
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0142 A sumptuous dinner

  Exquisite glass goblet in the bright red wine as bright as blood through the tempting sweetness, no bubbles like high-grade crystal as transparent high-grade glass, still belongs to a kind of high-grade luxury goods that only the upper class can afford to use.

  In fact, for many people, there are no bubbles, is not pure and transparent, will not affect a glass is used to fill the wine, or used to fill the drink, but this is the upper and lower classes of the biggest difference.

  "I will set up a logistics company in the near future, and there will be about seventy to one hundred jobs ..."

  The mayor directly interrupted Lynch, "I think one hundred is appropriate."

  Lynch didn't retort, he just looked at him, the two of them stared at each other for a moment, Lynch nodded, "Yes, one hundred jobs, on top of that there's the club side, all kinds of athletes, the related organizations and personnel, there will probably be two to three hundred jobs as well, and there's also the warehouse district that I'm planning to prepare for, by the end of the year I'll be able to provide you with no less than eight hundred jobs at the very least and some more will be added over the next year."

  The mayor shook his head, even if he added those that Lynch had said, it was still far from enough, he did know one thing very well, and that was that Lynch couldn't possibly carry the labor needs of a group by himself, it was impossible, and he couldn't do it either.

  In fact, he already had a more perfect solution on his side, firstly, those businessmen who had eaten up HENG HUI's assets couldn't be a dime a dozen, they had gotten a large amount of high-quality assets at a price far below the market price, which could be said to be equal to a freebie, and they had to prove their value to the mayor, to the governor, and to the whole society.

  Secondly, once the Ristoan group did leave, it would likewise leave a large swath of assets and a commercial void, it was impossible for a defector with a political stance to still retain his interests here, and when the time came, those interests would be divided up amongst others, and those who swallowed these at that time would naturally have to take on the responsibility of feeding the community as well.

  His current stance was actually just to press Lynch's side to maximize his potential, just as capitalists press and exploit businessmen, politicians sometimes press and exploit businessmen as well.

  If you don't press them, who knows if these businessmen are telling the truth, and besides, wouldn't it be better if there were some surprises?

  However, 800 jobs did come as a bit of a surprise to the mayor, and when Lynch had previously said that he would be able to provide 500 jobs by the end of the year, he had felt that this might just be a way of expressing himself.

  For 500 people, each person would have to be paid over $100,000 per month just in wages, and for 800 jobs, the wages would have to be close to $200,000 at the very least.

  According to the gross profits of light industrial goods mentioned in the Trade Newspaper earlier, to make out the wages of these workers, Lynch would have to sell almost a million dollars or more worth of goods a month, which the mayor thought was a bit unlikely.

  But this answer can satisfy the mayor, no matter if Lynch gave this answer through his teeth, at least it can prove one thing, that is, he has a very important position in Lynch's heart.

  The door of the room was knocked as he spoke, and soon under the leadership of the restaurant manager, the waiter came in pushing a food cart, followed by a cook.

  It wasn't a ceremonial meal - if ceremony was required, one would often run out of one course before another was served, but that clearly didn't suit the dining habits of politicians and businessmen.

  They like to whisper and discuss confidential matters in closed rooms, and the ritual of having someone constantly coming in and interrupting their conversations has not been favored by either of these two types of people, only by those who want to prove that they can afford to eat a meal for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

  Most of the time a place like this, where you can have a separate, private space to dine, doesn't serve one dish at a time if you don't have a specific request.

  The waiter introduced the food on the trolley while setting it up for His Excellency the Mayor and Lynch, and when it was finally time to serve the main meal, the cook pushed the trolley to a position about three meters away from the table, which was a safe position that wouldn't allow fumes to splatter on the guests.

  He lifted the silver tray lid, and instantly a burst of flame rose up with a zip, and underneath the lid were two tender steaks, the color of their surfaces already changing a bit, only now it was happening at a faster and more noticeable rate.

  These were two steaks that had been slightly processed, and now the cook was doing just enough to make them look more expensive.

  The fire, the spray of spices, and the rich smell of wine - the cook was using spirits as a fire starter, so the room didn't smell greasy, but instead smelled like wine.

  Finally he put the cover of the dinner plate back on and suppressed the flames, and the whole process lasted about three minutes or so, and done with these the cook stood to one side, and bowed and saluted to His Excellency the Mayor, and to Lynch, who was at the table, as a sign of respect to both.

  Then when he lifted the lid of the dinner plate again, there was no longer any flame in it, but only a cloud of what looked like mist rising up, which soon floated to the top of the room, and filled it with a rich odor.

