
The White Lotus

This is a spin-off of my other fanfiction; A new Path. It's not needed to have read A New Path as only the first chapter has any real connection to it. This story will slowly evolve into its own series, and rarely if ever touch upon what is going on in A New Path Just for fun and trying to find motivation to write something new again.

Vallori · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

{Chapter 3:} Rebirth!

At the 1st division barracks, Head-Captain Yamamoto had called a Captain's meeting the instant Soifon's report had come in. She delivered it in person and she had been shivering all while talking about her the meeting with Aziel. To say Yamamoto was angry was an understatement, a nobody living that far out and able to without effort put a Captain into this state. Never had the Gotei 13 faced such a humiliation. This not only portrayed poorly on Soifon, but the words Aziel said was what triggered his rage.

"Exterminate the Shinigami. Soifon, are you sure you heard right? This is very disturbing news if he holds the power you say he does." Aizen, Captain of the 5th Division said with genuine worry displayed as he watched Soifon on her knees shivering. The more she thought back to the Aziel's display of power, the more afraid she grew. She couldn't help herself. There was something so primal and so terrifying about in his power, she couldn't properly describe the feeling.

"Ridiculous! Do not let yourself be fooled by such display. Half of the Captains in this meeting could send a Shinigami into this state. Do not presume his power is superior to the Gotei 13. Such arrogance gets one killed!"

"Head-Captain, while I do agree and understand where you're coming from. What he showed to Captain Soifon was most likely not his full power. We should investigate this and approach with caution. There might be a way to befriend him instead."

"Captain Unohana, do not speak lightly of such a thing. He made his hostility towards us quite clear. He is no friend of Shinigami and he shall be treated as such."

Toshiro Hitsugaya suddenly stepped forward. He was one of the Captains who worried more for Renji and Rukia. "Head-Captain, what of the two he spoke of would come here? Are we to watch them? Maybe we shouldn't accept them into the Academy if they have relations to him." The concern was genuine, especially with these mysterious techniques Soifon spoke of.

"They are of no concern to me. Measly brats will not threaten the foundation of the Shinigami. They will be treated like any other!"

Aizen spoke up again with a smile that could fool anyone to think it be real. "This man, the way he spoke of it, it showed he was more concerned about the skills they carried. If they were to die, he might not care as long as we try not to extract the techniques they use."

"I agree with Captain Aizen," Hitsugaya said approvingly. "We should watch them closely and try to earn their loyalty. The man seems cold-blooded and apathetic so maybe the two young souls don't hold a lot of loyalty towards him. We could perhaps use them to learn more about him."

"It's a dangerous move. He said he would know the moment we try to learn about their abilities. He should have ways to monitor them." Unohana said. "Though I do believe Captain Hitsugaya is on the right track."

Yamamoto released an audible sigh. "Very well. They will be monitored but otherwise treated like any other student of the Academy. We will judge them according to proper protocol and not the abilities they carry. Captain Byakuya and Captain Hitsugaya, you two shall work in intervals monitoring their progress. Dismissed!" He slammed his cane on the ground rocking the foundations of the room.

"Yessir!" They answered and left the room one after the other. Soifon was quickly taken to the 4th division which Unohana was Captain over. Her mind was damaged and Unohana being the best healer in the Seireitei would do what she could to heal the damage.


In the land of ever-present night, a space rift opened up on a dune. The man with the most majestic beard this world ever saw walked out with casual steps, not bothering to hide his presence.

"From what I gathered from that youngling, Soifon, I should be exuding power around the level of a Vasto Lord hallow." He could already feel a few auras around reacting to his presence, so the power levels within the hollow rank that he got from the mind of Soifon was probably right.

'Aziel, do you mean to put me in the body of some mindless monster? I hope you weren't planning on that, else I will kill you when I get out.'

'I would never, Vaatu. I am not going to put you inside a mindless monster. I am going to create a mindless monster body for you.'

He couldn't help not chuckling when Vaatu started throwing curses his way. Instead of delaying any longer, he summoned pure divine energy to his palm. "Rebirth!" He spoke calmly and the energy in his hand rushed out and started assimilating a few meters away from him. In front of his eyes, something was being created from seemingly nothing.

Moments later, there stood a motionless hollow in front of them. Completely white with tribal-styled tattoos matching the markings on his spirit body. Dark-red hair reaching down to his waist styled very sloppily, it pointed out in every direction but still managed to add a level of dangerous attractiveness. The face was the most distinct feature right after the red hair. He had his markings going up the side of his face while covered by the hair stretching over his face, bright glowing silver eyes just like Aziel. 200cm in height to the dot. His face wasn't very hollow-like which made it so unique because his body looked pure hollow. He was paled-face with bones covering his jaw up to his lower lip.

'What'd you think, Vaatu?'

