
The White Boy

He is the normal guy, but it seems that strange things are staying around him. Start from his neighbor, his ex-boyfriend and another things around him. He is just a normal guy that working as a tour guide. But, is it really a normal thing if strange things keep showing up around him?

NoonaBL · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

Steve clutched his cup, pondering Milo's words, "A flower shop? It's autumn now. Don't the flowers look bad in autumn now?"

"It doesn't matter." Milo spread his arms with a seedling in his palm towards Steve. In the next moment, the seedling in his palm quickly sprouted and started to grow, and in a few seconds a bouquet of flowers suddenly bloomed, the delicate petals of the flower swaying in the wind, so fresh and beautiful.

'Is this the magic power of the Survivors?' Said Steve in his mind.

After thinking about it, Steve said, "I think you will make more money if you dive into the magic department than open a flower shop."

Milo burst out laughing, "No, most of the Survivors can do things like magic, and don't you think that this unnecessary florist is a little safer than walking around competing with those countless friends?"

"You're right too." Steve then nodded his head in agreement.

"Shit, you're still so funny." Milo cupped his hands and the flowers quickly closed and turned back into seeds. Then he sighed with his eyes closed, "Three years have passed and everything has changed from what I last remembered, only you are still the same, even though you dyed your hair that strange white color."

Milo opened his eyes, and when he opened them, Steve suddenly realized that Milo's eyes were not pure black, but gleamed with a faint golden color that was very clearly visible in the sunlight.

"I also feel that Mr. Milo hasn't changed either." Steve slowly.

"Is that true?" Milo looked at Steve with a bit of pleasure, and after a while he gently sighed, "Steve, what kind of person do you think this Survivor is like?"

Steve looked at the cup in his hand, "I think they are a victim."

"Victim?" Milo repeated, his body frozen for a moment.

"Somehow brought into that horrible and cruel world, struggling to stay alive and surviving, and then one day later finally coming home and being ridiculed by your family, people like that are unfortunate victims however you look at it." Clear Steve to Milo.

Milo looked at Steve, with a soft light in his eyes. Milo said "Steve, you really are an interesting person."

Steve was about to answer, but he heard the phone he had left in the room ringing. Steve gave a code to Steve, told him that he would pick up the phone first, then he turned back into his room. Milo remained standing on his balcony, his eyes turning completely golden in the sunlight. He opened his hand again, making the flowers bloom again, then he looked at the flower in his hand. Moments later, he blew towards the flower, which then turned into tiny golden colored lights and flew with the wind, completely disappearing into the air.

"This is the first time I've been treated as a victim. Worth remembering." Milo muttered under his breath.


Steve returned to his room and answered the ringing of his phone. The person who called him was Rino. After a huge change occurred in the world, they also learned that the person who fell from the sky shouting 'I'm back!' is also a Survivor. Thanks to that person, when Steve and Rino thought of the Survivors, the image that immediately came to their mind was of a small person crying in pain.

"Steve, we can go back to work tomorrow." Rino, of course, was also very happy. During this week off, everyone was worried about whether they still had their jobs.

Steve answered Rino's words with "Mhmm". Since at least the current travel agency could operate normally, the social fabric had most likely stabilized as well.

"Shall we continue on that route?" asked Steve.

"Of course, the company used the Survivors' impact crater on top of the mountain as a publicity point, attracting many curious Survivors." Rino couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud, "Congratulations, Steve, you can dye your hair again now."

Steve glanced in the mirror. He looked at himself, and with his head decorated with silvery gray hair, he looked more like 18 years old than his real 23 years old.

Not bothering to turn off his TV, Steve leaned back on the sofa and replied nonchalantly, "I'll repaint it when I have time."

Rino didn't continue his conversation with Steve, he had to go to give information about the job to other co-workers, and Steve said goodbye before hanging up the phone. Steve threw his phone next to his on the sofa. The TV show was still broadcasting the same as before, except for the Survivors.

A website spontaneously collects information about Survivors, such as detailed information about the boundless stream of the world they learn from the Survivors they have interviewed.

Just like in a novel, those worlds were filled with darkness and death, every world was filled with blood, and almost everyone who stepped out of the boundless stream of worlds had some degree of psychological problems. The government is arranging for psychologists to psychologically lead them back to normal life as quickly as possible, but there are still some groups of people who have difficulty adapting.

They may be afraid of the dark, afraid to sleep, the slightest movement will wake them up, or will subconsciously strike back when disturbed.

Such people would not be able to live a normal life, so the government invited experts to help them get better. Those people also understood that they might hurt their own family if they continued like this, and most of them were very cooperative. The survivor who was interviewed was one of them. He claimed that he had just passed the first level of the boundless stream of the world, and was a low-level survivor who had not had time to advance to the next level.

People like this are the most numerous, because the higher one goes up the more sinister the place changes, the more people die, and most of those who are still alive have not experienced too many terrible games.