
The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

A man is reborn as a dragon seed during the times when the "Dragons Danced"

Last_Quincy · Livres et littérature
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87 Chs

Chapter 45 - A boy's dreams

124 AC

The seventh day of the fourth moon

Addam Pov

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the crowd gathered in the grand arena, their excitement reverberating through the stands. Knights from all corners of the realm had assembled, their noble steeds standing tall and proud, their armor gleaming in the radiant sunlight. The atmosphere crackled with an electric energy, for today was no ordinary day—it was the day the legendary White Knight would make his grand entrance.

I stood amidst the throng, my heart pounding with a mix of nerves and admiration. The sight of the various knights and their majestic mounts was awe-inspiring, but my eyes were drawn to one figure in particular—the embodiment of all my dreams and aspirations. The White Knight.

As if summoned by the collective will of the crowd, a hushed silence fell upon the arena, signaling the imminent arrival of the illustrious knight. Suddenly, the gates swung open, and there he was, emerging with an aura of grandeur and magnificence. The cheers erupted from the stands, echoing through the vast expanse of the arena, as I joined in, my voice blending with the chorus of adulation.

The White Knight was a vision of splendor, mounted on his noble steed, the embodiment of grace and power. The horse, as pure as freshly fallen snow, possessed an ethereal beauty that perfectly complemented its rider. Its sleek, muscular form moved with an effortless elegance, its every step exuding strength and poise. The knight's armor, a gleaming testament to his prowess, was resplendent in brilliant white, adorned with intricate engravings that caught the light and cast a mesmerizing glow.

I watched with bated breath as the jousting tournament commenced. The White Knight, mounted on his majestic mare named Vedros, exuded an aura of confidence and determination. The valiant steed, pure white in color, seemed to radiate a fiery spirit that matched her name, "Fury" in Valyrian. As the first opponent rode forward, Addam could sense the impending display of unmatched skill and valor.

With a resounding clash of lances, the White Knight charged forward, his mare galloping with thunderous speed. The impact was thunderous as the knight's lance struck his opponent's shield, shattering it into a shower of splinters. The force of the blow sent the rival knight sprawling from his saddle, crashing to the ground in defeat. The crowd erupted into cheers, their voices blending with the exhilarating sound of hooves thundering against the dirt.

I marveled at the sheer power and finesse displayed by the White Knight and his noble steed. It was as if they were a single entity, moving with flawless synchronization. Vedros, with her flowing mane and powerful muscles, carried her master with an unwavering determination, each step a testament to their bond and shared purpose.

As the tournament progressed, the White Knight continued his relentless onslaught, dismantling each opponent with calculated precision. Iwatched in awe as lance after lance found its mark, unhorsing knights left and right. The crowd was left astounded by the knight's unparalleled skill, their cheers reaching a crescendo with every victorious pass.

My admiration for the White Knight grew with each triumphant display. The knight's unwavering focus and unwavering resolve were matched only by his chivalry and honor. There was no arrogance in his victory, no hint of superiority. Instead, there was a sense of duty, a commitment to protect the realm and defend the weak.

As the jousts for the day came to an end, I couldn't contain my eagerness to witness the White Knight's awe-inspiring prowess once again. The sight of him effortlessly dismantling his opponents had left me in a state of awe and admiration. "It was beyond amazing, Alyn!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with excitement. "The White Knight was like a force of nature, a true embodiment of power and skill."

Alyn, my younger brother, looked at me with giddy excitement in his eyes. "The Sea Snake was remarkable too, Addam," he chimed in. "But the White Knight... oh gods, he was on a whole other level. I've never seen anyone ride with such grace and precision. He is the epitome of knighthood!"

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief at Alyn's words. "Brother, you don't understand," I sighed, trying to make him see the magnitude of what we had just witnessed. "The White Knight is more than just a knight; he is a legend, a symbol of everything that is noble and righteous in this world. His skill with a lance is unparalleled, and his courage knows no bounds. To witness him in action is a privilege that few are granted."

Mother's voice interrupted our conversation, bringing us back to reality. "Enough bickering, my sons," she gently scolded. "You both should be grateful for the opportunity to witness such a magnificent spectacle. Now, it's time for you to return to the cog and get some rest. I have important matters to attend to and will be returning late."

