
The wolf of Borderlands

In the winter-stricken city of Borderlands , nestled in the eerie silence of the '90s era, Zayn Wolfe, a resilient 20-year-old with a chiseled physique, endured the harsh reality of orphan hood. Living in the squalor of the slums, he navigated a life of poverty, resorting to stealing and participating in gritty gang fights to survive. Zayn's existence took an unexpected turn when his adept fighting skills caught the eye of a powerful gang leader. Recognizing Zayn's potential, the gang leader presented him with an ominous opportunity—a job that promised escape from the slums. The task: to assassinate the baron of Scarestown, a figure synonymous with oppression and wealth. As he went on a journey to kill the baron , he began to face against something he never believed before . Questioning his own sanity , the wolf began his journey of death ! Will he kill the baron and get free from poverty ? or will he fall and choose to be a street thug again ? See for yourself!

Drunkenstories · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Chapter 0

Volume 0

The story plot (1-10)

[ Warning: Skip if you don't like a little spoiler! Or worse You find thrilling stories boring]

In the winter-stricken city of Borderlands , nestled in the eerie silence of the '90s era, Zayn Wolfe, a resilient 20-year-old with a chiseled physique, endured the harsh reality of orphanhood.

Living in the squalor of the slums, he navigated a life of poverty, resorting to stealing and participating in gritty gang fights to survive.

Zayn's existence took an unexpected turn when his adept fighting skills caught the eye of a powerful gang leader. Recognizing Zayn's potential, the gang leader presented him with an ominous opportunity—a job that promised escape from the slums.

The task: to assassinate the baron of Scarestown, a figure synonymous with oppression and wealth.

As Zayn accepted the dubious assignment, he found himself in the heart of Scarestown, a city veiled in shadows and tinged with an air of mystery. Cobblestone streets whispered tales of desperation, while dimly lit alleyways concealed the struggles of those yearning for a better life.

The bitter winter winds swept through the narrow streets, carrying the echoes of a bygone era. Dilapidated buildings adorned with flickering neon signs painted a stark contrast against the icy backdrop. Scarestown was a city frozen in time, its secrets concealed beneath layers of history and decay.

Zayn's journey, fueled by the necessity of survival, led him to the baron's mansion—a looming structure that embodied the stark divide between opulence and destitution. The dilapidated surroundings only intensified the urgency of Zayn's mission, pushing him to the edge of his endurance.

Armed with a blunt knife, Zayn infiltrated the baron's mansion, the icy silence of the city echoing in his ears. The revelation of a forbidden ritual in progress and the impending sacrifice of a young woman thrust him into a perilous confrontation. It was a clash not only against the baron and his guards but also a battle against the haunting secrets buried within the heart of Scarestown.

In the basement's shadows, the struggle unfolded—a dance of desperation and determination. Zayn's prowess in street-fighting proved invaluable as he faced off against the guards, leaving him heavily wounded but victorious. The stage was set for a final showdown with the formidable baron, their bodies scarred from the brutal exchange.

Amidst the chilling winter night, as Scarestown held its breath, the confrontation reached a precarious stalemate, setting the stage for an unforeseen twist that would alter the course of Zayn Wolfe's destiny.

Stay tuned !!!!