
The Werewolf King: My Saviour

What happens when you discover that your mate was lying to you so that he can keep you prisoner because he thinks being human makes you unworthy of being an Alpha's mate?

QuiliviaDeTreasure · Urbain
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Déjà vu

So am officially friends with Zeke. He is weirdly cool to hangout with and funny too. He has been waiting for me after work for the past week. Tracy and Todd don't seem to mind whenever he walked home with us. They strongly believe that he likes me and one of these days he will ask me out. I think they are crazy, i see him as a friend and am positive it's the same with him. It was time to leave work as usual, when i came out of the lockers, Zeke was not there. I tried calling him but he didn't pick up so i gave up. "Where is Zeke?", Tracy asked joining me outside the diner as we waited for Todd to lock the place up. "I don't know, i tried calling him but he didn't answer. Must be busy with something, he will call back once he sees the missed call. Hopefully", i said trying to come up with reasons why he didn't pick up unsuccessfully. "Aaawww! You miss him don't you", Tracy said making me smile. "I am just worried that's all", i replied knowing pretty well that she was right, i missed him. "If it helps you sleep at night", she said making me laugh.

"Miss Rose, is Zeke around?", i asked her the moment we entered the building. "No my dear, he left this morning with two of his goons. Only my sweet Alex is around", she said. This Alex must have left quite an impression on the poor lady to make her this obsessed. "Ok then, thank you Miss Rose", i replied heading in right behind the lovebirds. I was about to go up the stairs when something told me to go for the elevators instead, so i did. The doors were about to close when four guys wearing suits like the ones i saw with Zeke entered, that was not the problem. The problem was the gold eyes that captured me under their gaze. I was taken back to the town hall again the only difference is instead of ice blue eyes they were gold. I could not breathe or move. It was as if the rest of the men could read the room. They paved way for the silver haired giant to look at me properly. I swear time stopped. I could not find an answer so i just stood still until the lift stopped. It was the first floor, i stepped out and he did too, this time without his men. "Mate", he said with a smile, i didn't smile back. I was confused, i needed to understand what was happening. I already had a mate before and i rejected him, what the hell was this? "Do you know what i am beautiful?", his voice was deep and heavy, it stuck to my head telling me to surrender everything to him. "A werewolf. How is this happening?", i asked no one in particular. He walked towards me as if he did not hear what i just said. I walked back until there was no where left to go. I was trapped between the wall and him. When his fingers touched my chin, the sparks erupted. He was not lying, he was my mate but i have never heard of a werewolf having two mates, let alone a human but then again everything i knew about mates was half true, thanks to Aiden. His nose went to the crock of my neck, he inhaled my scent making my body shiver in a familiar way as he hummed in satisfaction. "This is impossible, who are you?", i asked. Instead of a reply i got a kiss on my neck, it made me moan. "I have waited so long for you", he whispered in my ear making me swallow hard just in time for the elevator to open, out came Zeke. "There you are. I have been looking everywhere for you man... Oh! what have we here? Seems you worked out the scent just fine without me", Zeke said as if what his friend was doing was totally normal. "Alex meet Zebrine my friend from Soul food and Zebrine meet Alex the Alpha King", he said with pride. My eyes almost fell out of my face. "The Alpha King is my mate?", i asked but no one answered me. "Zeke, i already had a mate, how is this possible?", i asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know how the moon goddess thinks but am happy that you are mated to my best friend", he said with a smile. Alex's face was still in the crock of my neck as if he didn't hear the conversation i was having with Zeke. "Are you his Beta?", i asked Zeke and he nod his head. Crap, this was just crazy. "Alex, i think you guys should take this inside", Zeke said looking at the corridor. There was no one. He pulled back allowing my shaky hands to open the door. He watched quietly. I opened the door allowing them to come in.

"Can someone explain to me what's happening?", i asked. They both turned towards me, while Zeke's face was all happy and cheerful, Alex's face was neutral. "It appears that you have just found your second chance mate Zebrine and no, we don't know how this is happening either and nor do we care", Zeke said happily. "I don't know and i don't care, i just want you", Alex finally spoke, his voice deeper. "No you don't. Listen that is just the mate bond trying to manipulate you, a human can not be mated to the Alpha King". "I have waited a hundreds of years to meet my mate, to meet you and now that i finally have you, there is no letting go. And there is no such thing as humanity being the cause of someone not being accepted. I accept you just the way you are", he said seriously and then suddenly he was standing right in front of me. I was barely reaching his shoulder. "Look, i have been through this before so let me save you the trouble. I Zebrine Collson, reje-", i was interrupted by a kiss. It was not just any kiss but the kiss from Alex, who happened to be my second chance mate and also the King of all supernatural beings. My hands moved in their own accord circling on his neck as i pulled him in, deepening the kiss, he moaned into the kiss causing my toes to curl and i was suddenly floating. For the record cloud nine was real, i was currently in it.