
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantaisie
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126 Chs

Chapter:-110 Hetson

...car, drew countless gazes. At the door of the restaurant, a handsome, middle-aged

man smiled and said, Mia, to think that you still remember this place. Everyone is here

and waiting for you.

This handsome man was Heston Young. He was the classmate that Olivia had mentioned

before, Mia's best friend. He was also the man who had pissed Keith off in the elevator

and today's reunion was being hosted by him.

Although the restaurant wasn't big, it was where they often gathered for meals when

they were at school. Heston had deliberately set up the reunion here. Coming here

seemed to put Mia in a better mood.

She smiled and said, you're so thoughtful, let's go. From a corner in the distance, Keith

saw the two of them enter the restaurant. Keith was worried that the two of them would

slip away and wanted to follow them in, but if they saw him, it would look too suspicious.

After hesitating for a moment, he dialed a number. In a luxurious room in the spa hotel,

Grant Hartley looked at this sexy lady walking towards him with a smile. He chuckled

and said, come here, baby.

Oh, Grant, you're so strong. Don't hurt me. The woman giggled.

Grant was overjoyed. He pulled the young woman into his arms and was about to kiss

her when suddenly his phone rang. He picked up and said impatiently, who is this? What

do you want? It's me.

From the other end of the phone came the calm and steady voice of a young man.

Grant's body quivered. He pushed the sexy woman away and said respectfully, sir, I'm

honored you called me.

Are you free now? Can I buy you dinner? Keith laughed. Is it really a good time for you?

Grant laughed and said, it's a great time. I'll treat you to dinner.

Any time is good for me. Okay, he said. I'll send you the location of a diner.

I'll be right there. A diner. Grant puffed out his chest and said, I can take you somewhere

better than a diner.

I'll send someone to pick you up right away. Let's go to the International Hotel. No need.

Keith smiled faintly. Here's good. I'll wait for you.

After saying that, he hung up the phone. Grant was startled for a moment. Then he

cheered excitedly and pulled up his pants, preparing to leave.

The sexy woman was surprised and said, Grant, where are you going? I'm going to do

something big. Under the woman's surprised gaze, Grant eagerly made a phone call. Not

long after, two cars pulled up in front of the restaurant and four strong men got out.

Grant saw Keith right away, and he hurried over and said with a smile. Sir, I hope I

haven't made you wait too long. When my three brothers heard about you, they said

they would come to see you no matter what.

You don't mind, do you? The three men behind them were all as muscular as Grant. One

of them was nearly seven feet tall and looked as strong as an ox. The three of them

looked at Keith with admiration.

They couldn't believe he had thrown Grant around like he was playing with a toy or that

he had made this famous boss subservient to him. Keith looked at the three of them and

said with a frown. Well, you're all ready now.

Park up. Let's go in. The four of them felt their hearts skip a beat.

The young master seemed to be angry. It would be terrible if he decided to throw them

all around too. Although there were two parking spaces at the entrance, the cars were

custom built and very big.

It would take a lot of effort to park in tight spaces outside the restaurant. Grant said

carefully, Sir, I don't think the cars will fit here. Why don't you go in first and get a drink?

Keith frowned and said, Aren't you making more trouble for the traffic police? As he

spoke, he walked up to one of the cars and raised his leg.

Activating mega strength. Current power 70 points. With a dull thud, the huge car left

the ground and flew horizontally through the air.

With a loud clang, it crashed to a stop in the parking space. Before anyone could react,

he kicked the other car in the same way and forced it into the other space. The eyes of

the four muscle men and people passing by almost popped out.

One of the men was so scared that his jaw dropped open. Was this guy human? Was he

sure there wasn't some dinosaur pretending to be a man? Just how much strength did he

have to be able to do such a thing? Mommy, that guy is so strong. Is he filming a movie?

Yeah, he must be.

Is the technology that advanced nowadays? But the four muscle men knew it wasn't

staged. They started to shiver. You've fulfilled the wish of the muscular men to park their


Wish value plus one. Current progress seven of ten. Keith saw that they were still in a

daze and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

After pushing one of the men's jaws shut, he said unhappily, what are you still standing

there for? Let's go. The four of them suddenly jumped to attention. The reverence they

held for their young master was like a torrential river that flowed endlessly.

When they saw that Keith had already left, they hurried after him. You've fulfilled Grant's

wish to treat you to a meal. Wish value plus one.

You've fulfilled Grant's wish to introduce you to his friends. Wish value plus one. Current

progress nine of ten.

As the group of them walked into the restaurant, heads turned to stare at them. One

young man was leading the way and four strong men followed behind him like puppies.

The image was both shocking and funny.

The people at Mia's table also looked at Keith and the others in surprise and Keith looked

back. It's you. Mia's face was slightly red, but there was a complicated look in her eyes.

Keith smiled faintly. What a coincidence, we meet again. Mia got up and said, thank you

for earlier.

It was nothing. Keith casually responded and looked away. He walked to the table next

to theirs and sat down.

There had originally been two young ladies sitting at this table. When they saw the

handsome young Keith sit down, they both smiled until they saw the four behemoths

following closely behind him. Grant smiled and said politely, excuse me, beautiful ladies.

