
the wise warrior

I had a full life, 80 years in my profession reaching this age was an achievement without counting that I was dying of cancer, the bullets from the battlefields did not get the better of me but a cursed liver cancer. It's a good death for an old special forces soldier. I feel death coming a last look at my life, regrets yes I couldn't start a family.... My eyes are heavy where am I my vision is blurry boobs damn I'm drinking milk.....i got reincarnated...a family that will be my goal in this life a family....I didn't think starting a family was going to be more complicated in this life than tje Last one .. 

Steeven_Joseph_9690 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

chapter 4 mana of a sage

Marita's military academy was located in the far north of the kingdom in the fortified city of Bellum. This city served as an advance post for the royal army against the bamuths, its humanoid beings from 2 to 4 meters high reminiscent of the yeti of the earth. Fierce warrior they like to eat human flesh more intelligent than goblins living in clans and endowed with an incredible reproductive capacity making all attempts to exterminate this race by humans veins to date

A week had passed since my decision to join Marita, my trip by astroplane (flying boats) to get to Bellum lasted 2 days and I had spent most of my time in my cabin reading the books that Principal Grégoire give me.

Now I was in front of General Carbenza's office in charge of Marita's military academy. A firm voice called me in and I found myself in front of an old lady with white hair, green eyes full of life and a very long chin. I gave the military salute - Cadet Luster presents his respects to the general

She gestured for me to sit down.

-Our academy is not number one in the prestige ranking of the kingdom but we have a specialty here we get the best from each of our cadets that's why Marita has the nickname of the last hope for nobles with a talent not suited for battle and commoner with a battle talent. We push them to excellence, but your case, Cadet Luster, is without a shadow of a doubt the most complicated that I have the opportunity to work on.

- I will give everything and work without counting. - Who told you to interrupt me when I speak… giving everything to us is the norm and it does not reveal anything exceptional. A talentless person has little to give. ... understand that Grégoire has been my mentor and saved my life more than once on the battlefield, that's the only reason for your talentless presence so as not to make me lose face, giving everything that you have will be the least of the things. Go beyond yourself is an obligation. Put your hand on that crystal ball. I came up and placed my hand on the ball a feeling of warmth ran along my spine and like a hologram I could read

Name: Luster

Age: 12 years old

Gender: male

Race: human

Affinity: none

Talent: none

Intellect: 500

Strength 300

Endurance 2000

Mana 1 000 000

I couldn't believe I had so much mana in me my amazement was nothing compared to the general's astonished look.

Your mana is at the level of a great sage.