
Found 2

We had found a medical area with beds and a secure room but the dead within and out... Needed to be cleared.

On the third day, I was halfway wiping down the inner room that seemed to be for the head doctor with a large plush sofa, glass table and a well-equipped bathroom.

"Alright small one, be good while I clean."

I told him softly, then turned away to do just that. After, when all had been cleaned, I then cleaned and fed the small human before closing my eyes to sleep.

On the fourth day; late in the night after falling asleep, after an entire day of cleaning, I felt extremely exhausted, due to this fact, I had become less alert than usual. After all, clearing a bunch of the dead by dragging them six floors down was not easy for an eight-year-old girl even if I was a wolf. Paired with the lack of food source unable to be found...

This was to keep the stench further away from rot and maggots that had formed to eat the flesh.

Groggily, I opened my eyes reflexively, reaching for the small child and bringing him close to me.

Slightly still confused, from now waking. I gradually became alert. Suddenly there was a slight tremor, and I felt the building shake once again. This had been the reason everyone died with the only survivor being myself along with the child I held in my arms.

Struggling not to panic, I stayed calm and decided to leave as quickly as possible; I had no desire to be buried alive.

Forgetting about the bags, I just snatched the one always by my side and ran with the child rushing out the sealed doors only to pause.

There was a sound of coughing and the reflection of light. Were they here to help us?

Conflicted, I waited, sure that I was at least fast enough to get away if needed with the small child. I hoped they were here to save us—at least it was what I believed.

"Is anyone here?"


A shout, followed by another and another was heard. The child woke up making an almost unnoticeable whimper, shaking slightly to let him know everything was OK.

I took a step forward, sucking in a breath the first time I will ever approach a live human, the first time I will have to decide on my own if I will give my life to another.


I replied, walking towards the light, squinting when it flashed at me. A voice sounded soon after, masculine in nature. "Young master Luan, we have found a survivor... Wait, the child is holding something... It's a baby... Young master.."

I froze, watching the human male step into view, my head tilted a bit to gaze up at this human. This human seemed abnormally tall, I did not bother to think deeper into it because my focus was on protecting the bundle in my arms. 

"You there! The child you hold, where was it found?"

I could not answer.

My mind is too busy processing this human who presently stood in front of me.

Such a beautiful human. Was it really male? Or an undeveloped female?

I cocked my head on a side, fixing my gaze on the beautiful human. His clothing was extremely well made even more so than the VIP area for those wealthy humans.

I wonder what material was used? Mother had used spider silk for my clothes previously and hid from prey when caught. I remember how she bled while she had them made to fit me.

The shirt on the inside was a dark red stark against the long dark blue overcoat, paired with matching slacks.

Compared to an adolescent wolf; this male I had to admit was in a league all on his own. As a human; from his facial features, there was a hint of youth close to being mature yet not quite there yet. In human years he was maybe fifteen or sixteen at most. One can never tell I as a wolf was not an expert with human lifespans.

The scent he gave off signified that this human was no stranger to death only drawing me deeper into my fascination.

Was he human? Or is it that I have been stuck in this place for too long?

Well, I can not dwell on these thoughts anymore in absentmindedness, because he himself spoke.

"Can you speak?"

I nodded not really understanding how I should speak to these humans, I've never spoken in the human tongue out loud, instead, I had depended on my wolf speak which was more a series of growls, rumbles, snarls and the occasional howls, even attempting to was never done so far.

"Then tell us what your name is, and where did the newborn you are carrying come from?"

The beautiful human asked, voice as cold as frost, partially covered face glaring at me with a look of impatience. I still didn't answer. Should I growl a reply?

No, those armoured males nearby might just shoot me and honestly had witnessed firsthand how those weapons the humans carried work.

You can die. Even if I could recover from it, I am certain it is not quick enough for me to live through several of them.

The beautiful male turned to the other I did not pay much heed to before and gave instructions. "Hand a mask to her and the child, take them to be scanned."

Without saying another word, he walked away. My gaze followed his retreating figure until he was gone. "Come, little one this way."

The remaining human jolted me with his soft-spoken words. 

Nodding I followed, on the way a mask was handed to me first to place on the small human in my arms and then myself.