
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

DEERSKULL · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

some bad memory and a promise

I spent 1 hour moving throw black market sites of all kind but I was many focusing on information but all it had was info that I had already new I side shit and closed it in anger I stood up stretching my body my back cracking I looked down to my clothing sying I guess I should get changed out of my comfy clothes I side again as I got dressed I pulled on a normal pare of blue jeans and a black shirt I ran my hand through my uncoamed hair but I simple moved my hair back and walked to the door and pulled off a hat from the hat rack next to my door and walked out I grabbed my phone that was on the dinner table and walked through my door grabbing a set of keys as I want out of my house I squinted when I did do to the sun shining down onto me I walked onto my porch that lead down and curved around the house to a another porch but I simple walked to the stairs that lead straight to the ground I looked to the driveway seeing my old beat up pickup I walked on a homemade path that ran passed my truck to a huge garage there was two doors there was the normal side door that the path lead to but next to it was a huge garage door big enough to fit the biggest tracker and its gear hell even some smaller Plains could fit through it I walked on the path looking around smiling I had a pretty big yard all around my house the driveway was gravel and ran in front of the house passed it was a clearing where I had a huge garden passed a crossed from it was a pretty big pond with a dock placed on the left side of my house was a huge old tree that was bigger then a huge tracker tire it was probably 100 something years old underneath it in the shade was a picnic table and a chair there was a few more trees around the area that provided shade but no where near as big as that one at the back of my house was another picnic table that was facing towards a huge stump that had a old shot tarket stapled to it I got to the garage door pulling out my keys and found the right key and unlocked the door and walked in the garage was dark the only light was coming the door way but you could a read see on the right wall as you walked in was a forge area I smiled as I looked to the left of the door and flicked on the light when I did the lights came on but so did a radio I closed the door and walked in front of the garage door where there was a busted up old mustang that had a pretty fresh set of pant on but the sealing was completely smashed in both doors was bent at odd angles and the back of the car was smashed in and going front the back all the way to the front on the drivers side was bullet holes I walked to this car tears in my eyes I looked inside it and seen the seats had blood stains from two passengers that's when the tears started to fall as I feel to my knees as I remembered what had happened my unit and I got hit really hard we had just infiltrated this place where we had info that a terrorist leader was at but when we kicked the doors in and swept the house we found nothing that's when the hole fucking house came under fire by heavy machine guns I seen 2 in my unit get riddled with bullets I had taken one in the side but I didn't realize it do to the adrenaline I remember Giant and Fox blindly fire out throw the window that's when the machine gun fire stopped and I heard someone scream surrender spartens or die I slowly moved to the window and glanced out side I seen two trucks with heavy machine guns on the back of them fucking Germans I gralled I had looked back to see my unit staring at me waiting for my orders I glanced back outside to see who was talking it was the man we came here for Jurkens one of the highest ranking officer of the enemy if he meets his end soon would the war follow I seen him he was sitting in one of the armor trucks waiting with a huge smile and if we don't I yelled I got nothing but laughter then you die you are surrounded even if you kill a few of us it wouldn't matter thats when I heard on my ear pace Spartans what's the hold up but Gold cut that person off on the radio bitch you have eyes on us you know the hold up your info was shit so either you say something useful and start sending back up or shut the fuck up she got nothing but silence that's when the man yelled what will it be live or die your choice that's when on my ear pace I heard back up arriving eta 15 but I expected for from you all I promise you will but I cut her off saying 2 of my people just died and you have the nerve to say this to me when all you do is look over us in a safe office when it's my people out her dying cuz of suits like you so shut it bitch I will deal with you latter that's when I looked to one of my fallen brothers his name was Jake but we called him Heavy do to him always carrying a heavy machine gun and either a rocket or a grenade launcher just in case today he didn't have either he was using a new prototype of weapon that's shot grenades the size of marbles that had enough punch to blow a hole throw steal these rounds could be detonate on impact or have a delay his body was next to Gold I looked to her whispering so only they could hear pass me Heavys gun Gold nodded picked it up and tossed it to me I cot it and put my rifle to the side as I flicked off the safety of the new weapon I looked to my unit well shall we Gaint nodded smiling as he looked over to Fraya saying dear if we get out of this will you marry me Fraya was shocked asking are you really asking me this now of all times but fuck it that's sounds like you yes I will Giant looked back to me saying till death brother I smiled evily well fuck this is case for a celebration and I flipped around aiming in one smooth move meant as I opened fire on the two trucks my bullets impacted the side of each tricks but detonated on the side both trucks exploded in a fire ball killing all