
No Longer Safe

"Blessed be the body of Christ" Father Joseph intoned whilst offering a small circular waifer.

"Amen" a young man spoke as he took the offered bread and returned to his seat revealing the next person in line.

Tonight Father Joseph is conducting Holy Communion. Over his priest garments he wears a white robe and in his hand is a golden chalice filled with unleavened bread cut in a circular shape. He remembers a time when his church hardly had any visitors since Catholicism is not a very popular religion in Korea. Nowadays however it seems as if a good chunk of the neighborhood is converted. He had the vampires to thank for that which he would never do.

And speaking of vampires his mind couldn't help but flash back to his errant ward. Joseph isn't foolish enough to think he would be able to keep Soyun confined under his protection indefinitely. Frankly it is a miracle he managed to get through her teenage years without much issue but now she is a woman grown. He taught her everything he could but Soyun is no longer that scared child he found on the side of the street. She is a resilient, intelligent and resourceful woman who can make her own decisions now.

It is only a matter of time before she herself realizes this fact.

The entire time he was in his thoughts Joseph's body went on autopilot having done this communion dozens of times before over the years. This did not mean he was distracted enough to not realize when a pair of newcomers started to gossip about him.

Internally the priest rolled his eyes 'you teach a couple punks some manners once and suddenly all sorts of unflattering rumors start popping up about you.'

When he first came here there was a gang who made the neighborhood their territory and they didn't take kindly to Joseph buying the then dilapidated building they used as their hangout. They made a whole ruckus about it and he ended up having to 'educate' the misguided youths on the error of their ways. A few people may have bore witness to his actions and things like that tend to make an impression.

As if reading his mind one of the gossipers whispered "is that why he has that scar?"

Joseph's brow's furrowed, not at her words but at something else. Nonetheless he addressed her "excuse me ladies but you are disturbing the ceremony."

The two stiffened at his words and sank under his gaze "w-we're sorry Father!"

"It is alright though I will ask you to keep your voices…low…"

Joseph trailed off as the next person in line stepped forward and immediately he stuck out to Joseph like a sore thumb. Not that a pretty boy with dyed blue hair wearing a designer suit and expensive jewelry didn't do that already but it is what Joseph sensed from him that set him one edge. Even if he didn't already know who this man is his mere presence radiated danger the likes of which he'd only ever experience several times before in the direst of situations.

"Hello~" greeted the man with a cheery unnerving smile and closed eyes.

Joseph steadied his heart and evened out his breathing before replying "you are not from this neighborhood."

"What gave it away?"

It wasn't that the man's presence hasn't gone unnoticed up to this point it was just that Joseph was too preoccupied with his thoughts to pay attention to the murmurs of the men and women of his congregation.

That and 'he concealed his presence until just now.'

"Wait who is that guy?"

"Is he an acquaintance of Father Joseph?"

Ignoring the people around him the man spoke "I happen to be looking for someone and I hope that you would be able to introduce us."

"Whoever it is you seek, I do not know them."

"Ah, but I never said who now did I?" he tutted as he pulled out his phone showing him a picture that had him gripping his chalice in a white knuckle grip "her name is Hwang Soyun and contrary to your words you seem to know her very well."

As he spoke his eyes opened a fraction revealing irises of deep red peeking from beneath the lids. It took a great deal of willpower for Joseph to remain as calm as he appeared.

'It's too dangerous for the church members. I need to send them out.'

Unfortunately before he could act on this thought one of said church members became fed up with the hold up of the line.

"Hey kid hurry up! You're holding up the line" a disgruntled middle aged man spoke as he tapped the man on his shoulder.

Said paused the jovial smile he had when speaking to Joseph melted into a frown "I'll only say this once, do not touch me again."

Joseph started breaking out into a cold sweat at the wave of intent the vampire let out in that moment. He also noted a few of the other members shivering with anxiety. Unfortunately the middle aged man either wasn't affected by the intent or most likely didn't recognize the danger to himself because he went and grabbed the man's shoulder to yell in his face.

