
The Wily One (TVD/TO)

I always wanted family and love that comes with it . After my death this wish was granted in the most unexpected way, it doesn't help that the family I desired were near psychopaths. Worse I actually came to love them. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A/N : I'm really not good at synopsis. This is one of the fics I wrote in my free time.

N_Nelson · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

France 1002 AD


In my past life when TV shows and movies depict new vampires losing control or viewing vampirism as a curse, I used to berate it in my mind.

I don't think vampirism is a curse but I can finally understand why media depicts it as one, even after a year of running from father and trying to gain control of the bloodlust, there isn't much progress rather it is minimal.

The good news is that I've figured how to compel people, compulsion is a very high-level hypnosis where you have to look at a human, face to face to manipulate them.

I can also get into people's minds but it requires skin contact.

Arriving in France was quite difficult for me and my siblings since we were not really travellers or adventurers before becoming vampires.

Elijah become our unofficial leader since he proved to be the most responsible and gained the most control over his bloodlust during the past year.

It wasn't truly a surprise to me, becoming vampires enhanced our emotions to high degree, for Elijah it's his guilt for failing Nik plus wanting to be the noble and responsible one for the family due to not being able to stand up to Mikael.

Finn has become more self-loathing and depressed, he was always depressed as human and distant to us when growing up because of the loss of our elder sister who only he knew. {A/N: MC hasn't watched The Originals}.

Rebekah became more emotionally needy due to her not being exposed to harsh realities and being rather sheltered. She grew up dreaming of her prince charming and having a fairytale ending, so she has become somewhat eager find romance.

Nik has become more paranoid and power-hungry, his fear of Mikael is also the greatest amongst us. For good reason. He also feels like he's the pariah of the family and the world owes him a debt.

For me, I became more spiteful than I was and my already questionable morals are long gone. Although I hate to say it, my need for familial affection was magnified, consequences of my past life.  I'm also power-hungry like Nik but my focus is more on magic than wolves.

Mikael razed through a quarter of what will be USA, I know he's after Nik but I don't want to take my chances with him, it is extremely stupid to assume he has just a single white oak stake, plus that stake he has is enough to kill two of us. If anything, in a few centuries he could fashion the stake into bullets but I doubt Mikael would do that, warrior's pride and all that Viking crap.

I'm satisfied with just waiting till Abby Benett deals with him or Nik kills him and besides the trick to avoiding Mikael is just to cultivate meat shields.

Back to France, medieval France is dull, well to me who has lived in the 21st century but I don't really have time to stare at the castle's sprayed across the landscape, I'm quite famished.


At daybreak on a narrow road surrounded by a forest, five dead bodies of what seemed to be nobles sprawled across the forest drained of blood.

"That was quite delicious, we should search for a next course" said Kol as he patted Nikalus who looked weary.

"You are all filthy gluttons" said Finn the eldest

"Acceptance of your true nature is the key to live a happy life brother" Kol replied to him

They were brought out of their argument by Rebekah's voice

"Such pretty clothes, what a shame they'll go to waste"

"Rebekah we've discussed this-" "No you've discussed this, none of us had any say in the matter" Elijah tried to argue but was cut off by Rebekah

"This lot were travelling somewhere with their silks and finery, they seem like nobles. Five of them, five of us. We could take their place at the castle where they were headed" Rebekah continued

"Masquerading as nobles in land we do not know, whose customs we do not understand. Ridiculous" Elijah shot her down abruptly

Before Rebekah could continue, Kol interrupted

"Rebekah's idea has merit Elijah, we could live as these people for a time hiding in plain sight and as for learning customs I have a-" Kol suddenly stopped mid speech and made a hand sign to siblings to be quiet and listen with their enhanced hearing.

Elijah, who picked up on it first approached the carriage of the slaughtered people pulling the cover a black-haired man ran out of the carriage.

The siblings instantly surrounded him with their superior speed.

"Wait! Please I can help you!" the man begins to plead for his life.


  This guy begs for his life, trying to convince us by explaining he is the servant of Count de Martell, the noble of these parts. He knows their customs and the way around the region, it's already useful to keep him.

When I was about to convince my siblings, I wanted to bring up compulsion but it seems I don't need to. None of my siblings are emotionally stable and me having known about compulsion gives me the edge in building my connections before them.

Frankly, I think if we gang up on Mikael we could kill him but I just don't trust any of my siblings because of the mental scar Mikael has on them.

"Can we keep him please?" Rebekah asks

"Rebekah no. What is our most important rule?" Elijah answers with a question

"We don't leave alive some who has seen what we are" Rebekah and the rest of us say in unison

"A practice that has served us well" Elijah tried to conclude

"It's a practice that has served us well so far brother. I agree with Rebekah, we can't keep living like animals" I tell Elijah

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Kol, I want a roof over my head at the very least for a time" Finn agrees with me before Elijah could reply

"What say you Nik? Most of us are already in support of letting him live" I turn to Nik who has been quietly observing.

Nik walks up to the servant and stares at him, then turns to Elijah.

"I agree with our siblings Elijah, he is of use"

"Great, now let's get changed shall we" I concluded, not knowing I would meet people who would have a profound effect our family.