that was in it but I wasn't done I had still La half of a clip so I aimed to the housed opening fire and when I say these bullets blew holes into the buildings I meant it till my gun want click click click that's when I heard more vehicles coming shit I yelled we got to move I picked up my rifle bolting out of the hole I was firing from my unit behind me that's when ratatatata bullets started raining down all around us we just got to the burning trucks when thump my leg got shot I dropped to the floor but I through my self behind the burning vehicles yelling get to cover now they had ran a little passed me when they noticed I was hit I seen Gold was about to turn around but I yelled that's a fucking order leave me Gold didn't listen and she took one step as she was turning around that's when Flare grabbed her and dragged her behind to cover luckily he did cuz thats when bullets started to rain all around me hitting the ground I could see the house that everyone was in I could tell there cover wouldn't last long under that heavy of fire I side looking down to my leg the bullet was through and through it didn't hit nothing to bad but still bloody hurt I pulled a tourniquet out of my packet and put it on my leg that's when I noticed something else fall out of my pocket it was acamo bandana with a picture of me my elder brother and my father the day I got out of basic training the looked so proud I remember I promised my Elder brother David we would all go fishing again I will not die I promise these words echoed through my head I smiled and put the picture in my pocket over my heart then j picked up the banana I throw off my helmet and tied this bandana around my head that's right I yelled and jumped up onto the back of this burning trick I got on the machine gun and opened fire that's right I fucking yelled come on you fuckers I will not die today come to your fucking death to those who seen my face seen a wild animal no a wild beast that would never be chained with the fire burning around me it was quite the site I don't remember much as I was firing I just remembered seeing holes get blown into people and vehicles a like I didn't stop shooting till my gun want click click click but at that point who was left was on the ground barely alive that's when it happened I heard two bullets both impacting my chest both on the left side the other I remember falling from that burning truck glaring at the fucker who shot me he was on the ground with his lower body blown off I seen the hand that held his pistol fall after those two shots he died there smiling like he won I remember hitting the ground chuckling to my self well shit nice shooting mate that's when I seen Gold face over my head she was holding me in her arms yelling but I don't remember what she said nor do I think I heard her all I remember saying was simple beautiful and my mind want dark till I remember gun shots and remember opening my eyes to see Giant ant Gold being put into stretchers wall I was already one I got out into a chopper next to me was Flare, Star and Fox all three of them had bullet holes in there armor I remember seeing a doc take off my armor that didn't protect me much I remember him asking me questions but I couldn't hear him there was to much ringing in my ears that's when it goes black again but I woke up not to long later cuz we was still in the chopper but we was in the air I looked to my left and seen Gold laying there I remember reaching out and grabbing her hand before darkness again I them woke up on a operating table luckily I was so dragged that I didn't feel anything hell I couldn't even open my eyes but I soon passed out listening to heavy rock I remember thinking at list this doc has good tastes I soon came back to consciousness hearing a doctor saying you are one lucky man caption Winchester a few inches to the right and this bullet would have gone straight through your heart and I heard metal hitting metal I smiled weakly saying please call me Wendigo Winchester is my grandfather the doctor laughed yes indeed he has been worried sick but don't you worry this is about over and I remember something else drop into the bull I ow you a drink doc please keep the bullets and like that I was back to darkness the next time I woke up I was in a hospital with my grandfather sleeping next to me in the chair he was still in full uniform I remember thinking where is my dad and brother no matter both got work I remember I turned on the tv I wanted to hear some noise the room was way to quiet I turned it to the weather cuz y not that's when it changed to the news this just in we got a update on the drive by car crash last week that took the lives of 25 year of David Winchester and 46-year-old Bill Winchester and two pictures of them appeared yes the authority had just made several arrests who they say are the culprits of this horrible tragedy these people all come from the same anti-war protesters this group has been around sense the war started and many of there members have already been arrested for similar attempts on acts against military families we got a interview with the man who was driving the vehicle that took out David and Bill that night here you go and it switched to a recording of an older man sitting in a chair chained to the table he had an Orange jumpsuit on I heard a reporter ask so Mister Greg you was the driver that night the man nodded that's right we was driving my old van the reporter nodded can you please tell us what happened that night the man nodded smiling yes indeed we seen on the news that a caption and his unit had been transported to a hospital here in Texes a caption by the name of Hunter J Winchester him and his unit the Spartans I think they was called was described to be War heroes well we had a name and the news easily told us who his family was one even said that Hunters elder brother and father was on there way to the hospital from there it was easy go to each exit and wait