"Yes, Mother," we responded in unison, our voices filled with a mix of reverence and obedience. As we made our way back to the cog, my mind was consumed with thoughts of the White Knight and the incredible feats I had just witnessed. The image of him charging forward on Vedros, his mare of unparalleled beauty and strength, was etched in my mind. I couldn't help but feel a surge of hero worship coursing through my veins.

As I laid down to sleep, my mind drifted into a world of dreams. I found myself donning a suit of gleaming armor, riding alongside the White Knight as his loyal squire. Together, we faced insurmountable odds, vanquishing evil and defending the innocent with unwavering resolve. In my dreams, I became an extension of the White Knight's noble purpose, my heart beating in harmony with his.

The dream was vivid, filled with the sounds of clashing swords and thundering hooves. I felt the rush of adrenaline as we charged into battle, my every movement guided by the White Knight's unwavering presence. With each triumph, the cheers of the crowd echoed in my ears, their adulation fueling my determination to honor the legacy of the White Knight.

In my dream, the White Knight was more than just a man. He was a symbol of hope and inspiration, a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness. His mere presence inspired courage in the hearts of all who beheld him. The realm looked up to him as a paragon of honor, a living legend whose valor knew no bounds.

As the dream faded, and the first light of dawn crept through the porthole of the cog, I awoke with a renewed sense of purpose. The image of the White Knight, etched in my mind, spurred me to embark on a journey of self-improvement and dedication. I would train tirelessly, honing my skills and striving to become a knight worthy of fighting alongside the White Knight himself.

The next day dawned with a sense of anticipation that filled the very air. Alyn and I hastily broke our fast, exchanging knowing glances as we shared in the excitement of what awaited us at the jousting ground. Our mother, aware of our eagerness, offered words of caution and wished us luck on our journey.

As we hurried towards the grand arena, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. The crowd gathered, their voices filled with hushed whispers and hopeful murmurs. It seemed as though the entire realm had come to witness the ultimate showdown—the White Knight against all contenders.

Joust after joust unfolded, each victory for the White Knight met with thunderous applause and raucous cheers. The crowd marveled at his flawless technique, his lance finding its mark with unerring precision. With every defeat of his opponents, the legend of the White Knight grew, his name spoken in reverent tones by those fortunate enough to witness his unmatched skill.

And then, the moment arrived—the grand finale. "The White Knight will prevail!" a voice declared, as the man collecting the bets commenced his duties.

The opponent stood ready, Ser Vaemond Velaryon, a skilled knight in his own right. But even the bravest and most valiant warrior would be hard-pressed to match the prowess of the White Knight.

The joust began, the clash of thundering hooves filling the arena. The White Knight charged forward, his mare Vedros galloping with a fury that mirrored her name. As their lances collided, the impact reverberated through the crowd, a testament to the power and strength behind each strike.

Ser Vaemond fought valiantly, his every move driven by a desire to prove himself worthy. But against the White Knight, it was clear that victory lay elsewhere. The White Knight's skill shone through. , his lance finding its mark with devastating accuracy. Ser Vaemond's shield shattered under the force of the blow, sending him sprawling to the ground in defeat.

The crowd erupted into a symphony of cheers and applause, their voices blending in a chorus of adulation for the victor. The single gold dragon changed hands as bets were collected, each transaction a testament to the faith the realm had placed in the White Knight.

In that moment, the epic nature of the White Knight's triumph enveloped the arena. It was a display of unrivaled skill and unwavering determination. The clash of lances and the thunderous charge of horses became a symphony of heroism, resonating with the hearts of all who bore witness.

As I stood amidst the jubilant crowd, a surge of inspiration coursed through my veins. The greatness of the White Knight, his undying commitment to justice and unwavering bravery, filled me with a fervent desire to emulate his path. The hero worship that had blossomed within me over the years now burned with an intensity that demanded action.

As the White Knight slowly lifted his visor, a collective gasp escaped from the onlookers, for they were met with a vision so breathtaking that it seemed to transcend reality itself. Every feature of his face was a masterpiece, as if the gods had meticulously sculpted him out of dreams and aspirations.

