
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

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18 Chs

Chapter 4 : Discovery

Ray's breath caught as he absorbed the enchanting scene around him. The forest he had stepped into was like a canvas painted by a master artist, every hue and detail meticulously crafted. Trees of unimaginable heights reached toward the sky, their leaves shimmering in hues that shifted like a kaleidoscope. Rays of sunlight pierced the emerald canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

As he moved further into the woods, Ray couldn't shake the feeling that he had entered a world of magic unlike any he had encountered before. The air was alive with a symphony of unseen creatures, their calls and chirps creating a harmonious melody. He caught glimpses of fantastical creatures flitting through the underbrush—creatures with vibrant plumage and ethereal wings that carried them through the air.

As he walked, Ray's heightened senses picked up on a soft, distressed sound. It was a whimper, almost like a plea for help. Following the sound, he made his way through a thicket of shimmering vines, emerging into a small clearing. There, cradled among a bed of moss and wildflowers, lay an injured creature unlike anything he had ever seen.

It was a small, round creature with large, pleading eyes. Its golden fur glinted in the dappled sunlight, and its long ears twitched weakly as it emitted another soft whimper. Ray's heart went out to the injured creature, and he knelt down beside it, his hands radiating a gentle warmth.

"Hey there," he murmured, his voice soothing as he extended a cautious hand toward the creature. "It's okay. I won't hurt you."

The creature's eyes met his, and a spark of recognition seemed to flicker within them. With a cautious movement, it nuzzled Ray's outstretched hand, the touch almost electric. As he examined it more closely, Ray realized that he was looking at a Pichu—a creature he had only heard about in his old world.

"It looks like you've had a rough time," Ray said softly, assessing the Pichu's injuries. It had a small gash on one of its ears, and its breaths were shallow and labored. He could see from it's injuries that it wouldn't make it, it seems that the real world of Pokemon is far more ruthless than the animations and games made it look.

After hesitating for a moment he chose to try and help the little guy and give him a drop of swallow.

The Pichu's body visibly relaxed, and its breathing became steadier. Ray watched in amazement as the gash on its ear slowly closed, leaving behind only a faint scar. The creature's eyes brightened, and it nuzzled Ray's hand in gratitude. It seems that it's able to handle the toxicity of witcher potions.

"You're welcome," Ray chuckled, his heart warmed by the creature's response. "I'm just glad I could help."

As he sat with the healed Pichu, Ray couldn't help but reflect on the extraordinary turn his journey had taken. He had entered a world vastly different from the witcher world but one that was familliar to him. The connection with the gate had brought him to this place, a realm teeming with wonder and possibilities.

With the passage of time, Ray became more attuned to the rhythm of the forest, the ebb and flow of its magic. The Pichu seemed to take a liking to him, staying by his side as he explored the woods, its tiny form serving as a reminder guiding him through the forest.

As the hours passed, a soft tug at the back of Ray's mind reminded him of the gate's impending closure. The bond between him and the portal had been established through years of his magical energy being absorbed, and now it was on the brink of exhaustion. The connection had opened the door to this world, and soon it would close, leaving him with a choice.

With a heavy heart, Ray knew that he couldn't stay in this world forever. His responsibilities and allegiances lay in the Witcher world, with his fellow Witchers and the path he had chosen. As he gazed at the Pichu, he realized that his time here had been a precious gift, a glimpse into a world of enchantment and mystery.

With a deep breath, Ray made his decision. He extended his hand to the Pichu, a silent promise between two beings who had shared a brief but profound connection. The Pichu jumped on his hand and climbed on his should looking very excited to be with his new friend and protector. As he stood before the gate, the symbols shimmering with a fading energy, Ray knew that he was stepping away from one world and into another.

With the Pichu nestled on his shoulder, its tiny form radiating warmth and camaraderie, Ray took one last look at the forest behind him. The vibrant colors, the whispering leaves, and the otherworldly creatures would forever remain etched in his memory. He had encountered a world of magic beyond his wildest dreams, and he had formed a bond with a creature that seemed to transcend the boundaries of his reality.

As the gate's energy pulsed around him, Ray stepped forward, the sensation of shifting dimensions enveloping him once more. He felt the connection to the Pichu, the shared experiences and unspoken understanding between them, as he crossed the threshold between worlds.

When he emerged on the other side, he found himself back at Kaer Morhen, the ancient gate now closed behind him. The transition was bittersweet, the echoes of the forest world still lingering in his senses. He looked at the Pichu on his shoulder, its eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and excitement.

This is the first use of the gate so i made it simple and not very dangerous almost like a beginner gift in other system novels, My goal is to make is so the MC gets used to his power and eventually learns to use it so that worlds he travels to will eventually be less random however that will come at a cost

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