
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0150 Lynch who was never afraid of being taken advantage of by others

  "Widespread knowledge" and "convention" are extraordinary social phenomena that have been around since the first days of human society and continue to this day.

  People somehow have a common understanding of how to behave when they are at a certain stage in their lives, and they may have mastered this technique without being told exactly what to do.

  From the first purchase of a second-hand entry-level luxury goods, gradually become a "rich man" in the eyes of the people, and along with it, in addition to the envious eyesight of satisfaction, there is also the respect of the people.

  This is a very interesting social phenomenon. While we always emphasize the need to respect the educated and the cultured, we actually only respect power and money.

  The middle class, in order to maintain their decency and class, need Lynch and the cheap "upscale" clothing that they swear they won't call fake.

  See, problem solved, Roonet doesn't say anything, Lynch doesn't say anything, and naturally the people who buy these people can't go around saying that what they're wearing is fake, so what could be a more perfect closed loop than that?

  No, so no one needs to worry about this.

  After leaving Roonet's factory Lynch was thinking about something else, he wanted to acquire Roonet's factory, which was related to some of his next plans, but he was also very clear that now was not a good time.

  The situation hadn't been corrupted to the stage where the mayor or the whole society had to make concessions, so they were still holding on to deceive themselves that this was actually a civilized society.

  When they can't hold out and maintain their decency and goodness, they will tear off the coat of hypocrisy and let people understand that this is not a civilized society, it is a society where people "eat" people.

  Only in this case, some of the bills that were seen as programs had a chance to be changed, Lynch could wait, he had enough patience.

  Later in the evening he met with the mayor's nephew, an older boy named Mark, who looked to be twenty-five, twenty-six or twenty-seven, not quite thirty, with some youthfulness in his face.

  He was enthusiastic, and came up at once and talked about the conversation between his uncle, the controller of the city, and him, about Lynch's business and his intention of taking a share in it.

  "I've commissioned my friends to do their research, and I have to say, Mr. Lynch, you've chosen the right business at the right time, and my uncle ...", he shrugged, "that is, the mayor of Landen has been very complimentary of your performance very complimentary, and he's always praising your excellence and excellence in front of family members, which is very jealous."

  Mark was a very chatty guy, people in roles like his tended to be very chatty or they wouldn't have taken on the job.

  "I think Star Trading Corporation is a very promising company, you have a great management team and a complete development plan for the outside world, and I'd like to hitch a ride if I can."

  Practically everyone, including Mark himself, knew that he was just an agent in front of the stage, but he was very good at recognizing his job and the scope of his power, otherwise the mayor wouldn't have given him such an important one.

  Lynch nodded a little, it was something he had agreed to with the mayor, "Someone has valued us at 70 million, but Mr. Mayor has helped me a lot, and I'm grateful to him for that, and I'm willing to finance it with a valuation of 50 million as a bottom line."

  He glanced at Mark, who was listening intently, with a wry smile, "And what about you, how much are you going to ask for?"

  Mark suddenly blushed a little, he scratched his head a little embarrassed, this action made him look a little like a nerd in school facing a girl for the first time, a little embarrassed, a little embarrassed.

  But this kind of situation appeared in the current environment, but it did not mean it was a good thing, Lynch knew that the other party was going to ask for a lion's share of the money.

  Everyone actually has little gestures to hide their inner thoughts, Lynch forced himself to force all the natural, unnatural habitual behaviors, emotional expressions and expression management to be unified into a smile, a smile makes people let their guard down, and there is no better way to control it than that.

  Mark's form of control might have been to make himself look "awkward", and he would have torn it up with some kind of statement to go along with it.

  In the next second, just as Lynch expected, he said with embarrassment, "I didn't know that the valuation would be so high, I only prepared 800,000 dollars, but I want 3% of the shares, my information channel seems to be out of order, what should I do?"

  According to Federation and finance related laws, an individual who owns 3% of a company's stock can sit on the board of directors, and more than 5% can attend the board meeting, the percentage of shares he wants is subtle.

  3% wouldn't be offensive because stockholders aren't qualified to speak or initiate any power-related behavior on the board, like initiating a vote, initiating a break, initiating a discussion, or anything like that, they're only qualified to sit at the end of the room or against the wall and quietly listen to the board meeting, they can't voice an opinion.

  They're not allowed to make comments. It doesn't make them too objectionable, they're just a kind of decoration for the board.

