
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

DEERSKULL · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

The Spartans

Two days have passed irl 6 days in game in these two days I did nothing but play the wild hunt the only time I spent out of game was to eat, shower and do my workouts also I talked to my squad mates telling them to get the game it took some hardcore negotiating but I convinced them all to get the game it will be online soon one day before the update it would usually be longer since they had to order all of the gear but sense they all was x military they got it faster I opened my eyes in my room I sat up with no shirt on my body and started doing a work out I noticed working out helps me understand my body better wall I was doing push ups with Diablo still on I looked at my status








Job: 3 shadow Musketeers

Equipped: Tallows dagger, bucking bull, chainmail shirt, Diablo, storage ring




Friend list







Stat points:13

stealth 10/20: allows host to blind in to his environment and to move silently

Sharp eye basic 5/5: allows host to spot things more clearly it works even better if the host is on focused or on edge

Focus strike uncommon 4/7: allows host to focus mana into your strike be it your fist, leg, knee hell even a slap or a hip thrust you can focus mana into a strike but it needs three seconds to channel the mana . damage:50 per hit, mana cost: -30 mp,

Mana site 3/3: you can see mana in the air and in it's natural farm but not many people have this ability most people can only sense mana or have items to allow them to see it but you was born with the ability to see the natural flow of mana your sharp eye skill go hand and hand with this skill

Dark site rare max: this allows you to see in the dark like it was light out

mana mind max: allows host to control the mana in the air and to bring it inside your self to form different types of magic cores you can also channel the mana through you into a object

smithing and tinkering 10/20 uncommon: allows host to make basic equipment plus any equipment you make your self and you us will get a bonus to its stats in your hand since your it's maker

Hell fire bolt 1/5: form 4 bolts of fire and shot at target 1 skill point

Speak with animals - allows host to speak with animals 1 skill point

Speak with beasts - allow host to speak with beast 2 skill points

Beast shape 5/5 max- allows host to change into a beast the higher the level the stronger the beast cost 10 skill points

Mold earth - allows host to mold dirt and stone but only in a certain area cost 2 skill points

Blood siphon 3/15: allows host to drain the blood out of any target and to consume it which will bost your regeneration abilities hast to be touching target cost 6 skill points

Blood string max: allows host to make a string of blood cost 1 skill point

Blood needless max/ allows host to form 4 sharp blood needless and shot them at your target cost 1 skill points

New skill blood chain- unique skill, this skill mixs blood string and blood needless into one skill that forms blood chains with sharp spike at the end

Lighting colt 1/20: allows host to throw lighting colt

Hidden skill killing intent: the more humanoids you kill the stronger your killing intent will be

Skill points:0

I pushed myself up to my feet and sat down at the table which had a tarp over it with many different parts laying on it as I sat down I opened my map and scanned over it I found out a cool ability as I was thinking about how I wished all the goblin camps locations I had been to would appear on the map and surprisingly it did and on the side of the map this also appeared

small camps destroyed 10/10, medium camps destroyed 2/5, the big camp destroyed 0/1,

I had been busy the passed few weeks I single-handle took down all the small camps and just like the first one I found girls who had been cot many of them lived but there were a few who didn't hell I even found an older woman probably in her late 30s she was most definitely pregnant but when I asked if she wanted to die she shook her head saying no she said she had kids to take care of and they needed her and she even said she would try and raise this goblin the right way I admired her strength so instead of taking the gems and coins from that cave I gave it to her as for the medium camps that was a hole Nother story unlike the small camps which usually in caves these was actually outside in either made camps or I even found one in an old stone castle that was badly destroyed but there were many of them above the 200 mark so I had to take my time and plan how I want to kill them so it took me a bit longer then the caves but the rewards was much greater just in the two I had destroyed I had gotten 100 gold two red gems and I found even a hidden armory in the castle most of the stuff was to bady rusted to us but there was 3 things that didn't looked damaged at all the first was a old looking skill book on the front said pack tactics the second thing was a dusty shield with a Gorgan face carved into it when my eyes feel onto it a bubble appeared next to it but I was confused when I seen

Old shield: ???

