

Soon after our drinks were delivered along with an assortment of snacks, placing them down carefully both the male sheep and the four women who entered left immediately.

The silence continued to stretch. I simply picked up the place with a slightly sweet-sour drink and took a sip. Raising my head to look around, I thought that this restaurant commoner owned would be great as a new place to eat. Of course, the restaurant my second brother owned was high class but it would be much more enjoyable if I can eat there with my brothers and mother.

"Little Guai, father will be arriving home in time for the announcement of your engagement. Mother..she had spoken with father and he knows about you, with that knowledge father is returning home, since he is far-"

"Father? But I am not from his loins? why?" 

Confused by all of this I placed the glass down and rushed to my second brother's side.

"Second brother.." I called while looking up at him inquisitively.