
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0169 Be a good person

  At this moment, the manager of Aurora Asset Management Company was sitting in Lynch's room, this manager was called Asier, his full name was Asier Elleuco, he was not a native native of the Baylor Federation, but came from another country.

  The Baylor Federation was actually quite casual when it came to people's names, but not so casual as to be so alibi, and with his slightly brown skin color, yes he was an immigrant.

  Immigrants weren't all rich and powerful, middle class immigrants were in the majority, even labor immigrants had been very prevalent in previous years.

  A few years ago when the Federation received a lot of investment from international lobbyists, all industries began to boom and society began to experience a labor gap, which prompted the birth of a new industry, human traffickers.

  These hung the name of labor companies, scavenging laborers from all over the world who were willing to go out to work, or to circumvent the war, and then sent them to the Baylor Federation to engage in some heavy manual work and the bottom of the barrel, which greatly alleviated some of the phenomena of labor shortage in the early stages of the Federation's rapid development.

  As the population concentrated from the countryside to the cities, the labor problem was eased or even solved, and some people thought that these "illegal workers" had taken away the jobs that should have belonged to the working people of their own countries.

  Under the Conservative Party, the Bureau of Immigration was created, and many of the foreign illegal workers who may have been sent here earlier were caught and sent back by this group.

  But some stayed in the Federation, and there were always some lucky ones.

  Asier was one of them, he was slick and smart and quickly stood out from the common laborers, and because he had gone to school and could write and count, he became a foreman not long after coming to the Federation.

  He spent his free time reading and studying, and married a local girl early on an average looking but fat girl of two hundred pounds, and because of this Asier dodged a bullet and wasn't sent back, and was able to get an insurance number and pay social security.

  But even so, the entire labor market is still prejudiced against these immigrants, nationals are already having a hard time, immigrants will have an even harder time.

  When Lynch was recruiting managers, he found Asier, a bright enough young man.

  In fact, there were a lot of better managers interviewed for the job, with more knowledge and education than Asier, and more experience than he had, but none of them were favored by Lynch.

  On the contrary, it was the young man who intrigued Lynch. He wasn't interested in the young man's experience, he was interested in the smile on Asier's face.

  It was hard to describe that smile, there was a big difference between his smile and Lynch's.

  Lynch's smile was clean, clear, sunny, full of cheerfulness and confidence, his smile was like the spring breeze that melted away the cold winter, making people feel the sunshine of everything recovering, making people feel good when they saw it.

  Asier's smile, on the other hand, was like a flower in late fall with frost attached but still unwilling to bow down, strong, full of courage, giving people the first impression of reliability, tenacity, and never give up.

  This kind of smile has a very inspiring feeling, let people look at it as if by some kind of inspiration, full of energy.

  Lynch looked at this kind of smile, he knew very well that no matter if it was a legitimate business or not, the first step of all business was communication and exchange.

  You say you have a higher education, what important positions you have held, and a picky and difficult customer to sit down face to face, the other side will be because of your excellence to look up to you?

  And will not, on the contrary, the smile is the most powerful weapon, it can quickly, without any language and communication to dissolve the other side of the defense, which is the most powerful weapon.

  As for the others, they could always be trained if one could put in the hard work, but this kind of smile with a special texture was difficult.

  Lynch had exhausted half of his life to master this kind of smile, and in this young man's body it was as if it was naturally there, sometimes some people's qualifications were truly enviable.

  At that time, Lynch made a direct shot and signed Asier, also making Asier the manager of several companies in his hands.

  The tall thin man did not guess wrongly, the back of Asier and Aurora Asset Management Company was Lynch himself.

  As with such a heavy topic as capital plunder, the nature of capital was always bad, maybe they and they weren't like that in the beginning, but now they and they had recognized the reality.

  So can't this plunder be countered?

  Not really, the easiest way to do so is to set up other companies to cross-hold shares, as Lynch is doing right now, using a different company in his name to acquire shares in Star Trading Corporation, and purely from Star Trading Corporation's point of view, his shareholding continues to fall.

  But in reality, apart from the shares that were actually sold, he hadn't actually lost much power.

  These small companies would not normally speak out, but once the company was faced with an important decision and Lynch needed support, these small companies would be on his side There was no doubt that these were his companies.