His striking appearance was accentuated by his lustrous mane of pure white hair that cascaded around his chiseled countenance. Each strand seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow, catching the light and creating an aura of otherworldly allure. It flowed with a grace and elegance that mirrored his every movement, as if whispering tales of heroic exploits and epic battles.

But it was his eyes, those captivating windows to his soul, that held the greatest enchantment. A shade of pale lilac, they glistened with an iridescent sheen that mirrored the hues of a moonlit sky. Within their depths lay a mesmerizing blend of mystery and warmth, drawing all who beheld them into their depths. They held a wisdom that surpassed his years, as if he had witnessed the ebb and flow of countless ages.

His features were rugged, yet softened by an underlying kindness and compassion that shone through. His strong jawline, dusted with a hint of stubble, gave him an air of masculinity and strength, while his lips curved into a gentle smile that could melt the hearts of even the most hardened souls. His mere presence exuded an irresistible charm, captivating both men and women alike.

The ladies in attendance couldn't help but be captivated by his magnetic presence. Their eyes sparkled with admiration, their hearts skipping a beat as they beheld the epitome of masculine beauty. They whispered amongst themselves, their voices filled with an enamored hush, for they had never witnessed such a perfect fusion of strength and grace in a single man.

As for my mother, her words hung in the air, causing a momentary confusion to settle within me. "Gods, I wish to ride him," she softly exclaimed. The remark left me wondering, for it seemed to carry a hidden meaning , a longing that extended beyond mere admiration. Perhaps she yearned to be part of the White Knight's world, to share in his valiant quests and bask in the glow of his radiant presence.

In that moment, I understood the power of the White Knight's allure. His looks were not merely the result of physical beauty but a reflection of the inner strength and nobility that resided within him. He was a beacon of hope and inspiration, a living embodiment of the dreams and aspirations of all who beheld him.

After the exhilarating joust, Alyn and I eagerly explored the various events taking place in the festive atmosphere. We watched in awe as the hammer-horning competition unfolded, the resounding thuds echoing through the air as participants showcased their strength and skill. We marveled at the precision of the knife-throwers, their blades finding their mark with impressive accuracy.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the horizon, our mother led us to a nearby tavern. The chatter and laughter of patrons filled the air, creating a vibrant backdrop to the day's festivities. But even amidst the cheerful atmosphere, my mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of the White Knight.

Engrossed in my own musings, I overheard a snippet of conversation from a nearby table. "I heard that the White Knight is in search of a squire," a voice whispered excitedly. Instantly, my face lit up with anticipation. Could it be true? The prospect of becoming the squire of the White Knight, my idol and inspiration, sent a surge of excitement coursing through my veins.

Unable to contain my enthusiasm, I leaned closer, straining to catch every word. The tavern was abuzz with speculation and excitement as others chimed in, discussing the possibility. "Imagine being chosen as his squire," someone mused dreamily. "To learn from the greatest knight in the realm, to embark on grand adventures by his side... it would be an honor beyond measure."

But not everyone shared in the optimism. "What a load of rubbish," another voice interjected skeptically. "Why would the White Knight want a squire? He's already a legend in his own right, capable of handling any challenge on his own." Disagreement ensued, and soon the tavern was filled with the clamor of conflicting opinions.

Yet amidst the chaos, my mind remained fixed on the possibility. The skepticism only fueled my determination. If there was even the slightest chance to become the squire of the White Knight, I knew I had to seize it. It was an opportunity to learn from a living legend, to tread in the footsteps of greatness.

While the others engaged in their debate, I retreated into my own thoughts, envisioning myself as the White Knight's squire. I saw myself by his side, witnessing firsthand the valor and skill that had captivated the realm. The thrill of battle, the camaraderie forged through shared experiences—it was a future filled with endless possibilities.

As the noise in the tavern continued, I knew that my destiny beckoned. The path of becoming the White Knight's squire was fraught with challenges, but I was ready to face them head-on. No longer content with being a mere spectator, I yearned to be an active participant in the grand tapestry of knighthood. And with the prospect of learning from the very embodiment of courage and honor, my heart soared with anticipation.

