
The weight

It's not a very relatable topic when it comes to emotions. The first thing which comes to our mind is physical weight but no, here I am talking about the weight of our own daily lives which we carry out through and don't even think about them as weight.. The weight of being a failure everytime when trying to do the same stuff, the weight of not being in a best position of your life, the weight of being an over-thinker, the weight of not having enough money to achieve your goal in life. The weight of a broken heart, yet has to hide their tears and sorrows from the family cause you can't tell them exactly from what you are going through, the weight of an earning mother, who needs to earn for the family and after work look after her child who is just an year old because of so many responsibilities.

The weight of not being okay for sometime, the heart which is filled with sorrows and grief but can't even express their feelings for some reason may be because of hypocrisy found in the society. The weight of a single earning man, who has a lot more responsibilities than he should have and still not complaining about it cause he can't as he is a man and "Men Don't Cry".