
The wolf of Borderlands

In the winter-stricken city of Borderlands , nestled in the eerie silence of the '90s era, Zayn Wolfe, a resilient 20-year-old with a chiseled physique, endured the harsh reality of orphan hood. Living in the squalor of the slums, he navigated a life of poverty, resorting to stealing and participating in gritty gang fights to survive. Zayn's existence took an unexpected turn when his adept fighting skills caught the eye of a powerful gang leader. Recognizing Zayn's potential, the gang leader presented him with an ominous opportunity—a job that promised escape from the slums. The task: to assassinate the baron of Scarestown, a figure synonymous with oppression and wealth. As he went on a journey to kill the baron , he began to face against something he never believed before . Questioning his own sanity , the wolf began his journey of death ! Will he kill the baron and get free from poverty ? or will he fall and choose to be a street thug again ? See for yourself!

Drunkenstories · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Chapter 8

Death struggle ; worsened injury!

[Arc- journey to Scarestown]


"Calm down !"

He began to calm down and tried to think about solution to escape his sudden crisis but no matter how he thought, he didn't get any ideas.

As the tentacles charged at him, he began to swing his sharp blade , trying his best to injure the tentacles but it produced a dull sound and resulting him , getting knocked back from the force .

He knew that his blade can't injure the tentacles but he atleast wanted to see whether he could cut it after three or more strikes at the same spot but after hitting few times with all his strength, there wasn't even a scratch on the tentacles ! What he got instead was a numbing feeling on his hands .

Not only the tentacle creature has tough skin but it also has great strength compared to the monkey creature .

"God dammit! If it's tentacles is this long then how big it's head must be ? "

Yelling loudly, he dodged the first tentacles, and when the second tentacles rushed in , he brandished his blade infront of him which resulted a knocking effect.

Using the force , he pushed himself upwards in the air and he met with the third tentacles which was rushing at him .

He wasn't surprised , he already knew that the third one must be coming at him . So in the air , he did something unexpected , he tucked himself forward using his blade as pole and with his own weight as medium.

This guy has plenty of experience in fighting so he knew very well on how to use his own disadvantage as advantage.

He successfully escaped the tentacles and was about to rush away from the dead end when God knows where a fourth tentacles crashed at him.

"There was a fourth one ?"

He thought in despair .

He was too late to dodge and ended up getting knocked back . His injury worsened and soon he was surrounded by the tentacles.

Having no time to think , he started to face against the four tentacles which began to approach him .

He began to brandish his blade and was ready to fight back whenever the tentacles approached him !

Sparks began to produce as the blade and the tentacles collided . He rolled , ducked and dodged closely but as time passed his moves began to slow down and soon he was too late to dodge the incoming tentacles. When he began to roll sideways, he was caught up a tentacles which wrapped his left foot.

"Not good !"

As this thought appeared in his mind, the tentacle swung him across a nearby house wall.

Crash !

The house wall was built by poor materials, so when he was smashed at the wall, he ended up breaking it and feel deep inside the house.

The dust covered the area , making less visionary but the four tentacles made a move as of they can pinpoint zayn exact location.

They all hurled together and formed a sharp spear as tip point and struck the house , breaking it more.

The loud voice resounded in the desolate village, breakfast the silent surface . A numerous flapping sound could be heard from the distance and only god knows what kind of beast was awakened.

A two seconds later , after the tentacles made it's move , Zayn Wolfe came out of the house from the roof . He broke the roof top with his blade and jumped when the tentacles crashed inside.

Narrowingly escaping the fatality or even death , Zayn eyes cold and serious , he used the rest of the tentacles body as a slideslinger and move across the dead end of the alley .

But who knew when he started to slid across the long tentacles surface , another tentacles popped out of from the well and it's speed was much faster than others . From coming out of the well to reaching Zane , it all took a single second .


He couldn't even say anything when the fifth tentacles stabbed his right shoulder. Luckily he leaned sideways and only his shoulder was stabbed , if he was any slower then it would have pierced his chest .