Lost in my own world of excitement, I barely noticed the ongoing commotion around me. The possibility of becoming the squire of the White Knight had ignited a fire within my soul, a burning desire to prove myself worthy of such an honor. As I immersed myself in dreams of chivalry and adventure, I made a silent vow to seize this opportunity with unwavering determination.

And so, as the tavern buzzed with conflicting voices, my resolve remained unshaken. The path to becoming the squire of the White Knight would be arduous, but I was prepared to face any obstacle. For in that moment, a new chapter had begun, and I was determined to grasp it tightly, eager to embark on a journey that would shape my destiny as a knight worthy of standing alongside the White Knight himself.

As the sun climbed high in the sky, another day unfolded before us, and the arena came alive with the thrilling spectacle of the melee. A surge of anticipation coursed through the crowd, their collective breaths held in suspense. This was a contest that demanded unwavering alertness, for in the midst of the chaos, danger lurked at every turn.

The melee began, and the clash of steel reverberated through the air. Knights of varying sizes and strengths engaged in combat, their colorful banners billowing in the wind. Amidst the sea of fighters, one figure stood out—Ser Hugh the "Hammer." His imposing presence radiated an air of confidence and enjoyment as he effortlessly wielded his war hammer, swinging it with masterful precision.

A symphony of destruction unfolded around Ser Hugh as his opponents, once valiant and formidable, crumbled like fragile flies before his might. The impact of his hammer sent shockwaves through the arena, thunderous blows that echoed with a deafening resonance. Armor shattered, shields splintered, and bodies were flung through the air, unable to withstand the sheer force of his strikes.

With each swing, Ser Hugh's exhilaration grew, his skill and power on full display. It was as if the very essence of the melee flowed through his veins, lending him an almost supernatural prowess. His movements were a symphony of brute strength and calculated finesse, an awe-inspiring display that held the crowd captive.

The other knights, once fierce and determined, found themselves overwhelmed by Ser Hugh's sheer dominance. Their futile attempts to land a blow were swiftly countered, their defenses easily bypassed. In the face of his relentless assault, their hopes waned, and the realization of their impending defeat etched itself upon their faces.

The crowd erupted into a chorus of exhilarated gasps and thunderous applause. Each crushing blow delivered by Ser Hugh evoked a mix of awe and excitement, as if the very ground trembled beneath the weight of his might. The atmosphere crackled with electricity, an electrifying energy that resonated with every spectator, drawing them deeper into the heart-pounding action unfolding before their eyes.

The clash of steel and the cries of combatants merged into a symphony of chaos, and yet, amidst the cacophony, his presence remained a beacon of dominance and skill. He danced through the battlefield, his war hammer a deadly extension of his will, leaving a trail of fallen adversaries in his wake.

For those fortunate enough to witness this epic display of martial prowess, it was a sight that would forever be etched into their memories.

His mastery of combat had transformed the melee into a showcase of pure awe and exhilaration, reminding all who beheld him of the unfathomable power that lay within the realm of knighthood.

As the final combatants succumbed to Ser Hugh's relentless assault, the arena fell silent, a collective awe gripping the onlookers. The dust settled, the echoes of battle gradually fading away, leaving behind a profound sense of admiration. Ser Hugh stood triumphant amidst the fallen, his chest heaving with exertion and his eyes shining with the fire of victory.

In that moment, the melee became more than a contest; it became a testament to the indomitable spirit of the knights, to their unwavering determination and unwavering skill. It was a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, greatness could be found, and legends could be forged.

As the echoes of the melee faded, a hushed anticipation swept through the crowd. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the bustling throng, commanding attention with their regal presence. It was none other than Lord Corlys Velaryon, known as the Sea Snake, a legendary figure in his own right. The excitement in the air intensified as he made his way towards the center of the melee grounds.

With a smile that radiated warmth and wisdom, Lord Corlys approached Ser Hugh, the victor of the awe-inspiring melee. He extended a hand in congratulations, acknowledging the warrior's skill and valor. The crowd erupted into applause, their admiration for both the Sea Snake and Ser Hugh intermingling in a harmonious symphony of respect.