Can I invite you to another table? His smile was so stiff that it looked like rigor mortis.

The two young ladies were on the verge of crying and they immediately left without

saying a word. Keith frowned and snapped.

Grant, do you ever look in the mirror when you smile? Yeah, Grant. One of the other men

said, why are you such a brute? Don't you think our friend here likes women? The seven

foot giant said with a smile. Don't worry, Mr. I'll invite them back right away.

You trying to scare him to death? Keith quipped, sit down. Yes, yes, yes. The giant

laughed dryly and hurriedly sat down.

Keith's forehead was crisscrossed with lines. Seeing that everyone in the shop was

holding back their laughter, he regretted asking Grant out to eat. You've crushed the

giant's wish to invite the women over.

Attribute point plus one. At this moment, the waiter walked over and said with a smile, a good evening. Can I take your orders? Grant looked at Keith and said, what do you want

to eat? Keith smiled faintly and said anything.

Anything. Grant felt that it was a test. He hesitated for a long time, then patted his head

and said, bring us all your best dishes and two bottles of your best wine.

The moment he said that, everyone in the restaurant was shocked. Rich people sure

were different. They never even asked for the price.

Keith didn't mind. He only came here to prevent Mia from having an accident. He didn't

care about what he ate.

On the other table, a fashionable woman beside Mia said in a low, disdainful voice, that

young man is quite handsome. None of the other four look human. She's right.

Mia, you've been alone for so long and you're still young and beautiful. Have you

considered dating anyone? When the rest of the table heard this, their ears perked up.

Mia's face was slightly gloomy, but she only sighed and shook her head.

The fashionable young woman said in surprise, come on, you're surrounded by the elites

of society, gentlemen and celebrities. Don't tell me there's no one you like. Mia

instinctively wanted to say something, but when the words reached her mouth, she

smiled bitterly and said, you must be joking, Zara.

I'm already so old. Who else would like me? Zara laughed lightly. Don't say it too loud or

you'll have guys lining up from here to your company's headquarters.

In fact, there are still a few of our old classmates here who are single. How about it? The

eyes of the three single men lit up, but when they saw Heston's expression, they couldn't

help but feel disheartened. One of them smiled bitterly and said, everyone knows that

Heston has liked Mia since high school.

If she wants to choose, she'll definitely choose him. We don't stand a chance. Heston

smiled faintly and looked at Mia and said, Mimi, I can't help but feeling that you're not

very happy today.

Is there something on your mind? Mia instinctively looked at the young man at the next

table as if she was looking for someone's shadow on her. It really does look like him. Why

hasn't he come to find me? Mia wondered to herself.

The corner of her mouth curled into a small, bitter smile. Then she pulled herself

together and said, do you think there's anything in this world that could bother me? Her

words were spoken with such confidence that the others burst out laughing. Zara giggled

and said, that's right.

This is our goddess. By the way, what about Olivia? She's all grown up now. There must be a ton of eligible bachelors waiting to date her, right? Mia smiled and said, she's

beautiful, smart and powerful, but a little awkward.

I'm always worried about it, but now she has a sweetheart. Oh, the others were shocked

when they heard this. The CEO of Olive Industries had a sweetheart.

This was big news. Heston frowned slightly and his face revealed a trace of coldness.

Zara chuckled and said, oh, any boy that Olivia likes must be an outstanding young man.

Tell us all about him. Mia thought of a certain person's figure and a faint smile appeared

on her face. She said, he's handsome and always has an arrogant look on his face as if

he's the world's number one.

Thinking of this, she chuckled and her tone turned gentle, but he's confident and smart.

He can play all kinds of musical instruments perfectly, and he's also skilled in martial

arts. He's always surprising us with new talents.

Zara asked curiously, from what you've said, he sounds like the perfect guy. Perfect. Mia

seemed to think of something funny and laughed softly, but he's mischievous too.

During the college entrance exams, sometimes it makes people worry. Her friends

looked at her strangely. It didn't seem like Mia was describing a son-in-law.

More like she was describing a boyfriend. How much do you like this son-in-law of yours?

Zara laughed. Seeing is believing.

I don't believe such a person exists. For a moment, everyone said that they wanted to go

to Summerfield to meet this perfect man. The atmosphere became lively again.

Although Heston was smiling, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes. He gave the man

beside him a look, stood up and said with a smile, I'm going to the bathroom. On the

other table, Grant laughed and said to his friends, he can master all kinds of musical

instruments and martial arts.

No way. How can anyone be so young and be so talented in both music and martial arts?

Don't you think so, sir? Keith chuckled and said, I guess it could be true. He responded

casually, but his eyes were on Heston and another man who was walking towards the


In the men's washroom, the man who followed Heston frowned and said, boss, I didn't

expect a daughter to have a boyfriend. If she gets married, I plan what Heston snorted

coldly and said, this is a rare opportunity. We must take her down here.

Let's stick to the plan. The other man frowned and said, are we really going to call Pierce

Salvatore and the others over? He might be in a wheelchair now, but he and his crew

were all thugs. It wasn't easy to control them.