
The winged lioness

A nameless girl had died in a mysterious and uneventful way as she is soon reincarnated as a winged lioness. For the first few years of her life, the main character lives with her lion family and doesn’t encounter any hard ships. She was getting used to her uneventful but joyful life as something unexpected happened on her first outing outside of her beloved cave. The main character and her family were ether killed or captured by nameless humans as they took her to various places and tortured her. Will the protagonist overcome her hardships with her remaining family members becoming unrivaled or will she give into despair and remain a slave.

Sometimesyoujustdo · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Obtaining Sight

This is my second chapter. I hope at least someone gets here and comments at least one, this is my first book and it's very nerve-racking. I would like some pointers if possible. Thank you have a good read


It has been four days since any progress had been made but today I achieved something very important. I have managed to ever so slightly open my left eye, everything was blurry but I could make out some colors. The fluff balls seemed to be a mix of black and bright golden colors. I also saw that the two beasts were bright gold and black respectively.

It was better than not having known but it was still useless info. It seemed to be day as I could see a blinding bright light next to the two beasts. I couldn't wait to be able to see again, I needed to observe my surroundings to get a better look of we're I was.

Just before I looked back in the direction of the other fluff balls I got curious and looked at my hands. I was shocked at what I could see because this was not my skin tone. I had a small black hand that had a spot of bright gold on it but something was even weirder. Through my blurry vision I could Make out not a hand but a paw.

I was stunned. ~what the hell this is not my body. I don't have paws, I knew something was wrong but seriously I hoped it was just my imagination running wild~ I thought as I sighed.

I closed my eye as it gave me more questions than answers . In the back of my mind I knew that I was in a different body altogether but I refused to accept it but now that it was staring me straight in the face i had to.

I sighed again and started my motor exercises I had decided to do the second day I got here. ~I need to get my legs working again~ was my only thought. Oh I had forgotten to mention that at night there is a strange feeling in the air that I had decided to call Lunar essence. Lunar essence isn't really that helpful but it does differentiate day and night so I guess that's a plus.

I stayed doing my motor exercises almost all day and when night Falls I'll cuddle up with the rest of the beasts. Another thing I had forgotten to mention is that one of the fluff balls have been relatively close with me.

This particular fluff ball or small squeaker would stay closer to me than the rest of the fluff balls or beasts. The fluff balls coat was dark blue like in the depths of the ocean and had one beautifully shining golden eye on its left and a dark blue, almost black, dull eye on it's right. If you look close enough on the fluff balls dark coat there are dots of gold all over, making it look like a starry night sky.

This particular fluff ball I had decided to name, its name wasn't going to be too extravagant, but I also wanted it to represent it in some way, shape or form. I had decided to think on it, since I'm not too good at naming things from the get-go. The fluff ball would follow me as I rolled around what I assumed to be a cave.

As the days have passed, I had undoubtably began to miss technology as the days keep getting more boring as time passes. I have tried to stay positive and keep my mind busy by doing my daily workout sessions but it's all been futile. I have become increasingly bored doing my workout sessions so I have started to count. I started from one but before I knew it, I was already at 362.

I decided to start imagining what the future would hold for me or at least recall some books I read before my arrival in the cave. But all was for not as the days didn't seem to get any better, I have decided that instead of thinking of pointless things I should start thinking of names for all the tiny fluff balls that are here with me.

The first fluff ball that was going to receive a name was gonna be the one closest to me that had one golden eye.

Since the fluff ball's coat was dark blue I was thinking something that had to do with the ocean, but then a problem arose, I have no idea what gender my fluff ball friend is. Two counteract This I decided to choose two names for every fluff ball, one for female and one for male. (Name suggestions please and thank you) As I thought this, I felt proud of myself, but then now comes the hard part, choosing the two names for every fluff ball, and soon after I started to doubt myself once again.

I decided that if I could only just sleep, eat, and do nothing more than maybe time will pass faster, so I decided to do so but soon realized that once you sleep, it's really hard to go back to sleep and gave up on that plan almost immediately.

I myself am very patient and can't commit myself to most things, this was no different. As I was doing these things, about two weeks had past since I got here and I was finally able to fully open my eyes.

The surrounding cave wasn't as what I thought it would be, as they were blue flowers decorating the sides of the cave, and on the roof there seems to be glowing yellow vines entangled with each other.

The cave was warmer than compared to outside, but it was still relatively cold. As I looked around other fluff balls had also start to open their eyes and practice how to walk. Within the next day most of them were able to fully walk without any assistance needed, including me.

I was absolutely ecstatic as I was finally able to go outside with the rest of the fluff balls.

As I took my first steps outside I was immediately blinded by greenish light and closed my eyes almost immediately after. I took a few steps back to regain my sense of sight that was just assaulted and

proceeded with rubbing my eyes with my paws until they began to hurt.

After a minute or two of rubbing my eyes I slowly opened them again. The first thing I saw when I open my eyes was another fluff ball and clearly a different one then the one that's been following me around.

The fluff ball was split in half as one side was bright yellow and the other was pitch black. Everything about the cub was divided in half equally from the tips of its tail to the roof of its nose. The only thing that was not split was it's eyes as both of them were a striking blue. The cub was smaller compared to me and the others so it was probably born last. ~this must be the runt of the litter~ I thought as I looked at the runt, moments after the cub jumped on me trying to play.

We both fell to the ground as I too began to struggle and play with the small cub. The cub was strong for its size as it easily throw me around and in this moment I decided it was going to be follower number two.

As we played I observed the body of my new follower and it didn't take long for me to realize that something was wrong with it's wings. I quickly tackle the cub to the ground using all my strength to stop it from moving.

As I did this the cub began squeaking of its defeat, signaling that I had won. I didn't respond to the squeak of defeat as I continued to observe the back of the cub.

I was shocked, one of the wings seemed to be deformed and somewhat twisted. ~Is this a birth defect or is it some sort of virus?~ I thought as I looked at the wing with barely any feathers attached. After some time the cub begin to struggle and started squeaking for help, a couple minutes after I was picked up by the black lioness and moved to another location close by.

I was so distracted by the half and half cub so much so that I didn't realize we had been left behind by the others. I looked back to where I was and realize that the lion had picked up the cub and was walking towards us as well. As soon as it reached us it gently put the cub down.