
Enrollment Finished

The teasing and sadistic nurse took off her mask, showing her cute and lovely face to Chris as she giggled while teasing him.

Her eyes were pink coloured and bright, entrancing Chris for a second however, before he can get lost in her deep gorgeous eyes, her attractive cute facecuts stole all of his attention.

"A-Aria...?" he mumbled unconsciously as soon as his eyes fell on her familiar yet, unfamiliar face.

Her face was very similar to his dear and loving girlfriend, however unlike Aria's green eyes and normal brown hairs, this girl had a gorgeous pair of pink eyes and long pink hairs, some of her hair falling over her face- called bangs if Chris remembered correctly.

Hearing the name that suddenly flew out of Chris's mouth, nurse flinched for a second. Her pink eyes having a weird glint in them. But, soon she wiped that surprise off her face and looked at Chris.