'The lower half of the face looks dumb, change it, please. At least let it cover my whole mouth.' Aziel allowed him finally to leave his body. From his chest came the humongous form of Vaatu. He started down Aziel trying to intimidate him into changing it.

"No way, it adds character. Plus. it makes you look a little dangerous, I've heard from trusted sources that the ladies love that."

"Whatever, like I care about that. Just get this over with."

Aziel nodded and snapped his fingers and Vaatu was sucked into the body of the newly created hollow. A second later a massive amount of pure power exploded out from Vaatu as his eyes shot open. He created a big sandstorm that only settled when Vaatu brought his power under control again.

He took a few moments to inspect his body. He was very pleased with the results, he finally felt truly free. He could after so long stretch his limbs properly. The power held in that body rivalled the Head-Captain of the Gotei 13. From what Aziel could see, Yamamoto should win simply because Vaatu didn't have any real power to use currently. With this new body, he will have to train again and he knew exactly what he would teach the former spirit of Chaos.

"Come Aziel, we shall fight! I want to test this new body of mine." Not waiting for confirmation, Vaatu flashed towards Aziel and punched against his face. He missed as Aziel sidestepped at the last second. With a finger on his chin, he flicked the hollow on the forehead sending him flying away.

"Your physical speed is superior to most Captains, but you would still lose out against the old ones. But, I don't believe that's the fastest you can go. Come on then and show me your power!"

Vaatu was upon him within seconds hashing out a barrage of punches and kicks. Every time he missed he would create small craters just from the force being exuded from his punches. Aziel blocked a knee to the face with his palm and swept his leg and struck his abdomen with an axe-kick sending him crashing down. Vaatu spits blood from the insane power behind the kick. This was when he noticed his blood wasn't red but silver.

"First blood goes to me. Wanna continue?"

"I still have a planet's worth of energy in me, so do not count me out yet!" Vaatu summoned pure energy to his right hand. It was silver like his eyes and blood, and with a cry of anger, he sent it against Aziel. Unfortunately for him it was dodged, but the massive beam of energy continued beyond the horizon and then some, but when it exploded they could still feel the residual energy hitting them in the face. The entirety of this endless land of sand was most likely aware of their presence now.

With another cry, he flashed against Aziel even faster than before.


Inside the 4th division barracks, Soifon sat dressed in a sort of hospital gown. She had her private room, a privilege all Captains shared. She still hadn't stopped shivering from the eyes that haunted her every time she closed her eyes. She couldn't sleep because that monster of a man would appear in her mind whenever she tried. No matter what she or Unohana tried, her fear kept coming and it only becomes more intense the longer she remained awake.

A knock on the door made her jump and immediately reach for her weapon. "Captain Soifon, it's Captain Unohana. Can I come in?"


The kind Captain walked in with her ever-present smile still on her lips. She walked up to the bed and gestured for Soifon to lay down, it was time for the regular check-up again. Even though nothing was found previously, she was ordered to keep trying to ease the pain.

"Have you slept anything yet?" Unohana carefully used her famous healing Kido. It usually worked wonders at calming an anxious mind as well as heal physical wounds. While it couldn't heal psychological damage, it could ease it a little.

"Not really. He is still there whenever I close my eyes. Those terrifying eyes, that suffocating power pressing down on me. I can weak in the knees just thinking about it. It's... Horrifying." Thankfully, Soifon didn't notice the tiny amount of saliva escaping Unohana's mouth.

Bringing herself back from her fantasy, Unohana nodded. "I know it hurts, I know it's terrifying, but try and get some sleep. It will only get worse if you don't sleep."

"Easier said than done."

"Want to talk about it?" There was a kind of hopefulness accompanying the question, but Soifon was far too distracted to notice Unohana's weird behaviour.

"No, and I would appreciate it if this all stayed between us. That includes the Head-Captain. I can't lose my position, everything I've worked for. I will get through this, I promise. Just said that I'm doing better."

"I can't lie to the Head-Captain. I will report whatever you claim to be true." Unohana said with a smirk.

"Thanks. He will not break me. Next time I see him, I will kill him myself." The arrogance that used to be there was now replaced with uncertainty. Faking confidence was a lot harder than she thought.

"Physically you're as healthy as a young woman like you can be. Now, only if you can get some sleep, I might be able to release you soon." Unohana withdrew from the bed. "I shall leave you alone to rest. Try and get some sleep. Summon some happy memories and see if you can't override your fear. There is power in happiness, Captain Soifon." She said as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

Soifon stared at the door as it closed. She imagined a certain someone slamming the door open rushing to her enveloping her in a warm hug. "Power in happiness... Why did you have to leave? I need you more than ever, Y-Yoruichi-Sama." Her head fell on her pillow as a few tears fell involuntarily.