"Now listen here you punk is that any way to speak to your seniors? Huh!?"

In the interim silence Joseph silently cursed as the vampire turned away to glare at the man with his deep crimson eyes fully open. It was at that moment the man realized he fucked up as his skin turned pale and cold sweat formed at his brow

"Vampire" the man breathed out in fear.

Said vampire grabbed the man's hand and that is all Joseph could take "ENOUGH!"

Joseph's voice echoed throughout the room startling everyone including the vampire whose eyes were now closed as he turned towards him.

"I apologize for that outburst. I'm afraid we will have to end the communion here. I ask that everyone return to their homes."

Despite the suddenness of the request and some mutterings none of them questioned the priest as they sensed the tension between him and the stranger. That wasn't even mentioning the man who was complaining practically dragging his wife away while ignoring her protest. Eventually only the two of them were left and the vampire smiled.

"This is interesting~" he tapped his chin "you already know who I am don't you priest?"

Joseph grunted "Noble Blood."

"Oh good" the man clapped "then we can get down to business" once again the vampire's eyes opened to regard him sharply "where is the Pureblood?"

"I don't know where she is."

For a brief moment the Noble Blood's expression turned deadly before it eventually melts into a closed eye realization "wait, is it a school night?" a moment later and the vampire bopped himself in the head "Ji-Hae you idiot, of course she's not here. She has evening classes today."

As the vampire started chuckling Joseph's fists clenched tightly putting dents in the golden chalice he held.

"Well this is embarrassing" he sighed then shrugged "I suppose I'll have to come at another time then" before he turned to walk away he paused "oh and if you ever get tired of playing the saint why not come on down and have some fun reverend? I'll give you a special discount."

As he left a card was tossed with careless precision where it slid to Joseph's feet but he never took his eyes off the vampire.

"We're doing some renovations right now so I'll come back to personally escort you both in two days" then Ji-Hae grinned showing off his gold fangs "send my regards to Soyun~"

The door shut and now left alone Joseph slumped on the pulpit taking deep breaths to calm his frayed nerves.

'They knew' the thought rang out 'all this time.'

Absently he picked up the dropped card for a nightclub known as Monarch and almost crushed it in his hands.

'How did they find us?'

It is a dangerous thought to have but it is clear that they've been spying on them for a while. The fact that they have pictures as well as know Soyun's class schedule says as much.

But perhaps the better question is 'why now?'

He already knew the answer to that. There are many ways a Pureblood can be important to a group of Noble Bloods. He should have been aware of anyone spying on them and while he has noticed a few shady outsiders sniffing around due to the renovation projects corporations have taken to hiring gangsters to scare the community into giving up their homes.

His teeth grit 'for all I know this entire project could have just been a way to get in close without us noticing.'

Was it meant to throw him or Soyun off?

It could have been either.

'He seemed surprised I knew his identity which means he thinks I'm just a normal priest.'

Perhaps not anymore but that Noble Blood didn't strike Joseph as to type to consider him a threat either way and as he contemplated his next move he silently thanked God Soyun had not been here. The last thing he needed is for her to cross paths with that vampire.


Soyun got off the bus her brows still furrowed in contemplation as she mulled over how she can bring up the information she was made aware of. Or at least bring it up in a way that didn't involve her having to reveal she ousted herself. Intellectually she knew that it was the least of their problems now but the idea of Father Joseph finding that out made her cringe with anxiety. It was the type of thing he would hold over her head.

'Maybe he will be too preoccupied with everything else to dwell on it.'

She doubted that and she did have several topics to distract from her blunder so maybe she could get away if she ended up revealing it and that is a hard maybe since Father Joseph is very observant especially when it came to her.

'No matter how I slice it this is going to…' Soyun's thoughts trailed off at the sight before her.

