
New Beginnings

During a full moon night a young witch lands on 2nd Ave in the middle of Gold Hill, Oregon. She walks two blocks down and makes a quick left, into a motorhome lot. She finds a key under neath a rabbit statue. Mail has gathered for quite sometime. She gathers the mail and walks into the motorhome.

The young witch snaps her fingers and turns on the lights. She surveys the room, though the motorhome looks in disrepair, it is simply and illusion. She raises her right hand, the disrepair of the motorhome is all an illusion. The young witch takes off her jacket,and hoodie and looks into the mirror. "Andora you are a genious, a few months away and nothing was stolen, love it!" Andora evaluates her piercing green eyes and brunette hair.

Andora uses her magic to remove her clothes and put on a large white shirt, and sets off to bedroom. There she remembers her bed was also under an illusion spell. "Oh, goodie. I totally forgot this place. Well gotta use even more magic." Andora raises her wrist and fingers. The bed repairs itself, the furniture is put back in its proper place. "Finally!" Andora jumps onto her bed, and calls for her blankets.

Morning sets in, loud chainsaw noises is heard in the distance. Andora waves her hand to silence the damnable machine. A young woman is cursing loudly outside. Unable to start her chainsaw. Andora goes to her kitchen and makes herself some herbal tea. A smile comes on her face as she sees her neighbor struggles.

"Andora don't be a bitch!" she whispers to herself. She waves her hand again, the chainsaw starts once again. Her neighbor, "Piece of shit!." Andora unintentionally laughs pretty hard. The neighbor looks her way, Andora has her phone in her hand to fool her neighbor. "Mom, that was pretty hilarious! Yes mom I arrived safely, I'll call you again soon, love you!" Andora simulates hanging up her cellphone. The neighbor turns around and ignores her.

"Alright Andora, time to find a job, even though we don't need to." Andora groans and pulls out her gym bag that she brought out with her. She pull out a small computer that fits in the palm of her hand. Andora wiggles her fingers as if she was sprinkling salt on her eggs. Her computer becomes regular size and she connects it to her outlet. She continues to drink her herbal tea.