Host doesn't have the ability to identify this item I suggest host takes it to a cleric of the son god or find someone who can

I was shocked that I couldn't identify it but I put it into my ring the last thing was in an old-looking dark box and it was locked but for someone like me who can mold earth it was easy to make the key for this box when I opened it my eyes started to glow a bit brighter there was two leather gauntlets I picked one up and looked at the bottom of it where I seen a slot for a hidden blade as I started at it a bubble appeared next to it

Hidden blades: grey rank the tools of a assassin. Can be upgraded

I started laughing crazily when I found them but I had to finish the mission I would hunt all-day and when I get back to the city I would go to my smithy I really have only been getting 4 hours of sleep but I didn't know if it was cuz I was us to not sleeping much or this boby but I wasn't tired but I didn't think about that much sense I had to get to work on my squad's gear I learned the more I smith there is a chance my skill increase but back to the present I was working on two familiar gauntlets but all that was left was the arm straps and the blades nothing more but that wasn't what I was working on no I was replacing the old blades with two new ones which was made from my beginner dagger and my first sword but as I put these places in place they looked nothing like before both had dark red and gold lines moving up the blades and in those lines was runes I quickly reassembled them and when I was done this bubble appeared

Hidden blades: blue rank the tools of a assassin both blades have holy magic runes in it so against undead these blades will be very effective, hell fire runes are on them allows host to channel any of his magic into it but for if it's hell fire it will be extra damage

