
The wolf of Borderlands

In the winter-stricken city of Borderlands , nestled in the eerie silence of the '90s era, Zayn Wolfe, a resilient 20-year-old with a chiseled physique, endured the harsh reality of orphan hood. Living in the squalor of the slums, he navigated a life of poverty, resorting to stealing and participating in gritty gang fights to survive. Zayn's existence took an unexpected turn when his adept fighting skills caught the eye of a powerful gang leader. Recognizing Zayn's potential, the gang leader presented him with an ominous opportunity—a job that promised escape from the slums. The task: to assassinate the baron of Scarestown, a figure synonymous with oppression and wealth. As he went on a journey to kill the baron , he began to face against something he never believed before . Questioning his own sanity , the wolf began his journey of death ! Will he kill the baron and get free from poverty ? or will he fall and choose to be a street thug again ? See for yourself!

Drunkenstories · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

One side is heaven and another side is hell !

[Arc- journey to Scarestown]



Hearing the faint whisper of his name, Zayn Wolfe chose not to follow the mysterious voice. His injuries weighed heavily on him, and his primary goal remained escaping the peculiar village.

So after thinking about the incidents he felt when he followed the voice before and how he got into death struggle , he immediately denied of following the mysterious voices.

Ignoring the beckoning whispers, he pressed forward in searching for the village exit . As he was walking across some distance, he began to feel uncomfortable all of a sudden.

First it was a uncomfortable feeling and soon unbearable pain appeared through his body .


Groaning from the pain, he noticed it was coming from behind his neck , this pain made him stop walking. He used his left arm to touch the back of his neck .

"What is it?"

His hand caught something bug like creature , it was drinking blood from his neck so that's why he felt pain when it stung him.

Frowning, he gripped the bug and looked at it , only to find out that it looked nothing like your neighbourhood mosquito or bed bugs.

"What kind of insect is this?"

Having two sharp hind legs ,a mosquito size with two blue eyes and long fly wings on its back . It has three long thick stingers like a hornet, while it's whole body was coated in yellowish brown colour.

He never seen a insect like this , annoyed by the pain . He squashed the bug in his hands and threw it away before resuming his journey.

He didn't even walk few meters when he caught sight of another bug that's buzzing towards him.

It began to circle around him , giving buzzing sound , annoyed by the constant sound and it's flying across his face . He swung his hand at the fly , attempting to make it go away .

After few attempts , he successfully drew out the fly away from his face . As he was just about to move , his eyes suddenly became dizzy and the next moment he fell to the ground.

"What's... happening...to ....my b...body?"

He used his Every energy to stand up but no matter what he did , his body had no reactions.

He felt like he had no connection with his body . Only his mind and eyes are working, except that everything is frozen and numb .

Was it because of the bug which stung me just now ? Don't tell me now I'm poisoned!

Zayn felt like a sitting duck now !

Even a small bug in this village has rendered him unable to move a muscle. That's how scary this place was , you will never know what will happen to you next moment, death was everywhere here .

He tried to move his body but there was no results to his actions. He finally gave up when he tried many times but couldn't move even a muscle .

As he just lay on the ground, he heard footsteps sounds from behind him . Zayn heart skipped a beat when he heard the footsteps, he could feel a powerful aura , closing on him . Sensing the aura , he felt weak very weak for first time .

'This aura....'

He didn't know who it was or what's the person motive for approaching him but one thing he knew was that , this person wasn't a human. He was very sure about it , the footsteps sound were very deep and powerful unlike he could ever heard before . There was also a deep sound of bloodthirsty feeling coming from behind, he can never forget that type of auras. It was a bloodthirsty feeling, a aura full of killing intent that could only be coming from killing thousands of lives.

And these place is not a normal place hence this..... whatever beast is coming towards him , must be very abnormal.

As the sound of its steps were getting closer , his heart beagan to beat faster . Every step it took , it felt like death was approaching.

"I ...have ... to.....move ..."