  In this way he would be able to gain considerable decision making power, and this was also to prepare for the future, after all, he was still planning to split this company up and go for another money spin.

  An old man had told him a story before, selling something at a sky-high price wasn't called a skill, this ability was possessed by many people, as long as it was the right time and the right cause, it was easy to do.

  The real ability was to sell a thing for a sky-high price many times and still not break the law, that was called ability!

  At this moment, Asier was sitting in the sofa opposite Lynch, and he looked at Lynch's calm face with some curiosity and some emotion.

  It was hard for him to imagine that Lynch's face, who had just teased two groups of people, didn't have the slightest bit of complacency, which made Asier very emotional.

  He had done a lot of different jobs and seen a lot of people over the years, but this was the first time he had seen someone so young who was still able to achieve such a scale.

  At first he thought that Lynch might be someone's kid or someone's agent, after all, this kind of thing was very common, for example, the great tycoon Mark, who was known to be just a front-stage figure, and he was only a few years older than Lynch.

  But soon Asier realized that Lynch was Lynch himself, he wasn't anyone's puppet, and that surprised him.

  Today was just a part of his daily surprise.

  "Tomorrow when you return to Sabine publicize the deal between us, preferably make it big, buy some newspaper space, and incidentally include the acquisition of the transportation company that was just formed"

  Lynch instructed Asier on what to do next, this expatriate immigration manager was holding a small notebook and recording quickly, he didn't dare to have the slightest sense of contempt, he even felt that this was an opportunity in his life, he would definitely be able to learn a lot of useful things here in Lynch that he couldn't learn in society.

  Lynch let them become a separate transportation company, Lynch is the owner of the company and occupy ninety percent of the shares, the rest of the shares in the way of overall incentives awarded to the entire transportation team, the specific distribution of power to the Cook.

  The transportation company would then be purchased by Aurora Asset Management Company, who would enter into a commissioned transportation agreement with Lynch to take on Star Trading Corporation's transportation in the state, and exclusively.

  Considering some of the issues in the Unfair Competition Law, this agreement was not signed for a long contract time, only three years, which is still far from the standard of touching the line in some laws.

  Here one would have to say that the Baylor Federation was really a fucked up country, with so many complicated legal clauses that Lynch almost wanted to give up.

  Anyway, in the next three years, as long as both parties did not violate the law, a transportation company acquired by Aurora Asset Management Company would be fully responsible for Star Trading Corporation's transportation business within this state.

  And all of this was done before those investors came on board, and naturally the new shareholders would not have the right to change or interfere with these contracts later on, unless they compensated for the breach of contract amounting to tens of millions of dollars.

  This is only part of the lasso trap, not all of it, and it's not even considered cheating or anything, because they will show that there are contracts with these contents before Lynch takes the shares.

  Under the premise that they already know there are these things, but also chose to enter the shares, then it shows that they agree with the agreement, the law will also be on Lynch's side.

  Then there was some one more content, roughly, it was for Asier to hold up the other construction company's shelf, there would be a lot of construction projects on the Star Trading Corporation's side later on, so it would be better to be cheap than to be cheap at that time.

  Even if you can't get the qualifications to undertake large-scale projects in a short period of time, they can still "win the bid" and then subcontract it out, which can also save an additional amount of money.

  After Asier once again realized how terrible and evil society is, he returned to his room and began to study Lynch's ideas and guidance.

  The next day, Lynch, who had originally planned to leave, was retained by the local businessmen.

  Aurora Asset Management Company's meddling had put the bottom line on this matter, and after the businessmen of Quriland City discussed it with Noah, they gave up the idea of getting the majority of the shares and instead had the right of attendance, and signed a brand new agreement with Lynch.

  They would get 5% of the shares of the Star Trading Corporation under Lynch's command at a 40% cash share, and there was also a supplemental clause within which they had a preferential right to increase their holdings when the Star Trading Corporation refinanced in the future.

  Simply put new capital into the company, they can prioritize the capital increase in the hands of the shareholding to maintain the line at 5%, rather than with and more capital in, continue to be diluted to even the qualification of the board of directors have no.

  This is the real business mentality and standards, those who want to take advantage of Lynch's "own people" can not learn these.