I chuckled evily as I equipped them surprisingly they fit really well under Diablo I moved my rest up as I did from by rist shot out a 14 inch blade sharp as hell I chuckled and moved my hand down and the blade shot back into it's self I stood up and stretched my arms as I looked at the map well lets go DeerSkull it's time to get to work but this time I will only find the camps I will wait for my squad mates it will be good exp for them so lets move I stood up and equipped my advancing stuff there was a new sword on my hip that was the same as the old I picked up my hat the was on the table and put it on as I walked out with a smile on my face. time slowly passed and we find are selfs in the character creating room that same elf was sitting behind her desk this was only one of thousands of the same rooms with copies of her every single copy was connected she remembered every single wildling that came through here and she must admit there was many interesting people but non of them could match that man what was his gamer tag DeerSkull that's right he was one of the few who surprised me and didn't listen to my warnings no that ant right he did listen to them but he just wasn't worried about it I side thinking about that player but right then a flash of light came from in front of me and 5 other versions of me and what appeared surprised me every one of these people had the same feeling of that man DeerSkull in there eyes was a wildness I smiled at these people saying hello wilding please step forward they all did welcome to the wild hunt wildings tell me what do people see when they look at you and I sent them the character creating screen and to my surprise they all took there time with this and when they was done I was dumbfounded none of them was human all of them was either monsters or mystical beings but none of them choose the wendigo but for example the one in front of me chose a half giant sure he was pretty small for one but still y the hell do these crazy people chose these creatures so I gave them all the same warning like I did with DeerSkull wilding so I put on a worried expiration and asked are you sure you want to look like this and to my surprise they all smiled shrugging and they all asked the same question y is there something wrong with what I chose the I shrugged no not necessarily but ant you scared people will be scared of you they all shrugged again y should I care what strangers think of me if they are to scared to talk to me then that's there problem I was stunned how no y did they repeat basically the same answer as that man don't tell me they know each other no impossible but I didn't let this show on my face ok wilding what do people call you and I sent them all over the naming link but unlike before they all quickly put in a name and all of them was just as odd as DeerSkulk I nodded and waved my hand and extends out there gifts to them telling them everything I told DeerSkull they all took it with no complaints I also gave them there starter bag they took it thanking me now where will you go and I sent them the world map and to my surprise every single one of them quickly choose one place with a huge smile on there face we choose the wild lands no ant that were he want no they can't know each other can they ok wildings have on your hunt and I sent then away when I did I sent one of my selves to report to the boss he would probably like to know about this but I didn't have much time to think about the group of 5 cuz right then more players appeared one of me side thinking when can we go home damn it this shit is boring.. Back to the wild lands 2 days have passed and I have loaded the last 3 medium camps and I think I even found the big camp with the goblin king in it I found some old ruins again but unlike the last one this one was much newer but more importantly much bugger there was us to be a stone wall that want around this city and passed it was broken houses and cracked stone roads I seen goblins walking all over the place be it on the road or in houses they made this place there home but the goblins closer to the center was much bigger and well armed when my eyes feel on them a name appeared over them hobgoblins I gralled I was sitting on top of a tall tree with a pare of binoculars in my hands that I made I looked over one hobgoblin and what I seen made the edge of my eye twitch it had on chainmail and on his arm was an iron shield and strapped to his hip was an iron short sword he even had on an iron helmet and leather armor on his legs feet and hands I quickly looked to another hobgoblin it had the same shit but on it's back was a iron spear instead of a short sword I looked over every goblin and what I seen made my eye twitch again there was 3 different units of these hobgoblins the first was the spear users next was the ones with the swords and lastly I seen closer to the castle was archers and those bows wasn't goblin make but that's not the only thing I seen dire wolf's protecting the castle alongside hobgoblins with long swords in their hands I activated mana site and coming from inside the castle was two powerful magic presents one shined dark green I assumed a goblin mage or shamim but the second one was bright red but it was weaker then the other one I think that is the king I lowered my binoculars and looked up at the sun it was about time I side and put away my binoculars and jumped off the tree doing a flip before I landed and I shot back towards the city the closer I got the bigger my smile got I got to the forest edge i side and walked out of the woods and with quick fast steps I walked to the only tree on a hill the was by the city I looked around every know and thin a person would appear but I didn't see my friends yet so I climbed up into the tree and waited luckily I didn't have to wait long a small flash of light and 5 people appeared laying on the ground and I must say this group was quite the odd bunch 2 families and 3 males my eyes feel onto the first woman her avatar was that of a demon or tiefling she had dark blue skin with short purple hair but I thought I seen stars in her hair but it might just be my eyes playing tricks on me she had on a pretty standard clothes black pants green shirt and boots but laying next to her was a purple devil tail when her eyes opened they was black as night but like the hear I thought I seen stars in them and her horns corved back like a goat laying next to her was a man who looked almost exactly like her in looks but his skin was dark red and his hair was black plus when his eyes opened they was dark purple but other then that they looked the same even there clothes over the woman's head appeared a name starflare and over the man appeared flarestar these was the flare twins next is a very tall and big man he had very white skin like ice his hair was cut short on the sides but the top was pulled up into a brade he wear a normal white shirt and camo pants and black military boots but when I say big he was fucking huge irl he had herculean strength but also gigantism let's just say his life had been hard when he opened his eyes they was a ice blue with the rest white over his head appeared Goliath next was another woman her aviator was small she had dark red scales on her arms that want up her neck but the rest was tain skin behind her was a small dragon's tail and picking up from her blood red hair was two horns when she opened her eyes they was gold slits she had on a nice red and gold cumono over hear head appeared golddraco and lastly next to her was a normal sized man he had black skin and his hair was cut short but then I seen the black fox ears and the black fox tail behind him he had on blue robes and over his face was a mask his eyes was very fox like they was white over his head appeared deltafox these people stood up looking around but when they seen each other they all smiled then laughed starflare was the first to speak Really Goliath you could have just used your old name you know giant the man smiled and shrugged his shoulders where's the fun in that Star but where are we the other twin nodded yea and where is Buck he said he would be here waiting Gold giggled as she pulled a fan out and started to fan her self saying you know Buck he is unpredictable even more then us 5 really I wasn't expecting him to tell us to play a game with him but I don't mind Fox nodded indeed we will have to give him a hard time for it when I heard that I started chuckling I put my hat over my face and leaned against the tree I felt they all look up to me so Fox you plan on giving me a hard time huh then I won't be giving you the starter boxes I made for you Giant stepped forward asking Buck is that really you I chuckled nodding as I pulled up my hate they all smiled at my aviator I rolled off the tree and landed on the ground smiling it is good to see you all again but enough talking we got a mission to go wipe out goblin camps I have already taken out many of them the rest will be yours and I waved my hand and appearing in front of each of them was a box but also I sent them a party invite they all seen this screen