  "Pan Fried Veal Ridge ...", after the cook had plated the main course, the restaurant manager personally served His Excellency the Mayor and Lynch the sumptuous main course, and all bowed and saluted together once again before quickly leaving.

  The beef used for the pan-fried veal spine came from the westernmost part of the world, selected from a special type of food cattle called Kurlik, which was not a native breed of this world, but was artificially bred to be more suitable for high-end consumption.

  It has more fine fat than normal beef, and has long been a top choice among beef, with just a 300g piece of veal spine costing around 120 bucks uncooked.

  When cooked, and with the cost of factors such as ambience and service, it now costs $199.99 a guest.

  Looking at it this way it seemed as though the meal would be extremely expensive, but that couldn't really be said, the only thing that Lynch really had to pay for was the main meal for two, the pan-seared veal tenderloin, and the wine they had opened.

  The other dishes were actually side dishes of the pan-fried veal spine, and some of the ingredients came from the trimmings of these two pieces of veal spine, so it didn't really seem that expensive, and to be able to have dinner with the mayor in a high-class environment, and for that Lynch only had to pay less than 1,000 bucks for the meal, and in the eyes of a lot of people he already took a great advantage of the price.

  Even if that price was raised tenfold, there would still be a lot of people who would grab their heads and want to pay for the meal, if they could also sit at the table.

  The unrelated people soon all left, and the door was closed, and peace returned to the room.

  "The veal loin here is delicious, you'll love it!"

  Lynch nodded slightly, he picked up a knife and fork and cut a small piece from the edge of the steak, the meat juice and a small amount of blood accompanied by liquefied butter, when you enter the mouth, you will have a very fine texture, not as chewy as normal beef, but not too soft, just tender, so tender that a gentle pressure from the teeth can cut the beef completely.

  From the outermost layer of the sauce, to the marinade, to the flavor of the meat itself, then the gravy, the blood, the beef and the chopped meat exuded the most primitive beef flavor as they chewed and stirred together, Lynch raised his eyebrows, "Very tasty."

  The mayor smiled, he had a very simple pleasure at Lynch's approval, sharing a good thing with a friend and the friend enjoying it was enough to make many people become satisfied.

  After a brief bite to eat, the pace of their eating slowed down again, Lynch maneuvered his knife and fork to cut the food with precision and speed while he said something that caught the mayor a bit off guard.

  "Actually, I can provide more jobs, I have plans intended to buy some factories, but there are still two important troubles that have not yet been solved ... ", he rubbed the cut pieces of beef on the sauce before wrapping them in his mouth, the constant change of flavor made filling his stomach into a treat.

  He took a spoonful of the country gumbo with a silver spoon, the tangy broth in his mouth giving him more and more complexity and layers of flavor.

  The country gumbo was also very good, and the name of the dish was definitely not a disdain for country people, but rather the flavor of the dish as well as what it was.

  White mushrooms, celery, potatoes, corn kernels, beef kernels, and chicken kernels were briefly browned and then simmered in a pot with milk, flour, cream, and butter, which was very thick when it was done, but then sent to the oven to bake for a while.

  This gave the soup a distinctly charred crust when it was served, which when poked gave off enough flavor to make anyone swoon, and it is said that this country gumbo is derived from the country stew.

  Whether or not this claim is true is hard to say, but paired with the hype on the menu and the stories described from the mouths of the waiters, most people believe it to be true.

  Catering is hard to do these days, not only do you have to have some cooks who can make beautiful dishes, but you also have to have people who can make up stories about those dishes.

  Lynch was savoring this sumptuous meal when the mayor sitting across from him suddenly stopped the knife and fork in his hand, he frowned at Lynch who seemed to have no city presence and had a faintly satisfied smile on his face, and suddenly felt that he couldn't understand this young man a little bit.

  Before this Lynch although his performance was very stunning, but at least he felt that he was more or less able to guess some of Lynch's thoughts, but at this moment, he felt that he might have been a bit arrogant.

  Everyone knows that now dry entity will die very quickly, and even the big capital are avoiding the continuous investment in the entity industry, and turn to increase the investment in finance.

  At such a time, Lynch suddenly said that he wants to buy the factory, which sounds ... not a little bullshit.

  But he is a young man who can create miracles, and the mayor also realized that Lynch was waiting for him in this place, that is, those two troubles.

  This made all these delicious things in front of him become not good enough for a while, frowning and thinking for a while before he continued to cut up the beef and asked seemingly casually, "If you have trouble, you might as well say it, maybe I can provide you with some ideas to solve it."

  He didn't say the method, not to mention he didn't make a promise, he was a bit unsure if the "trouble" Lynch was talking about was the kind of "trouble" that he recognized or not!