
Chapter 36: Unexpected, Not Unwelcome


“Okay, okay.” Leena laughs, tapping at her phone to bring up another question, “Would you rather one, pee your pants, or two, step in poop barefoot?”

I snort a laugh, covering my mouth to keep the s’more in. We’ve been doing this for hours, and every question seems to make us laugh a little more. We’re not even drinking, just being together and laughing is enough to make us giggle with laughter.

Leena shivers suddenly, coming in closer to me and the fire as she tugs at her jacket and the blanket on top of it. One day it’s hot, the next, it’s frigid, truly an East Coast autumn. I extend the stick with a few flaming marshmallows on the end towards her, and she sticks her nose up at it. I pretend to be offended.

“What? Are my marshmallows not good enough for you?”

“Not burnt to a crisp like that, they’re not. Now, answer the question, the rule is no stalling.”

I stop with a marshmallow halfway to my mouth and sigh like a heavy burden has been placed on me.