DeerSkull has sent you a invite to join the party called Spartin

except or reject

I seen them all read something and a huge crazy smile spread across there faces and Gaint looked up to me saying so the team is back together how fun lets make some chaos and he except the twins nodded and with cheeky smiles they pushed except Fox huffed saying y did you have to us the same name for our group Buck it could be anything and yet you want with the same boring thing I rolled my eyes saying really Gold haven't you heard the saying if something isn't broken don't change it besides if you really don't want to join us I will just take back your box and to prove my point I waved my hand and her box disappeared no no she yelled the name is perfect Buck your right it's a good name y change it I shook my head at her shamelessness but everyone else chuckled at her antics I side fine Gold you get one warning and I waved my hand and her box was back to in front of her she happily pounds unto it wall the others opened there's when they did there eyes want wide Gaint pulled out a pump shot gun but attacked to the barrel was a axe head he pumped it and looked down the sites saying Buck where did you get these I chuckled smiling I made them and believe me it wasn't cheap so I plan on putting yall to work so yall better not disappoint Flare chuckled to me as he pulled out a black leather bandolier of grenades unlike my old grenades these actually had a metal shell they was basically the same thing as the mk 2 grenade just instead of a blasting cap in the center of it that would detonate it I used a peace of glace that had fire runes covering it and when it got hit the glass would shatter which would trigger the fire magic inside it exploding it out let's just say it took me a few tries to get it right but I am happy I did cuz the end result is great for example if I pulled what I did in the first goblin cave I want in and used the grenades in that close of ranger the damage I would take would be much greater then what I received before as they was going through there boxes Fox looked up to me asking so what have you learned Buck in this new world and you said we had a mission I nodded indeed where should I start mmm I robbed my chin like I had a beard then I noticed Star and Gold staring at Diablo I chuckled y not let's start there I said and twitched my hands saying Diablo come meet my friends as you wish master and forming next to me was Diablo everyone stopped at this point and started at him Diablo gave a little bow saying hello yall it's good to meet yall my name is Diablo I am DeerSkulls gift they all was shocked hearing that they looked from Diablo to me shocked Star asked incredulously hold on what level are you at Buck cuz holy fuck I smiled and pointed above my head saying focus on me and my name tag should appear above my head and next to it should be my level sense we are in a party it's easier for everyone in the party to see each others levels they all focused on me and when they seen the 14 next to my name there faces want white Gold even said holy shit how the game has only been out for what 2 to three days and yet he already has his gift but is at level 14 what sort of hell did you go through Buck I chuckled true the game has only been out for 3 days irl but in game it's already been a week and some days the time here is much different then out there but I have a feeling it won't be for much longer as for what I have done to level up its quite simple I did what we are all good at and that's fight and kill I waved my hand and they all got shown the quests I had taken I waited for them to read over everything as they read Diablo want back to it's gauntlets form Gaint was the first to look up but he waited to ask any questions till the others was done it didn't take long for the others to look up focusing on me again Gaint then spoke Buck where did you get these quests and how did you get this much gold to make this equipment I smiled nodding it's good to see your as sharp as ever Gaint it's quite simple I met a mpc called Taylor I helped him kill someone stro get then me at level one and we soon become friends he is are employer he is very powerful and a dangerous man but I like him and I trust him and he trust me so I will say this only ones my smile fading and the air got heavy and what replaced it was a cold authoritative expiration do not treat this game as a game it's way to realistic the mpcs the land even the randomness of the world and what could happen is just like reality every mpc or people of the land as they like to be called are as sentient as you or me every one of their have there own background, emotions, and even stories I don't care if you got to fax it but do not underestimate the people of the land just in my breff stay in this place I have already made contact with many powerful and influential people do I make my self clear they all stood up straight like they just got whipped or something yes sir they said good I said smiling again and that heavy feeling was gone now get your shit equipped the all nodded and equipped there new gear every one of them had a similar out fit with me a black coat with hood with many pockets inside it dark green pants and black boots as for the rest it was all unique for each person the two twins had a bandolier of grenades and on Stars right hip was a holster that had a revolver in it and on her left hip was a axe touched into her belt as for Flare it was the same but opposite on both of there backs was a odd looking crossbow and tied around there head was a dark purple bandana there horns picked throw it plus under there coat was a lite leather armor when my eyes scanned over then bubbles appeared over the weapons

Revolver: grey rank- a 6 shot revolver 45 caliber damage depends on where gets hit can be upgraded

Twin tomahawk: blue rank- two tomahawks made exactly the same for two twins benefit pack tactics as long as someone you identify as friendly you get a boost to damage and chance to stune or frighten targets

rapid thrower crossbow: blue rank- a cross now that can hold 15 colts in a holder bit into the bottom of the crossbow ones out of colts you must reload with a clip and set the string back in the firing position rang 100 years