But still it dealt a fatalities to him and he couldn't move at all . A tearing pain came from the wound and the tentacles struck him to a corner .

One of his bones broke and he ended up screaming in sudden pain. The rest of the tentacles didn't give him much time , they all began to surround him and soon he was bounded.

As the dark greyish tentacles closed in, it immediately enveloped him. A sense of hopelessness loomed on his mind when he couldn't find any weakness of this creature.

The fractured pain in his hands heightened as the tentacles bounded him tightly, his blunt blade fell helplessly on the ground. The relentless grip threatened to pull him towards the ominous well, a symbol of impending doom to him .

Yes ! The tentacles began to pull him towards the well .

"S#hit ! Don't tell me it's going to swallow me alive ?"

Horrified, Zayn Wolfe began to struggle endlessly but no matter what he did , his outcome was ended up getting failed . After continuous struggle, he was exhausted and tired.

Tightly restrained, he mentally surrendered, anticipating the end. His eyes were getting darkened, a sign of entering unconscious.

"Am...i going to fall .....here ?"

However, his physical instincts fought against the impending darkness. Struggling against the excruciating pain, he sought a chance to break free. Yet, with every attempt, the tentacles drew him closer to the dreaded well.

Thanks to the unbearable pain , it kept him awake from going unconscious. But as he saw the well getting closer , his heart beagan to race. He looked around for help and suddenly something caught in his eyes .

A flicker of hope appeared as he noticed fire torches near one of the houses.

Yes ! The fire ...if u can't cut then let's see if you can't be burned alive !

He used his left hand to reach for the fire torch . Desperation fueled him to reach for the distant torches, when he tried to move a muscles his whole body straining under the torment. Bones cracking and blood spilling from his mouth, he managed to grasp the fire torch , after trying many times he finally succeeded on grabbing the fire torch.

Pointing it at the encroaching tentacles, a sudden reaction ensued—the tentacles recoiled in fear, releasing their grip on him and it began to retreat into the well.

"Hahah....So it was really afraid of the fire ...."

Falling to the ground, Zayn didn't relax a bit instead he Swiftly began to move towards the well. He knew that he only scared it but not killed it , and only the dead enemy can bring peace to him .

So his plan was simple , to throw the fire torch inside the well ! It's sound like a stupid plan but it's the only shot he got for now .

Death or victory will depends on this now .

He hurled the fire torch inside the well, knowing the tentacles would fear the flames . He began to rush out , afraid of the outcome Yet, his escape was hindered by worsening injuries, slowing his steps.

"Damm..i didn't buy medicine along with me...."

After few seconds later nothing happened and when he thought it was a failure and began to run away , a miracle happened.


A sudden screech echoed behind him, and with a harrowing scream, the well erupted in flames. The fire rose upto five meters from the well and soon next the tentacles rushed out covered in flames, now ablazed, writhed in agony, turning into black ash, including the well itself.

Yes ! Even the stone well was covered in the flame and burnt to crisp ! The cold wind carried the burnt remnants away as the structure crumbled to pieces.

"So ..the stone well wasn't a well actually but the creature mouth ? ...What kind of camouflage is this ?"

Grunting coldly, Zayn Wolfe began to leave these place .Without looking back, Zayn Wolfe pressed on, seeking an exit from the abnormal and terrifying village.

His injury was serious and his whole body was in constant pain . Unable to use his fractured right hand , he was very exhausted and if he encountered any danger again, his chances of survival was zero !

As he ventured forward, an eerie atmosphere lingered, the remnants of terror still haunting the village. The mysterious yet dangerous atmosphere made him realise that , this place is not for living.

If it's not for living then what's is this village for ?

This thought surfaced in his mind and Only the old man can answer his questions. But he never saw him , after he searched for these long time across the village! There's also something strange about the cross eyed middle aged man too .....

As he began to think while walking, something strange awaited him as he traveled some more distance.....

"Wait a second.....this ! This ..?"

He couldn't but say

"Are you f#king kidding me ?"

To be continued....