Gritting his teeth, he began to move his body but no matter how he tried , he couldn't move at all .

Alarmed he knew that he was going to die , if he didn't do anything fast. So he thought for a moment and soon a idea came into his mind .

That's right I forgot ! I'm still gripping my blade in my arms.

He began to focus all of his energy on moving his fingers thasg holding the blade. He knew this idea is foolish but now it's the only choice he has.


Step ! Step !

He didn't have much time , death was closing on and his heart was racing very fast. But next second a miracle happened, With a powerful struggle, he finally can move his fingers now.

Yes! Now all I have to do is ....

With his fingers free , he began to grip the blade tightly in his hands . He didn't stop even after his hand began to get red , his hands skins were getting torn litlle by little.

He felt unimaginable pain from his hands.

"N...not y..yet....m..more....m..ore..."

As he was struggling, he finally noticed that something wasn't right .

The sound !

The footsteps sound stopped all of a sudden, but Zayn didn't feel relieved instead his whole body was sweating from terror.

He could feel a violent aura behind him and it was getting stronger as second passed , he began to find difficulty breathing, his heart beat beagan to slow down , his eyes started to get unconscious.

Death !

That's what it feels like .....

As he was going to die .....his grip on the hand became tighter and his whole body finally snapped back .

He regained control over his body when he was almost going to die . He didn't even think for a split second, he immediately turned around, ready to face the unknown foe .

But it was empty !

When he turned around, there was no one present .

Panting slightly , Zayn Wolfe looked around everywhere but he didn't find anything at all.

"Huff.....was that all ....my illusions?"

He remembered the feeling again and his whole body felt cold. That wasn't illusion, he didn't dare to stay here anymore . Standing up from the ground, he looked at his both hand and gritted in anger.

Cursing lightly, he wrapped the blade behind his back and began to head out from this place.

He traveled a long way until he encountered an unexpected sight.

"You gotta be kidding me..."

A field adorned with vibrant-colored flowers spread before him, butterflies dancing in the warm sunlight. A pleasant feeling of warmness, that he desperately needed. A field of flowers , fruits ,trees and sunshine....

Shocked , he asked himself, hard to believe what he was seeing .

"What kind of demonic act is this ?"

Bewildered by this surreal scene, he turned back to see the desolate village behind him. The contrast left him in confusion, yet the allure of the colorful flowers and the soothing buzz of bees were surreal, that he hard to believe it's fake .

They all looked real ! As he began to observe them closely, he was faintly attracted to the flower scents , It ultimately drew him forward unconsciously.

He slowly began to walk forward, until he was standing infront of a white lily . Captivated by its beauty, he slowly reached his towards its , attempting to touch the white lily.

Just as he reached out to touch a flower, a wrinkled hand seized him from behind. Startled, Zayn woke up abruptly, finding himself dangerously close to the radiant flowers. He didn't even understand why he was performing these kind of actions but what More surprising was the sight of the village head, the old man.

The old man was the one who startled him up by patting his shoulders.

In a state of alarm, Zayn pointed his blunt blade at the old man, after a second he asked with a single breath

"Where in the hell am i ? What the hell are you ? Human ? Creature ? Or something else ? "

To his question the old man silenced him with a gesture, signaling him to follow.

Confused but cautious, Zayn trailed behind the old man. They walked in silence until they reached a peculiar house. Inside, a chair, a small bed, and an empty wooden shelf were the sole furnishings.

Cautiously he observed for a while and entered the house only after the old men entered the house .

Stepping into the house, Zayn experienced an unusual warmth, dispelling the cold and chill that had clung to him.

Puzzled by the sudden change, he directed his gaze at the old man, awaiting an explanation. He didn't speak but was looking at the old man with expressionless face .

With a sigh, the old man remarked, "You really are strong, or maybe more accurately, you're very lucky."

Perplexed by these cryptic words, Zayn inquired,

"What do you mean?"

Seated on the chair, the old man began to unfold his story.

To be continued...