance. And horrible at movement around combat. Fighting against them feels uneasy yet overwhelmingly easy.

By how uneasy they are because they're super predictable that they feel uncomfortably easy to defeat since the way they are made to be cannon fodder is unhinged in terms of the demon army.

There was a group of demon troops trying to attack some citizens on the far end. I threw the hatchet, killing one of the troops while the others redirected their aggression towards me after killing one of their colleagues.

The officer or higher ranking troops are more combat capable and take advantage of their equipment as much as they can while on the move. They have more armor than usual. But weak against weapons made to penetrate armor like my shotgun.

Against blunt edge blades and blunt weapons the armor is sufficient enough in protecting themselves from direct attacks with such weapons.

Knowing this world is behind in terms of technology. Here we go some monsters to try out the theory.

Running towards me with such heavy armor they're quite good physically to handle such weight. But here's the counter-argument to their armor.

*Bang* *Bang*

Two shots, enough to stop a man in real life. Can't believe it could stop a demon from it's tracks.

No one has figured out how to counter such armor. I was wondering since Father brought his gun into this world when he got transported I thought the world probably had caught on to his weapon.

Guess not all races had caught wind of this new tech. It is convenient that I could take down giant enemies with just two shells even when they're protected by magic.

I tackled down the remaining troop, slimmed down the remaining escapees to just 3.

I'd say that's a reasonable amount. Albeit a bit brutal but then again they thoroughly thrashed this world so it's only fair that I equaled the playing field.

Soon after cleaning up the messes and helping the remaining fire around the village. The people of the village were glad that I managed to come here and turned the tide of their last stand.

After the celebration of the villagers towards the helping hand I gave I managed to get in touch with the adventurers guild's representative.

"For a second here I thought I'd lost all hope of anyone saving this village. But then alas you came and turned everything for the best. Since you're a traveling adventurer the Village representative couldn't incentivise you for your heroism.

Well as for the adventurer's guild we can't also give you a reward because the demons had ransacked the village badly. If you don't mind." The Guild representative explained the situation.

"No, I'm fine not getting a reward, I just want information." I replied and requested something.

"If it's information you want we can give you a lot of them. So what information are you looking after?" The Guild representative asked.

"The Demon Lord that lives around these parts. I heard it's connected to this village being attacked." I replied.

"Oh, him, huh. The Demon Lord until recently became the main source of our problems." The Guild representative answered.

"Why until recently?" I asked again.

"That's a long story if you wanna know, kid. It'll take us a while." The Guild representative replied.

"I wanna know what happened…" As I looked dead straight.

Thank you for picking up this new chapter!

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