
The wolves song

Anna_Schwab_8911 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Why did I have to play hero?!!

Man this sucks I've been busting my ass all day making drinks for every drunk this side of the frozen waste land known as Alaska, and to I get any thanks what so ever? Nope not even one I mean its not all bad. I guess, I mean besides the racist comments I get from my lovely patrons. Well I guess I should explain I'm what would you call an Alaska Native and before you call me an eskimo(which by the way is insulting as fuck) I would like to politly inform you that I am in fact Inuit. One of the many lovely groups of Native Americans that reside in Alaska. So back to what I was saying earlier I'm cleaning up for the night right wiping down the bar swiping the floor when this chick walks up to me and ask for an angle shot ( for those who do not understand an angle shot is its someone asking for help because they feel unsafe and need help) this girl is obviously terrified she's shaking her eyes are dilated and rapidly looking around the room. So I ask her ,does she want me to call the police or walk her to her car and as I ask her this I'm looking at her closely checking for any signs that she has physically been harmed. That's when I see the bruises, fuck fuckidy fuck. That means she's most likely an abuse victim and right as I'm thinking this I see a large hand grab her and a scratchy ass voice tell her "were going home" how much you want to bet it's the said abuser. Like hell I'm letting her go with him. And I'm looking at him judging to see if I can take him if things get messy and looking at him he's pretty big but I'm no slouch either. Standing at six foot two with a far amount of muscle and that not discounting the intimidation factor from an angry tattooed Native. I'm pretty sure I can take him but I really don't want to have to fight because it's not if I break his neck it's when. There is nothing more disgusting to me than a woman beater. Now back to reality, I'm sorry sir but is seems to me and everyone else here that she does not want to leave with you. So kindly give the lady some space before I call security (bitch make a move). Last time I checked I didn't ask for your opinion copper skin . Wow all ready with the insults, listen here you asshat I've had a long day .I've been dealing with drunks all day my back hurts, my feet are tired and I definitely don't have the patience to deal with a woman beater. Look little bitch this is between me and my wife. First I'm by no means little and second you just up graded from a woman beater to a wife beater real classy and that's when he swung he clipped me in the jaw I tackled him and just started whaling on him. I could only see red I heard the shot before I felt it. Some how the guy had pulled out a gun from his pants. I heard the woman scream as my body hit the floor. I could barely make out some one calling 911 . As I turned my head I saw security tackle the guy and kick his gun away the last thing I heard be for I blacked out was Some one yelling my name. TAKODA!!!