  However, they are valuable because they have completed the first stage of acquiring shares. In the securities and financial laws, a person who owns more than 3% of the shares has to file a declaration with the relevant authorities and disclose it to the public.

  The second stage is 5%, which means becoming a major shareholder who can attend board meetings.

  If a person does not follow the rules and give two declarations, that is, 3% and 5%, then it can be recognized that this is a hostile takeover or even suspected of behind-the-scenes illegal rights improper transactions, and the company in question can file a lawsuit to delay some of the problems here.

  And the advantage of doing so, is that when someone acquires 3% of the stock, the company if you think the situation is not right, you can respond in time, such as raising the stock price to force the acquirer not enough money to meet their claims on the percentage of stock, give up the acquisition.

  That 3% in Mark's hands could be increased to 5% without a statement and directly without Lynch's knowledge, gaining the power to attend board meetings.

  When a mayor's proxy gains the power to initiate a vote at a board meeting, imagine what a horrible outcome that would be!

  That's why Mark or the Mayor's Excellency behind him was very shrewd, maybe the shrewdness came from themselves, but Lynch believed that Ferrell must know something more specific.

  Faced with Mark's request, Lynch hardly hesitated or hesitated at all, everything ran through his mind like lightning, and in the time it took to blink his eyes, he agreed.

  "The Mayor and I are both members of the Progressive Party, we should help each other ...," he pursed his lips and nodded once, "you can prepare the contract."

  Such a painful statement on the contrary, Mark was a little hesitant, he had talked to many businessmen about taking a stake in the company, but they would always haggle with him, and some of them even angrily called the mayor, thinking that Mark was tampering with it.

  These people were stupid, there was no doubt that an agent wouldn't have his own ideas, Mark's opinion actually represented the mayor's opinion, this young man didn't dare to, nor was he qualified to just change the will of the mayor.

  Instead of making a mess and making everyone's face look bad, in the end, we still have to sign the contract with a hard head, why don't we just be a little bit more painful, maybe we can get some extra benefits instead?

  Mark's expression when he looked at Lynch got a little odd, especially his eyesight, it was like looking at a fool, or a ... person.

  He stifled a smile, "You're very funny, Mr. Lynch, I brought the contract ...", he then took out a contract from his briefcase, which also made Lynch even more sure that this price was the price authorized by the mayor, and in Mark's briefcase, there should be another a copy of the contract.

  If he called the mayor, the mayor and Mark would have a serious "chat" and change the price a little, but not too much, so there must be a second contract in his briefcase.

  Lynch picked up the contract and read through it, there is no big problem, the main content is the transfer price and transfer ratio, as well as how to dilute and how to reduce their holdings in the future when there is new money coming in, and other issues.

  Lynch flicked the contract, took out a pen and signed his name on the contract, then Mark.

  The two men each kept a copy, and this completed the transfer.

  Looking at the eight hundred thousand dollar bank cashier's check, Lynch couldn't help but smile, no matter if he was happy or unhappy, he would express it with a smile.

  Mark saw him smiling and was a bit puzzled, because the nature of this matter could be said to be a kind of coercion by force, but Lynch not only did not resist, but also always kept a smile, which made Mark's feeling very special and strange.

  He couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Lynch, is there anything happy worth sharing?"

  Lynch looked back and nodded, he put away the contract while raising his eyebrows and said, "Of course!"

  "You know that mice in the countryside are very cunning, even the best house cats have a hard time catching those mice, but they recently invented a new method."

  "They boil some water full of starch and soup on the stove, and when it is sticky and cooled pour it over some place where the rats like to hang out, and in just one night a great many of them will drown in it."

  "The sugar and starch attracts the rats' attention, but they ignore how sticky that stuff is!"

  Lynch smiled and stood up, extending his hand to shake Mark's, "I'm glad I have my first partner in my company, but I hope you can keep the price of the deal we struck a deal for confidential, you know, we have a market value of 70 million, and the 3% of the shares you're holding are now also worth 2 million!"

  "Of course, Mr. Lynch, I know how to do it." , Mark shook Lynch's hand hard and then let go, he suddenly remembered something like, "Are you free on the weekend, maybe we can go play golf or find a place to have a drink."

  Lynch shook his head, "I'm attending a meeting over at City Hall this weekend, next week."

  "Okay, next week!"