
The Wolf's Song

The werewolves are at war with one another in the town of Bamberg, Germany. The packs are led by two strong alphas. Michael desires to coexist with humans and act as their watchful protector. Damien, Michael's formidable adversary, desires to follow in the footsteps of their forefathers. The sounds of their bloody battle can be heard across the highlands. Diana: When on a camping trip with my friends, a yellow-eyed beast attacks us in the middle of the night, killing everyone and causing me to flee deep into the forest. I surrender myself to death, losing consciousness. When I regain my senses, I'm in the luxurious, modern mansion of a stranger, Michael, who has saved me. I find unnatural protection in his companionship. But I'm determined to find out the truth behind the bloody battle of werewolves that is costing human lives. Michael: I find myself unusually attracted to this foreigner. There is something special about Diana; especially, the song that she hums so often. Is there a secret that surrounds Diana's family? Is Diana hiding her true self while humming the song? I must find out if I want to protect Diana and Bamberg from Damien.

edgareden39 · Urbain
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21 Chs

A Memory of Grim Truth


Not long after Diana gave in to a deep and undisturbed sleep, I felt it: the call of my pack alerting me that something had jumped our defenses.

Immediately, I stood up carefully, seeking not to disturb Diana's sleep, and at the same time approached the windows, trying to detect the possible danger existing among the shadows.

And of course, as was its intention, it didn't take me long to find it, in the middle of the forest, just like the moon, where its form stood out against the darkness in an almost unseemly way. He looked at me, as if knowing that I would come to meet him at any moment, the sly smile lost on his thin lips, and as his eyes, which cried out for vengeance, reminded me of the hatred he held within him, entirely destined for me.

Seeing him in my territory, I couldn't help but growl, as the wolf inside me stirred. "It is only a moment," I told myself, "only a moment." I would leave Diana alone, so I made sure she was sound asleep before I left the room, quietly and taking care that my footsteps through the rest of the house did not cause the slightest of noises so as not to wake her.

I opened the back door of my home, welcoming the cold gratefully and without alteration as I crossed the woods. He had waited for me on the other side of the river just outside my home as if he was at least smart enough to know not to get so close as that, or he would get hurt.

Immediately, I could feel my pack approaching, and as I turned my face I saw Damien's figure surrounded by my Beta and Omega.

"Could you ask your puppies to leave us alone for a moment?" he said then, his voice sharp but dangerous as silver echoing in my head. "We adults need to talk."

I looked at Francis and Robert, and with a simple nod, I dismissed them, echoing in both their minds with my Alpha tone.

They reluctantly gave in, not too happy to leave me alone with the enemy but knowing Damien couldn't beat me. Neither he nor his wolves were a danger to me, and we all knew it.

"How surely your wolves have become," he began to say then. "You should teach them manners."

"You shouldn't have come all this way," I replied, ignoring his provocations. "You know very well that your presence in my territory is not welcome."

"And yours on my land is?" he argued with a thick, silver eyebrow raised. The moon's glow accentuated his pallor, making him look like a strange creature, closer to a story than to reality. From what I saw, his wolves had taken all the permissions to cross the border into my territory. As if, apparently, that was allowed.

"There would be no need for it if it wasn't for the fact that you have violated our agreement," I said in response, trying to hold back the dangerous edge that bade to let my voice reach him. He looked at me, curious, the perfect example of perplexity painted on his face.

"By now, Michael, I thought we knew each other well. I have no intention, nor am I interested in creating petty quarrels with you, old friend. I save myself for bigger events, such as destroying your life, just as you destroyed mine."

I tried to laugh, but his comment only filled me with disgust. Damien had always been good at blaming others for his misfortunes.

"Don't give me that bullshit. We both know why you've come and what you've been doing. And I will not allow you to continue the deaths, to gamble with the lives of those I have sworn to protect."

"Michael the protector, of course. You look so good in the role," he said, clapping his hands with sarcasm. "So much so, that you always fail to protect those who say they are safe with you. Tell me something. How many children have died this time because you didn't know how to take care of them?" he asked me, and unable to help myself, I took a step closer, clenching my hands into fists and trying to contain myself. The wolf inside me begged to come out and tear out his throat.

"That blood stains your hands, not mine," I reminded him, my Alpha voice rising in the midst of a dangerous growl. "You are the one who violated our agreement. And for that, I have the right to seek out the murderer on your land and make you pay. Be thankful that I have not decided to collect this crime with your blood."

He looked at me for a moment in disbelief and then busted out laughing.

"Unbelievable. It's amazing how you always find a way to make me the culprit of everything. And of course, you think it was me who sent that werewolf."

"Who else could it be?" I asked. "What other hate-filled madman do you know hanging around the area?" I reminded him. "It wouldn't be the first time you've done it, after all."

"Michael, as unbelievable as it may seem to you, my plans to wipe out the few scraps of happiness you have left have nothing to do with intemperate wolves murdering little boys in the woods," he scoffed. "But you're too stubborn to see that. You've always clung to your version of events as if you're incapable of making a mistake when we both know full well that you consistently step in shit when trying to save the situation."

In response to his words, I growled at him and took another step forward, but he backed away with his palms up. Fearlessly, but evidently, with no desire to engage me in battle.

"I recommend that you leave if that is all you have come to say. Your weak defense of the facts is not enough to convince me that you are not the murderer we all know you really are."

He looked at me, his eyes bright with danger, and smiled as he ran a hand through his silver hair.

"Sure, I'll leave," he affirmed. "But tell your wolves to stay away from my territory."

"What I order them to do is none of your business," I refuted.

"Fine, in that case, it won't be my business what happens to the girl either."

"What girl are you talking about?" I said, one eyebrow raised, a snarl pushing to leave my lips.

"The girl sleeping on your bed. Even here, I can hear her breathing, and I can smell her scent on your skin. Slightly... Floral, don't you think? I've always liked freesias," he affirmed, with a smile on his lips.

At that moment, I was not pleased. I crossed the distance between us and held him by the neck. I could break him in two if I wanted to, I knew, but I had always held back from doing so out of respect for a friendship of which only memories remain. But that promise could be broken so easily.

"Leave her out of this. I warn you."

"Who's bringing anyone into this?" he replied, smiling with pleasure that he had managed to upset me. "I'm just saying... She seems lovely, doesn't she? Her perfume, the timbre of her voice... The innocent way she wanders into the woods alone as if there's nothing to fear in the undergrowth..."

His voice made me growl, and without being able to help it I tightened my fingers around his neck, but he broke free and nimbly put distance between us.

"For your sake, I hope you don't approach her. Or else..."

"Or else what?" he scoffed, trying to appear light-hearted, but my hands had left a mark on his neck that evidenced the damage I was capable of causing him. "Will you finish my pack; will you seek me out to kill me? Go ahead. Do it. I've been waiting a long time for the moment when you break so badly that you lose what little sanity you have left. That's when our debt will be settled because I'll know you feel the way I've felt all this time."

He looked at me, his orbs ablaze with fire, and as his body succumbed to the change, he sought to pull away from me.

"This will be the only time I warn you, Damien. Stay away from Diana," I whispered, knowing that he could hear me clearly.

The gray wolf then moved away from me, striding through the forest, his presence bringing, however, a reminder to my memory that I could not forget--making Diana belong to my world meant putting her at risk.