

An outlaw named Cayde "The Black Wolf" was tasked to find The Oracle's Tower to get the Great Treasure hidden under The Tower. But he must face the consequences of his Task, as he travels across The Westernlands.

LansJPrince · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Bossman

He glares down to The Black Wolf, as he knelt down to The Bossman himself. The man who raised him as his own. And The Leader of their criminal organization, in which Cayde has been working under for the entirety of his life. Cayde's eyes follows The Bossman's green eyes. He doesn't seem to be disturbed or disgusted by The Bossman's disturbing scars on his cheeks.

"So.. Can we talk about my new task in a MORE private room, Boss?" Cayde requested as he stares directly into his Mentor's eyes looking down at him, like a Man looking down in his dog.

"Mmhh..fine. To my Chamber, Cayde." The Black Wolf follows The Bossman, as they walk across a long dark and shadowy corridor of The Bossman's Haunting Fortress.

Strange feeling of being watched is a certain kind of feel to walk across those corridors. Thousands of innocent lives was took from each steps of this Fortress, a heartless man lives in the dark. As if the gigantic scars on his cheeks, could make out that this man is a smiling psychopath who kills people while laughing.

He's quite the opposite of that..

Until they walk across the corridors, they finally reached The Bossman's Chamber. A room for the most feared Outlaw in The Westernlands, the Great Continent for Outlaws. The land of No Rules. The Land of The Devils. A perfect Land for Outlaws like them.

As they enter inside of The Chamber. A woman can be seen strapped into a metallic chain over her body, naked, sweating and scared. Her eyes were torn apart, her legs are bruised. And her body. Covered in sweat. Cayde glares at the naked chained woman, he looks back at The Bossman, seemingly in disgust in his eyes are can be seen.

"What's wrong?" The Bossman asked the disgusted Cayde, as he points to the girl on the corner of the room.

"Do you really have to torture her, huh?" Cayde answered. As they sat down to a wooden chair.

"She's a fine whore, I found her at The Valley...wants me to sleep with her along with her two friends so they can steal my weapons and kill me in the end. So I killed the two and I spared the beautiful one, and I guess you could say that I used her for the punishment." The Bossman replied while he stares at her naked body. And then he looks back at Cayde to see his reaction.

Cayde was shocked, but as a trained Outlaw. He mustn't feel any feelings towards her, or else The Bossman would notice. He wasn't trained to feel any emotions, nor feel bad about anything particularly. He was born as a killer, a thief and a gunslinger by The Bossman's band of criminals.

And so he hid his feelings towards by seemingly looking away from her, and focuses on to The Bossman. "Can I just get my new task, Boss?"

"Watch your tone now, Cayde. Remember you're still a member of my organization. Don't talk to me as if I'm one of your own friends, Cayde. I chose you to join my group, to teach you the ways of our lives here in The Westernlands. Compared to the rich ones who lives in The East.

We are NOT like them, Cayde. Remember that." Right as he says those words to Cayde, a river of rage and anger fills the feelings of The Bossman, as Cayde looks upon in his eyes as he said those words to him. He felt a certain kind of anger withing those words.

"And for your new task. I assure you, it's not just an ordinary task that you accepted to do from me, no. Some may call this as a Suicide task for others, but I call this an opportunity seeking. Because they are too scared of what lies ahead of this continent.

And that thing is The Oracle's Tower..." The Bossman told to Cayde. As Cayde realises the risk of his life would be, in that moment he felt scared for his life. Dangerous kind of people are also looking for that one Tower.

"What is even in that Tower, boss? There's gotta be something in that tower that I have to steal from." Cayde asks to The Bossman.

"A tressure, perhaps. Rumours about The Oracle's Tower are spreading like a wild decease, and in one of those rumours are about this one particular Tressure. That holds everything we will be needing. Golds.. Jewelries.. Ancient artifacts and many more. Our organization is in need to rise again from the shadows, once again. Our enemies needs to see what they are up against.

And once the tressure is at our hands, Cayde. We can rule everything in this Continent.. Imagine the power that we hold as soon as we took that tressure from The Tower.. The law will finally be ours. And every single one of our enemies will look up at us as Gods." The Bossman told to Cayde. As The Back Wolf questions his decisions. He could be telling a truth here.

In The Westernlands. The Law are nothing. Crime is the only thing that is left with The Western people. And Cayde and his Band of Criminals will finally have an opportunity to become the rulers of The Westernlands. If they manage to steal the Tressure.

"And I understand that it would be difficult for you.. So I talked to the other outlaws on our group to form a small Band of Criminals to go along with you." Said The Bossman as Cayde 's emotions begins to change. He leans back at the wooden table in which separates The Bossman from him.

"I can do this on my own, boss. Don't you have a little trust on me? I promise you I can do this all by myself, boss. I don't need a group to guide to that Tower. I can do it on my own." Cayde suggested to The Bossman.

"You will accept as I say, boy. You and your crew will head to the same Valley where I found this whore.. On the town of Grandworth. You should be seeing a statue of a Sand Snake on the Entrance gates of Grandworth. Destroy the belly of the Snake statue and in there you will find a map. That will eventually lead you to the tower itself. Which is located on the back of a Mountain, can't really recall the name of it. But you'll see it on the map, as it is the only Mountain on this region. So good luck on your adventure, Cayde. I hope to be seeing you again." Said The Bossman to The Black Wolf himself. Cayde remembers it all in his head. He's a fast learner.

"Oh and one more thing, Cayde. Treat the crew nicely, they're not as usual as you'd think they are. You can leave now if you want to." The Bossman said to Cayde. Cayde nod his head to The Bossman out of respect and honor. And The Bossman replied with the same nod in his head.

Cayde as he leaves, he takes a final look to the naked girl on the corner of the room. He felt a little suspicious about her.

And so his adventure begins.