

As as the say nothing can be hidden under the sun for too long.

David found out about confidence identity he tried to talk to her about what happened at her childhood but he never got a chance thanks to Queen Jessica who is trying all things possible to get the girl out of the palace and to the island where she came from.

One faithful night princess confidence was outside in the Royal garden with her animal friends beside her, David saw from the window and decided that that's was the perfect time to talk to Princess confidence alone, so he went downstairs and sat close to her in the garden and took beauty in his arms and started petting her.

"So what are you doing here you are meant to be sleeping by now it is too late please go to your bed" Confidence said " and what of you" David said calmly, " I love staying awake playing with my animal friends and receiving fresh breeze that the night give to us before I go to bed" " hmm that's interesting" David said " thank you sir" Confidence replied " look confidence have you ever thought about why you don't have a family like every other person" " yes sir I do but my family are this animal they took care of me too what I am now" " so they are your family? What about your human family have you ever thought about them before" she looked at him " why should I think about them, even though I want to meet them so much where am I going to start from please tell me" confidence said " calm down little princess no more questions I want to tell you a very interesting story all you will do for me is just sit down and listen attentively okay" Confidence nodded then David started the story "once upon a time there were two lovely couples who were the king and queen of Arazula they lived happily with their advisor David until the Queen got pregnant the King and entire people of Arazula was so happy about the news and the faithful day arrived for the Queen to deliver and she delivered a baby girl which the king and queen called confidence after three weeks the Queen died out of a terrible sickness that only God knows The cure and what caused it the king was so sorrowful and he got himself up for his daughter's sake he decided to remarry for confidence sake but later married a wolf in sheep's clothing who killed him in cold blood and almost killed the princess but GOD saved her and now she's sitting in front of me, Confidence you are that lost princess who lost everything to that nobody, who lost her childhood because of that heartless queen and you must continue that's story confidence". Confidence was in total shock but could not believe that she was the princess of Arazula one of the biggest country in the world,so she told David that she didn't believe his story, but when David showed her, the ability she had to control the weather with her mood, she believed and was in total shock, so they hatched a plan to bring the wicked Queen down.