
The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. When the Old Gods save Thorin Stark they also bless the whole Stark family. With a Robb Stark who understands politics and with a twin he can always count on how will the War of the Five Kings turn out. (When I first began this fic Thorin was meant to be the MC but as it evolved it seems I have made Robb the MC so I’ve changed the Synopsis to make that more clear.)

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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30 Chs

(19) Taking Pyke

( POV Thorin Stark )

After the battle the fleet was split into seven, each sent to siege one of the islands that made up the Iron Isles. I took the majority of the ships with me to Pyke where I was going to sack the castle, after seizing the remaining ships we landed the fleet in Lordsport the largest port on Pyke.

The land was rocky and sparse but we marched all the same. The first keep was the largest and the hardest to take. I couldn't take the front gate, first there was a strong oak gate then a gap where they could poor boiling oil and heavy stones on any invading army then you reached the portcullis, a large iron gate, I would lose too many men before I was even in the first keep.

To avoid the gate I used ladders. The ladders were made of iron wood, the strongest wood in the known world, nearly as strong as the metal it was named after, and only found in the forest of the north. At the top of the ladder there were iron hooks that stuck into the wall. Many men died before they reached the top of the ladder.

Once my men had made it to the top of the ladder and the battle for the outer walls began the difference in our army's became clear. My army was made up of battle hardened men equipped in the best weapons and armour, while the defenders where green boys and greybeards, in poorly made leather armour wielding rusted swords and axes. The real soldiers died at sea or became my prisoners.

We secured the walls soon enough and we moved on to the large keep, me and my wife leading the charge, she knew these halls better than anyone still alive and we cleared the keep of resistance quickly. We then moved on to the first of the many bridges connecting the keeps.

Across the stone bridge there was a shield wall of Ironborn with their splintered shields linked together there was a few spears poking between the shield gaps but most wielded swords. I lead the charge myself beside me was a Mallister knight in full plate, his helm shaped like the silver eagle that graced the Mallister banners, he wielded a large two handed axe.

Charging a shield wall of experienced soldiers is a death sentence, but these were not experienced soldiers. The wall crumpled quickly and then the slaughter began, I saw the Mallister knight cleave an old man in half before shouldering a young lad over the side of the bridge.

It was near sun down by the time I stood in the throne room, I had cleared all the keeps. Me and my wife lead the charge and the Mallister knight fought bravely I hadn't found the time to speak to him. I sat on the driftwood throne my wife sat in a similar chair beside me as I waited for the Mallister knight to arrive.

"My Lord, you called for me?" The knight asked after he entered the room.

"Yes I did, you fought well today and I mean to reward you. But first I would know your name?" I said to him.

"Martyn Rivers, the bastard son of Lord Jason Mallister the Lord of Seagard." He replied

"And does your father intend to give you any land after the war?" I asked

"I don't believe so my Lord." He replied and he didn't seem to upset about the fact

"Then as a reward for your loyal service to me and my brother, your King I would name you my captain of guard." I told him

"Thank you my Lord." He said in disbelief

"Now kneel." I commanded him as I unsheathed Kingmaker from my side. I blacked the blade of the sword on each of his shoulders before gesturing for him to rise.

"I name you Ser Martyn Silverswan of house Silverswan the captain of Harrenhal's guard." I said to him before clasping his hand.

"Now go get your self a drink and a rest, you fought hard today my Lord." I said and he bowed and left without a word. I turned it my wife who sat in her chair looking at me hungrily, I would be having a long night.


( POV Robb Stark )

Taking Harrenhal was easy enough, with someone competent and well stocked this castle could be held by five hundred men against five thousand, but it wasn't held by a competent man who was well stocked, it was held by Amory Lorch, and the majority of his men where the 'Brave companions' or the Bloody Murmurs as they are more commonly known.

The Bloody Murmurs where viscous sell swords who burned the Riverlands along with the mountain but where called back to Harrenhal when the Mountain was killed by Jon. It was the night that Thorin should be engaging with Euron's fleet that we stormed the castle.

Greywind found a tunnel in the forrest near the Gods eye, when the men I sent through the tunnel returned they spoke of how it lead straight to Harrenhal. Many parts of the castle are still largely unexplored, after its burning during the conquest much of the castle is impossible to access.

So after leading a large amount of the army through the tunnel I stormed the castle and took it from the inside with ease. After taking the castle I had all the prisoners to the Gods wood and held a trial, all where found guilty of burning the Riverlands on Tywin Lannisters orders.

Before I could dispense justice a horn could be heard in the distance, the Lannisters thought it was a rescue and the Northmen where on guard but I would recognise that sound anywhere, it was my brothers horn. After the horn blast ended a great snow began, all across Westeros it snowed. They say that for the fist time ever that snow fell in Dorne, though it melted as soon as it touched the sand.

All across the Riverlands snow fell and rivers froze, it was only for a day but during that day of frost the whole northern army was stuck inside their tents. When the snows finally stopped and I left the keep it wasn't the charred ruin of a once great castle.

Instead I gazed upon a fully restored Harrenhal, it's walls higher and thicker than any castle I'd ever seen before. Where once the giant castle was made of black stone, its colour achieved by adding blood to the bricks mortar, now the castle was made almost entirely of stone as white as snow, except for the largest tower that stood as black as it ever had, a giant pillar of darkness in the otherwise pristine white castle.

From the top of that tower I could see half the Riverlands, and as I wondered what magic could have possibly done this I looked across the Gods Eye, the largest lake in Westeros and I gazed at the Isle of Faces in the centre said to be where the Old Gods are strongest south of the neck, I gazed at the blood red leaves that covered that island then I looked to the Gods Wood and there was a towering Heartree there, where before there was nothing but a charred stump.


{ Authors Notes }

Ser Martyn Silverswan :

His axe :

So I have narrowed it down, I'm going to rename Harrenhal either

Erebor :

Starkhaven :

Whiterun :

Thorhold :

Thorinhal :

Please pick you favourite and that will be the one I use.