Once the applause subsided, Lord Corlys turned towards the expectant crowd. His voice carried a tone of enthusiasm and joy as he made the long-awaited announcement. "I am delighted to share with you all that tomorrow, a squire's melee shall take place. It is a chance for young squires to showcase their skills and prove their mettle. The squire who showcases the values of a true knight will earn the esteemed position of being the squire of the White Knight himself!"

The words hung in the air, causing a collective gasp of excitement to ripple through the crowd. The prospect of such an opportunity brought renewed hope and happiness to all those gathered, particularly the young boys of my age. Eyes filled with dreams of knighthood gleamed with anticipation, their hearts filled with the belief that they, too, could seize this chance to embark on a path of greatness.

The news resonated deep within me, igniting a spark of optimism and determination. A surge of energy surged through my veins as I envisioned myself stepping onto the grand melee grounds, wielding my sword with skill and precision, and leaving an indelible mark upon the minds of all who witnessed my prowess. The dream of becoming the squire of the White Knight was within reach, and it filled my heart with a sense of joy and purpose.

Around me, I saw similar emotions flickering in the eyes of my fellow aspiring squires. The atmosphere was charged with camaraderie and friendly competition, for we knew that tomorrow's melee would not only test our skills but also forge bonds of friendship and respect. Together, we would embrace this opportunity, each of us harboring the hope that our dedication and talents would be recognized.

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and gold, the melee grounds transformed into a place of renewed dreams and aspirations. Conversations buzzed with excitement, as plans were made, strategies discussed, and weapons honed in preparation for the momentous contest that lay ahead.

And so, as we left the grounds, our hearts were filled with hope, happiness, and a shared sense of anticipation. The announcement of the squire's melee had kindled a flame of optimism, lighting the path towards our dreams. Tomorrow would be a day of possibility, where we would have the chance to prove ourselves worthy of the White Knight's guidance and mentorship.

As we lay tucked snugly in our beds, a mischievous thought bubbled up within me. "Alyn, I need your help," I whispered excitedly to my brother, unable to contain my secret any longer.

Alyn stirred, his drowsy eyes fluttering open. "What is it, brother?" he mumbled, his voice heavy with sleep.

I leaned in closer, my voice barely above a whisper. "Tomorrow, I'm going to compete in the melee!" I exclaimed, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.

Alyn's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you mad, Addam?" he gasped, suddenly fully awake. "You've never fought against so many people! And those squires will have been trained by seasoned knights!"

I waved away his concerns with a dismissive wave of my hand. "Oh, but it doesn't matter, dear brother," I declared with childlike confidence. "My sheer will and determination will guide me to victory! Besides, they won't be able to land a single hit on me. I'll be too quick!"

Alyn's eyebrows furrowed in worry. "But what about armor, brother?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

I grinned mischievously, the glint in my eyes reflecting my childish excitement. "Well, did the White Knight wear armor when he participated in his first melee?" I countered, relishing in the playfulness of our banter.

Alyn let out a soft groan and gently smacked his forehead with his hand. "Oh, brother," he chuckled, unable to hide his exasperation. "You and your wild ideas! But I suppose your determination knows no bounds."

I nodded eagerly, thrilled that Alyn was starting to understand. "Exactly, dear brother!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with youthful enthusiasm. "Tomorrow, I shall prove to them all that with my unyielding spirit and unwavering determination, I can conquer any challenge!"

As we settled back into our beds, the room filled with a sense of playful anticipation. Alyn's laughter mingled with my bubbling excitement, creating a symphony of childish joy. Despite the challenges that awaited me on the morrow, I found solace in the unshakeable bond I shared with my brother. His support and unwavering belief in me filled me with a renewed sense of courage and determination.

And so, as sleep beckoned us into its embrace, dreams of triumph and valor danced through my mind. Tomorrow would be a day of adventure, where I would face formidable opponents with the unwavering spirit of a child and the heart of a budding knight. With Alyn by my side, cheering me on, I knew that no challenge would be too great, and no dream too lofty.

And as the moon cast its gentle glow upon us, I drifted off into a world of playful aspirations and innocent dreams, eagerly awaiting the dawn of a new day and the exhilarating melee that awaited.

Oh boy the kid is way over his head. Do tell me how you think the melee will go.

Last_Quincycreators' thoughts