
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

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Chapter 3: Traversal

Ray's training at Kaer Morhen continued, each day marked by challenges and growth. Amidst honing his physical abilities and learning the intricacies of alchemical brews, he found solace in moments of solitude. One day, while practicing Witcher magic in a quiet clearing nestled within the fortress's grounds, he stumbled upon something unexpected.

A sense of concentration enveloped him as he focused on manipulating the magical energy coursing through his veins. Ray had always possessed a natural affinity for magic, something he suspected was linked to his unique origins. As he channeled his energy, a ripple of power resonated outward, creating a faint distortion in the air around him.

Startled, Ray paused and blinked, his golden eyes widening as he surveyed the area. He reached out with his senses, attuning himself to the subtle shifts in the magical currents. What he felt was beyond anything he had experienced before. It was as if the air itself hummed with an ancient energy, a secret waiting to be uncovered.

With cautious curiosity, Ray stepped forward, each footfall tinged with anticipation. As he moved deeper into the clearing, he noticed an unusual phenomenon—a distortion in the air that shimmered like a mirage. It was as if reality itself was bending, revealing a glimpse of something hidden beneath.

Heart pounding, Ray reached out and tentatively pushed his hand through the distortion. To his astonishment, his hand passed through with ease, as if he had breached a barrier into another realm. Eager to explore, he took a step forward, his surroundings shifting as if he had entered a different place altogether.

Before him lay a vast, circular expanse, reminiscent of a football field. The ground was covered in an otherworldly grass that glowed softly, casting an ethereal light. At the center of the expanse stood a colossal, ancient-looking gate, adorned with intricate symbols and engravings that seemed to dance with magical energy.

Ray's breath caught in his throat as he approached the gate, its presence radiating a mixture of power and mystery. He reached out, his fingers brushing against the surface, and felt a surge of energy coursing through him. It was as if the gate recognized him, responding to the magic that flowed within him.

For a moment, he hesitated. The gate seemed to beckon, promising secrets and possibilities beyond imagination. He thought of the ancient legends he had heard, tales of gateways to other worlds and dimensions. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Ray made his decision.

He focused his thoughts on the gate, channeling his magic as he had been taught. The symbols etched upon its surface glowed with renewed intensity, and with a surge of power, the gate began to resonate. The air around it shimmered and wavered, as if the fabric of reality itself was bending in response.

With a deep breath, Ray took a step forward, crossing the threshold of the gate. Instantly, the world around him shifted, and he found himself standing in an entirely different landscape. He gazed in wonder at the unfamiliar terrain, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty coursing through his veins.

Ray had discovered a doorway to other worlds, a place where he could exchange items, abilities, and knowledge with realms beyond his own. As he stood before the gate, the possibilities stretched out before him like an open book. He knew that with this newfound power came with risks, Some world are inhabited by extremely powerful beings who will hunt him to the ends of the world to get a hold of his ability, luckily for him it seems that no one has noticed him yet.

From his connection with gate Ray knew that he only had a few hours before the gate closed and he would lose the ability to return to the Witcher world. The only reason it's opened this time was due to the fact that it's been absorbing his excess magic over the last couple of years and keeping the gate connected to the Witcher world was draining it's energy fast.

Updated this chapter because to make the MC's power less Op

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