Leather armor: grey rank- a lite wait armor made from leather and hide can block some damage. Take a quarter less of damage against slashing, piercing and blunt damage

My eye then want to Gaint who had on basically the same thing as me just on his hips was two hand axes but on the back of his belt I seen another revolver on his right side but on the other side was his small bag of holding sling over one shoulder was shit shotgun and he two bad a bandolier that had a few grenades on it but only it had shotgun shells unlike me or the twins he had on a very Viking helmet

The trench sweeper: blue rank- a 6 plus one in chamber round shotgun that was built to be a war crime I mean to clear trenches and rooms plus if the user runs out of ammo and can't reload there is a axe blade to cut anything you want off. Range depends on bullet, damage depends on where hit

Two hand axes: grey rank- two axes that has holy runes on it against any low level undead creature the will be damage-boosted

Helmet: grey rank- a helmet made to protect your head. any damage done to the head will be halved

The pistol was the same as the twins as for armor I didn't think he would want or need any but I made some basic chain mail for him which he did have on but under his clothes next my eyes feel on gold she had a holster on both hips and a bandolier of garages but all around her gun belt was bullets for easier reloads and slung over her back was a rifle and she also had on leather armor on under her coat and on her hands was a set of leather gauntlets

Revolver: grey rank- a 6 shot revolver 45 caliber damage depends on where gets hit can be upgraded

Leather armor: grey rank- a lite wait armor made from leather and hide can block some damage. Take a quarter less of damage against slashing, piercing, and blunt damage

Blade gauntlets: blue rank- a set of reinforced gauntlets that has two metal bars that runs back to the elbow when activated those two metal bars will flip out forming a dagger can be updated. Damage depends on where hit

Sparks rifle: blue rank- a one-shot sniper rifle, range up to 400 yards if user is good enough, damage depends on where hit

Lastly my eyes feel onto Fox who had a holster on his right hip and on the left hip was his staring bag but on the back of the belt was two curved daggers but not just that he had on a pear of familiar leather gauntlets he also wear leather armor as well

Revolver: grey rank- a 6 shot revolver 45 caliber damage depends on where gets hit can be upgraded

Leather armor: grey rank- a lite wait armor made from leather and hide can block some damage. Take a quarter less of damage against slashing, piercing, and blunt damage

Curved daggers: grey rank- two daggers made for cutting, damage depends on where hit

Hidden blades: grey rank the tools of a assassin. Can be upgraded

I chuckled nodding as I flexed my hands when I did I equipped my new equipment on my right hip appeared a holster but in it was revolver and on my left hip was a new short sword but appearing at the back of my belt was bucking bull it looked a bit different it was no longer a pistol it was a short rifle now and instead of one barrel it had two and going across my chest was my normal bandoleer with 5 bullet holder for bucking bull but there was also pistol ammo and all around my gun belt on my right side was pistol ammo and on my left was my bag my new equipment was this

Revolver: grey rank- a 6 shot revolver 45 caliber damage depends on where gets hit can be upgraded

Short sword: blue rank- a shirt sword that has been infused with hell fire, nature, blood, lighting and holy runes this weapon can act as a spell focus but more importantly you can channel you mana in to it easier, against low level undead damage increases

Hidden blades: blue rank: the tools of a assassin both blades have holy magic runes in it so against undead these blades will be very effective, hell fire runes are on them allows host can channel any of his magic into it but for if it's hell fire it will be extra damage. Can be updated

Bucking bull: grey rank: what used to be a pistol is now a double barrel rifle who would turn this sort of caliber into a short rifle must be insane but if you shoot it ones you won't won't to shoot it again let alone twice, range up to 200 yards if user is good enough

I turned around sending them the map saying Spartans move out and I started running back towards the woods they all looked to each other and a high crazy smile spread across there faces and they followed me they wasn't the only ones who had a huge crazy smile on there faces I also did as we ran we drew much attention be it cuz of our colorful group or cuz of how well geared we were or maybe it was cuz they recognized me that many groups got out of our way and made note of us hell it was probably all of the above but I didn't care I felt to good that my friends and I was moving out ones again that I didn't care for anything else.