She is at the intersection of her home street when a train of black tinted SUVs turned the corner. They are the types she would see in movies when someone important is being escorted. It wasn't a sight one would normally see especially in this part of town so it is worth a second glance.


Suddenly her senses picked up a presence that made her look directly at one of the car's window as it passed. In that moment time seemed to slow as even with the heavy tints Soyun could clearly see a man with eyes the deepest red staring back at her. The man cracked a grin revealing a pair of golden fangs as he ran his tongue over his teeth and Soyun's eyes widened.

Immediately a single thought came to mind 'Father Joseph!'

Soyun almost broke her cover as she ran to her home. Only the sight of people walking the street kept her pace at around human athlete levels. Maybe? She wasn't moving faster than the human eye can see that was for sure. So it took her around a minute before she saw the church. With the adrenaline pumping through her body due to anxiety Soyun's awareness was hyper focused causing her to pick up on things she normally wouldn't have.

Things such as people she recognized as part of Father Joseph's congregation walking away from the church as well as said church being silent despite tonight being communion. She also picked up on a few shady individuals loitering near the home from places no humans would. That caused her to speed up ever so slightly and crash through the doors of the church shouting.


The man in question standing at the pulpit frowned at her entrance "why are you shouting?"

"I-" she began walking inside.

"Close the door behind you" he interrupted.

She hesitated for a moment before quickly complying.

"I expected you home later. You said you were meeting with some friends after school."

"Are you okay?"

The question caught him off guard a bit and he blinked "of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

Soyun's mouth opened and closed for a moment before she took in a deep breath through her nose. Immediately an unfortunately familiar scent caught her attention.


Rather than saying that she instead voiced her other observation "I saw some of the church members walking away outside. You ended Communion early?"

"Something came up" he answered easily enough turning his back to go about his business.

Soyun's frown became more pronounced "would it have anything to do with those black tinted SUVs I saw driving out on my way here?"

That got a reaction but it is only because Soyun was fishing for one did she notice the way he stiffened.

Looking over his shoulder Joseph spoke "the companies are becoming more adamant about us giving up this property" turning back he continued

"Did they send more thugs?"

'Just tell me.'

He sighed "Worse, they sent lawyers."


"Needless to say I've decided to take them up on their offer. We'll have to find somewhere else to live."

In any other situation Soyun would have been ecstatic because another campaign she's been running has been convincing Joseph to move to a better neighborhood after that one time she got a look at his savings account (by accident). Living in the poor district is something they do by choice rather than necessity and she accepted it because of the church. And while Father Joseph has done much to improve the neighborhood it is far from the ideal place to raise Su-Yung and Yu-Jin.

She couldn't be happy about this news now though because it highlights something she never expected from the man whom she considers a father figure.

'He lied.'

It might seem naïve in retrospect but Soyun never thought that Joseph would lie to her like this. Sure they keep secrets from each other but at this stage there was just too much at stake for him to be keeping secrets especially in a situation where he was apparently visited by a group of vampires who are now keeping an eye on them.

'What's even the point?'

The young vampire grew a smile of incredulity on her face as she asked "are you being serious?"

If he was looking at her he would have seen the expression however he turned away from in that moment to go about a task.

"Yes we'll move somewhere else."

"…alright" Soyun spoke lowly with a blank expression that went unseen by the priest "I'll go tell Yu-Jin and Su-Yong the news."

As she left the church Soyun could not get over the conversation that just occurred. She went over it many times in her head before coming to a conclusion.

'He doesn't trust me' even after everything 'he still doesn't trust me.'

That's the only explanation she can come up with for his baffling decision.

He doesn't trust her enough to tell her the truth and that…that is

'It's fine'

And just like that her Soyun's emotions which had almost triggered her transformation is tempered by a calm.

'He wants to keep his secrets fine. Two can play that game.'

Advance chapters available on my Pa treon at, link is in the synopsis

Streggaecreators' thoughts