till we see two people that looked like the picture the news showed us they arrived at my exit around 12 am they were driving one hell of a nice car they was at a stop light I almost felt bad when I smashed into the back of it wall another car slammed into its side which made it flipped we drove up to it seeing if anyone was alive and that's when someone opened fire on us hell I got hit in the shoulder it will never heal fully so we simple opened fire back simple as that then we drove away the reporter nodded do you think that was the right thing to do the man smiled a ugly smile yes I do this man Hunter and people like him are nothing but the politicians dogs they are the reason this war even started in the first place its people like them that don't deserve to live they take the easy road its easy to solve all your problems with violence it takes a real hero to look passed all of that and find a peaceful way of doing things I hope he suffers just like all of the victims of the war has but he couldn't finish cuz I had thrown the remote in anger it broke the tv I yelled how fucking dare him I will kill them all and I tried to get up but my chest burned in pain but I pushed through it I tried to stand that's when a nurse ran saying Sir please go back to bed your body but I stood up but stumbled to the wall I gralled at her saying get out of my way she shook her head saying I don't know how your standing but you need to return to bed or you might brake open the stitches and to prove her point I could feel blood start to roll down from my chest I pulled out the iv needle gralling but that's when a strong hand landed on my shoulders I looked to my grandfather snarling he side so you know there gone Hunter and there is nothing you or I can do I gralled smacking his hand off my saying nothing I can do hahaha I will kill them all if they think I will but that's when pain shot through my hole body that brought me to my knees I was breathing hard my grandfather grabbed my shoulder and dragged me to my bed and helped me lay down this fucking hurts I gralled the nurse ran over saying that's what the Iv was for I will go get another needle Iooked to her saying no need thank you the nurse was shocked but nodded and walked away I looked to my grandfather when she closed the door anger in my eyes what happened tell me everything my grandfather side and walked around my bed to the chair and he sank down on it saying I ant sure my self but here is what I do know and he filled me in on what this anti-war organization had been up to and to say I was shocked would be a understatement this group has been causing chaos in every state it starts off as strikes then riots and arson till a military family is targeted luckily most of the time is nothing but light charges stealing braking there belongings and all that and the rare times something bad happens its usually some protesters brake into the house and get shot for it they had apparently been getting aggressive sense they think the government wasn't listening to them they want to recruit more to there coss I rolled my eyes at all of this just kill them and be done with it my grandfather shook his head its more complicated then that lad the higher ups but I scoffed do not speak of them in my presents especially sense it was one of there dogs fault all this happened what was her name again o right it was Lench that reminds me I made that bitch a promise my grandfather side saying I have already dealt with her and her organization I scoffed whatever grandpa but my eyes started to close and he said rest my boy rest and like that months passed with me healing and doing fiscal therapy I refused the mineral therapy wall I was in the hospital I was visited by my ant she told me of this game that would be coming out soon she told me I would like it I assured her I would look into it I also got to see all these in my unit there enjoys was less critical then mine so they all want home before me but we still talked to each other every day I soon got out of hospital and got on the plan to home I got dropped off by grandfather he warned me that there was something in the garage they my father left for me when I seen this car I immediately turned around and locked the garage that is till now I looked up to the car angrily damn them fuckers damn them how dare they judge me when they was too weak to stomach going to war I fought for them and this country my brother and sisters died for them and what do they do they judge and hurt all of us who made it back from the war what did my family members sacrifices there lies for cuz it wasn't this I stood up snarling don't worry father, brother I will destroy them there is a new world coming my unit will be at the top I walked around it to the left wall and grabbed a tarp and throw it over the car I then moved it out of the way I then started cleaning this garage it wasn't dirty it just had a lot of stuff in it from hunting to fishing gear to parts and more after I was done I walked in front of two cars that had a tarp over them I smiled at the right one which was mine but I looked to the left one and pulled off the tarp chuckling it was a old hot rod red Chevrolet Chevelle I smiled pulling out my phone and looked at the wild hunt app which had a count down till the update and the app will be up again 17 hours left the sun was about to come down y lets go for a drive brother shall we and I walked to the door and opened it stepping in I closed the door I then pulled out a key from under the chair and I started the car up it came to life with a roar I stepped on the gas a few times revving it roar, roar, roar it said I smiled and pushed the garage door button I had in here and drove out of the garage I got to the end of my driveway I looked both ways all good good I slammed on the gas throwing rocks and dust behind me I turned up the music and rolled down my widow as I shot down the road and drifted around the corner smiling.