
The Werewolf's Vampire Mate

What is love? Love has a lot of meanings. To scientists, it is something that arises as a result of hormonal changes in the human body. To philosophers, it Is something that is triggered in human consciousness when two souls connect. it means a lot of different meanings to different people. Love is happiness to some, it is pain, sadness, ecstasy. It is an emotion that cannot really be explained. It is something that is meant to be felt. You also choose to be in love. But that didn’t happen to me. I didn’t get the opportunity to pick who I wanted to explore these crazy feelings with. It was chosen for me. I had no choice but to love him and he had no choice but to love me. Our love story is the strangest but also the most beautiful ever told. This is our chosen love.

WagS · LGBT+
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664 Chs



"This is not your business. I don't put my nose in your shit, so I will appreciate it if you do the same.''

His eyes look away from me.

"I am your brother.'' I breathe out because I wish he would treat me with the same regard that I have for him. If I had a problem and he came to me, asking to talk about it. I am pretty sure that I would want to share it with him.

"You haven't acted like a brother in a long time,'' he accuses me.

I furrow my brows in confusion because I don't even know what this means. I am the one that is always trying to reach out, I am the one that keeps wanting to make sure that the family stays the same.

"What are you talking about? I have always been here.''